class Evil::Client # Defines a DSL to customize class-level settings of the specific client module DSL require_relative "dsl/operations" require_relative "dsl/scope" # Stack of default middleware before custom midleware and a connection # This stack cannot be modified DEFAULT_MIDDLEWARE = do run Middleware::MergeSecurity run Middleware::StringifyJson run Middleware::StringifyQuery run Middleware::NormalizeHeaders end # Adds [#operations] to a specific client's instances def self.extended(klass) klass.include Dry::Initializer.define -> { param :operations } end # Helper to define params and options a for a client's constructor # # @example # class MyClient < Evil::Client # end # # "", user: "bar", token: "baz" # # @param [Proc] block # @return [self] # def settings(&block) return self unless block schema[:settings] = { include Dry::Initializer.define(&block) } self end # Helper to define base url of the server # # @param [#to_s] value # @return [self] # def base_url(&block) return self unless block schema[:base_url] = block self end # Helper specify a connection to be used by a client # # @param [#to_sym] type (nil) # The specific type of connection. Uses NetHTTP by default. # @return [self] # def connection(type = nil, &block) schema[:connection] = Connection[type] schema[:middleware] = self end # Helper to declare operation, either default or specific # # @param [#to_sym] name (nil) # @param [Proc] block # @return [self] # def operation(name = nil, &block) schema[:operations].register(name, &block) self end # Helper to define scopes of the client's top-level DSL # # @param [#to_sym] name (:[]) # @param [Proc] block # @return [self] # def scope(name = :[], &block) klass =, &block) define_method(name) do |*args, **options|*args, __scope__: self, **options) end self end # Takes constructor arguments and builds a final schema for an instance # (All the instantiation magics goes here) # # @param [Object] *args # @return [Hash] # def new(*args) settings = schema[:settings].new(*args) base_url = schema[:base_url].call(settings) middleware = schema[:middleware].finalize(settings) operations = schema[:operations].finalize(settings) client = schema[:connection].new URI(base_url) connection = Middleware.prepend.(middleware.(Middleware.append.(client))) data = operations.each_with_object({}) do |(key, schema), hash| hash[key] = schema, connection end super(data) end private BASE_URL = -> (_) { fail "Base url is not defined" } def schema @schema ||= { settings:, base_url: BASE_URL, connection: Connection[nil], middleware:, operations: } end end end