require 'ripple/translation' require 'riak/cluster' require 'pp' namespace :riak do task :cluster_created => :rails_env do fail Ripple::Translator.t('cluster_not_created') unless cluster.exist? end desc "Starts the Riak cluster for the current environment" task :start => :cluster_created do cluster.start end desc "Stops the Riak cluster for the current environment" task :stop => :cluster_created do cluster.stop end desc "Creates a Riak cluster for the current environment in db/, e.g. db/development" task :create => :rails_env do cluster.create end desc "Destroys the generated Riak cluster for the current environment." task :destroy => ['rails_env', 'riak:stop'] do cluster.destroy end desc "Drops data only from the Riak cluster for the current environment." task :drop => :cluster_created do cluster.drop end namespace :create do desc "Creates Riak clusters for all environments defined in config/ripple.yml" task :all do load_config.each do |env, config| cluster(env.to_s, config).create end end end namespace :drop do desc "Drops data Riak clusters for all environments defined in config/ripple.yml" task :all do load_config.each do |env, config| c = cluster(env.to_s, config) warn Ripple::Translator.t('cluster_not_created') unless c.exist? c.drop end end end end def load_config file = Rails.root + "config/ripple.yml" raise Ripple::MissingConfiguration, file.to_s unless file.exist? YAML.load( end def cluster(environment=nil, config=nil) environment ||= Rails.env config ||= load_config[environment].with_indifferent_access root = Rails.root + "db" + environment.to_s # TODO: We need to deal with multiple hosts and client ports{ :root => root.to_s }.merge(config).with_indifferent_access) end