// MAIN COLORS $main_color: <%= options[:main_color] || "rgb(200,200,200)" %> $second_color: <%= options[:second_color] || "rgb(250,10,10)" %> $main_bg: white // DERIVED COLORS $title_color: darken($second_color, 5%) $text_color: darken($main_color, 50%) $link_color: darken($main_color, 45%) $main_bg_dark: darken($main_color, 5%) $header_bg: darken($main_color, 60%) $header_bg_soft: lighten($header_bg, 17%) $header_color: lighten($header_bg, 25%) $footer_color: $text_color $textbox_color: darken($second_color, 10%) //OTHERS $textbox_bg: #f5f5f5 //related to the textbox image $table_row_selection_color: rgb(255,255,210) $style_path: styles/<%= style_name %> * margin: 0 body font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial font-size: 18px background-color: $main_color color: $text_color a &:link, &:visited color: $link_color text-decoration: underline &:hover, &:active color: $second_color text-decoration: none img border: none div#header margin: 0px auto padding: 0 20px background-color: $header_bg background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , $header_bg, $header_bg_soft) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent color: $header_color border-bottom: 2px solid $title_color #app-title float: left margin: 0 h1 color: ligthen($title_color, 20%) a &:link, &:visited color: inherit text-decoration: none .subtitle color: $header_color font-size: 0.4em #session float: right font-size: 0.9em a &:link, &:visited color: $second_color &:hover, &:active color: $second_color text-decoration: none #user-navigation position: absolute right: 20px top: 0 div#wrapper margin: 20px div#container background-color: $main_bg padding: 1em 2em 3em 2em border: 1px solid $main_bg_dark -moz-border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 10px border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 10px //-webkit-border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 10px div#footer p color: $footer_color font-size: 0.8em text-align: center input, select, textarea background: $textbox_bg url($style_path + '/input_background_bn.png') repeat-x scroll 0 0 color: $textbox_color border: 1px solid darken($textbox_bg, 10%) -moz-border-radius: 6px border-radius: 6px font-size: 1.5em padding: 0.2em div.navigation width: 100% margin: 0 auto ul margin: 0 padding: 0 list-style-type: none li float: left &.primary ul li padding: 3px 10px /*border: 3px solid $primary_bg*/ -moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px/*Mozzilla Firefox*/ border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px/*Google chrome*/ margin-right: 5px background-color: darken($main_color, 20%) border-top: 1px solid darken($main_color, 10%) position: relative top: 0px &.active background-color: $main_color //border-top: 1px solid lighten($main_color, 10%) //font-weight: bold border-left: 2px solid $title_color border-right: 2px solid $title_color border-top: 2px solid $title_color top: 2px a &:link, &:visited, &:hover, &:active text-decoration: none &.secondary ul li padding: 3px 10px -moz-border-radius: 6px 6px 0px 0px/*Mozzilla Firefox*/ border-radius: 6px 6px 0px 0px/*Google chrome*/ margin-right: 4px background-color: darken($main_color, 20%) border-top: 1px solid darken($main_color, 10%) position: relative top: 1px &.active //border: 1px solid $main_bg_dark border-color: $main_bg_dark $main_bg_dark $main_bg border-width: 1px border-style: solid background-color: $main_bg font-weight: bold //border-bottom: 5px solid $main_bg a &:link, &:visited, &:hover, &:active text-decoration: none .focused border: 1px solid $second_color .button border: none cursor: pointer &.small font-size: 0.85em font-weight: bold color: $second_color height: 40px width: 150px background: transparent url($style_path + '/bg_but_gray.png') no-repeat &:hover background-position: 0px -40px &.medium font-size: 1.05em font-weight: bold color: $main_bg height: 63px width: 170px background: transparent url($style_path + '/button_170_126.png') no-repeat &:hover background-position: 0px -63px &.large font-size: 1.2em font-weight: bold color: $main_bg height: 85px width: 229px background: transparent url($style_path + '/button_229_170.png') no-repeat &:hover background-position: 0px -85px h1 color: $title_color font-weigth: bold margin-bottom: 0.3em h2 color: $main_color margin-bottom: 0.2em h3 color: lighten($main_color, 20%) margin-bottom: 0.15em .message padding: 15px padding-left: 70px margin: 10px 0 &.notice background: transparent url($style_path + '/msg_notice.gif') no-repeat 15px 50% border-color: #8FDC79 color: #5FAC49 &.alert background: transparent url($style_path + '/msg_error.gif') no-repeat 15px 50% border-color: #C00 color: #AA0 &.error background: #FFF url($style_path + '/msg_error.gif') no-repeat 15px 50% border-color: #C00 color: #C00 .filter-container padding-bottom: 8px .filter-field float: left padding: 4px form div.field padding: 5px 0 //input, select, textarea // font-size: 1.5em // padding: 0.2em //-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px $main_color /* Firefox */ //box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px $main_color /* Firefox */ //-moz-border-radius: 6px //border-radius: 6px div.actions padding: 10px //border: 1px dashed $main_color table.user width: 100% thead tr & :hover background-color: inherit th & :link, & :visited color: $title_color & :hover, & :active color: $text_color //background-color: $main_bg color: $title_color padding: 0.2em 0.4em text-align: left &.main font-weight: bold text-align: center & .sorted color: $text_color padding-right: 10px background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: right center & .asc background-image: url($style_path + '/arrow_up.png') & .desc background-image: url($style_path + '/arrow_down.png') tbody tr line-height: 1.2em height: 2.5em &.odd //background-color: $main_bg &.even background-color: darken($main_bg, 2%) &:hover background-color: $table_row_selection_color &.selected background-color: darken($table_row_selection_color, 20%) td padding: 2px color: lighten($text_color, 20%) .main color: $text_color font-weight:bold text-align:center .separator margin: 1em 0 border-bottom: 1px dashed lighten($second_color, 30%) //Navigation section #nav a display: block #nav td padding: 0 text-align: center .cur font-weight: bold .csb background: url($style_path + '/kaminari/nav.png') no-repeat overflow: hidden background-position: 0 0 height: 70px display: block .b font-weight: bold .fieldWithErrors display: inline #errorExplanation width: 400px border: 2px solid #CF0000 padding: 0px padding-bottom: 12px margin-bottom: 20px background-color: #f0f0f0 h2 text-align: left font-weight: bold padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px font-size: 12px margin: 0 background-color: #c00 color: #fff p color: #333 margin-bottom: 0 padding: 8px ul margin: 2px 24px li font-size: 12px list-style: disc .clear clear: both height: 0 overflow: hidden