module ActsAsMonitor module Monitor def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.send :extend, ClassMethods end # Class methods for the mixin module ClassMethods # defines the class method to inject monitor methods # #==Example # class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_monitor # ... # private # # def warn_test? # whatever you want that return true in a warning condition # end # # def error_test? # whatever you want that return true in an error condition # end def acts_as_monitor(options={}) extend ActsAsMonitor::Monitor::SingletonMethods include ActsAsMonitor::Monitor::InstanceMethods end end # Singleton methods for the mixin module SingletonMethods #Return records with status_flag of the given symbol (:red, :green, :yellow) def status_flag_equals(value) select {|p| p.status_flag == value.to_sym} end #Return records with status flag not equals to given symbol (:red, :green, :yellow) def status_flag_not_equals(value) select {|p| p.status_flag != value.to_sym} end end #Instance methods for the mixin module InstanceMethods #Used to have full status description # # {:wan => [wan_name1?, ...], :error => [error_name1?...]} #where warn_name1? and error_name1? are private instance method defined in the monitored model def status search = /^(warn|error)_.*\?/ out = {:warn => [], :error => []} methods = self.private_methods methods += self.methods methods ={|m| m.match(search) }.compact methods.each do |method| out[method[1].to_sym] << method[0].gsub("?","").to_sym if send(method[0]) end out end #Used to have a quick status of the model #* :red => Errors #* :yellow => Warnings #* :green => Nornal status def status_flag st = status return :red unless st[:error].blank? return :yellow unless st[:warn].blank? return :green end end end end require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActsAsMonitor::Monitor