require 'geo_calc/geo' require 'geo_calc/calc' # Sample usage: # p1 =, -0.0983) # p2 =, -0.0015) # dist = p1.distance_to(p2) # in km # brng = p1.bearing_to(p2) # in degrees clockwise from north # ... etc # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Note that minimal error checking is performed in this example code! # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class GeoPoint include GeoCalc::Calc::All # Creates a point on the earth's surface at the supplied latitude / longitude # # Constructor # - Numeric lat: latitude in numeric degrees # - Numeric lon: longitude in numeric degrees # - Numeric [rad=6371]: radius of earth if different value is required from standard 6,371km attr_reader :lat, :lon attr_accessor :radius def initialize *args rad = args.delete(args.size) if is_numeric?(args.last) && args.last.is_between?(6350, 6380) rad ||= 6371 # default case args.size when 1 create_from_one *args, rad when 2 create_from_two *args, rad else raise "GeoPoint must be initialized with either one or to arguments defining the (latitude, longitude) coordinate on the map" end end def unit :degrees end def lat= value @lat = value.to_lat end def lon= value @lon = value.to_lng end (Symbol.lng_symbols - [:lon]).each do |sym| class_eval %{ alias_method :#{sym}, :lon alias_method :#{sym}=, :lon= } end alias_method :to_lng, :lng (Symbol.lat_symbols - [:lat]).each do |sym| class_eval %{ alias_method :#{sym}, :lat alias_method :#{sym}=, :lat= } end alias_method :to_lat, :lat def [] key case key when Fixnum raise ArgumentError, "Index must be 0 or 1" if !(0..1).cover?(key) to_arr[key] when String, Symbol send(key) if respond_to? key else raise ArgumentError, "Key must be a Fixnum (index) or a method name" end end alias_method :to_dms, :to_s def reverse_point! = lat * -1 self.lng = lng * -1 self end def reverse_point self.dup.reverse_point! end def to_lat_lng [lat, lng] end def to_lng_lat [lng, lat] end def to_arr a = to_lat_lng reverse_arr? ? a.reverse : a end def reverse_arr? @reverse_arr end def reverse_arr! @reverse_arr = true end def normal_arr! @reverse_arr = false end protected include NumericCheckExt def create_from_one points, rad = 6371 create_from_two *points.to_lat_lng, rad end def create_from_two lat, lon, rad = 6371 rad ||= 6371 # earth's mean radius in km @lat = lat.to_lat @lon = lon.to_lng @radius = rad end end