module AppleTvConverter class CommandLine def initialize(*args) @skip_subtitles = false @skip_metadata = false @skip_cleanup = false begin options = parse_arguments(args) media_objects = converter = media_objects.sort { |a, b| a.original_filename <=> b.original_filename }.each_with_index do |media, index| puts "---[ Processing file #{index + 1} of #{media_objects.length}: #{File.basename(media.original_filename)} ]----------------" converter.process_media media end rescue ArgumentError => e puts "Error: #{e.message}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.message}" puts e.backtrace end end private def parse_arguments(arguments) require 'optparse' require 'optparse/time' require 'ostruct' options = options.skip_transcoding = false options.skip_subtitles = false options.skip_metadata = false options.skip_cleanup = false options.add_to_itunes = false options.skip_online_metadata = false options.plex_format = false options.interactive = true options.imdb_id = nil options.languages = [] = [] opts = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: apple-tv-converter [options] [file]\n" + " [file] must be provided unless the -d (--dir) switch is present.\n" opts.on('-i', '--id id', "Set a specific id for fetching metadata from online services") do |id| options.imdb_id = id end opts.on('-l', '--languages eng,por,...', Array, "Only keep audio and subtitles in the specified languages") do |languages| options.languages.push *languages # If filtering by languages, always include the undetermined language options.languages.push 'und' unless options.languages.include?('und') end opts.on('-d', '--dir DIRECTORY', 'Process all files in DIRECTORY recursively') do |dir| raise"Path not found: #{dir}") unless File.exists?(dir) raise"Path is not a directory: #{dir}") unless found_files = Dir[File.join(dir, '**', '*')].delete_if do |f| # Skip files with subtitle or ignored extensions, or directories || [AppleTvConverter::Media.subtitle_extensions + AppleTvConverter::Media.ignored_extensions].flatten.include?(File.extname(f).gsub(/\./, '').downcase) end *( do |file| parse_filename(file) end.compact) end opts.on('--itunes', "Add processed file to iTunes library, if it isn't present yet") do |i| options.add_to_itunes = true end opts.on('--os', "Download subtitles and infer IMDB ID from") do |i| options.download_subtitles = true end opts.on('--plex', 'Rename file(s) to Plex Media Server recommended format') do options.plex_format = true options.skip_online_metadata = false end opts.separator "" opts.on('--no-transcoding', "Don't transcode video or audio") do |v| options.skip_transcoding = true end opts.on('--no-subtitles', "Don't add subtitles") do |v| options.skip_subtitles = true end opts.on('--no-metadata', "Don't add metadata (implies --no-online-metadata)") do |m| options.skip_metadata = true end opts.on('--no-online-metadata', "Don't fetch metadata from online services (IMDB or TheTVDB)") do |m| options.skip_online_metadata = true end opts.on('--no-interactive', "Perform all operations without user intervention, using sensible defaults") do |m| options.interactive = false end opts.on('--no-cleanup', "Don't cleanup the source files after processing") do |c| options.skip_cleanup = true end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Other options:" opts.on('-f', '--ffmpeg LOCATION', 'Set path to ffmpeg binary') do |f| FFMPEG.ffmpeg_binary = f end opts.separator "" opts.separator "DEPRECATED options:" opts.on('--imdb', "Gather data from IMDB (optionally specifying movie id)") do puts "Warning: Switch --imdb is DEPRECATED, and will be removed in a future version. It is now activated by default" puts " If you want to specify an id, please use the switch --id." end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" # No argument, shows at tail. This will print an options summary. # Try it and see! opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end # Another typical switch to print the version. opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do puts AppleTvConverter::VERSION exit end end opts.parse! arguments *( { |file| parse_filename(file) }.compact) raise"No media file supplied") unless return options end def parse_filename(file) begin return nil unless # match # [0] - Full string # [1] - Show name begin e = # Extract name (check if the folder name is Season XX, and use the parent folder name if it is) test_path = File.basename(File.dirname(file)) =~ /^season\s*\d+/i ? File.dirname(File.dirname(file)) : File.dirname(file) match = test_path.match(/.*\/(.*?)(?:S(\d+))?$/i) = match[1].strip # Extract season and media number match = File.basename(file).match(/.*?S(\d+)E(\d+)(?:(?:[-E]+(\d+))*).*?/i) # /.*?S(\d+)E(\d+)(?:(?:[-E]+(\d+))*).*?/ -> S00E01, S00E01(E02)+, S00E01(-E02)+, S00E01(-02)+ if match e.season = match[1].to_i e.number = match[2].to_i e.last_number = match[3].to_i if match[3] else match = File.basename(file).match(/(\d+)x(\d+)(?:(?:_?(?:\1)x(\d+))*)/i) # /(\d+)x(\d+)(?:(?:_?(?:\1)x(\d+))*)/ -> 0x01, 0x01(_0x02)+ , assuming same season number (0x01_1x02 fails!) if match e.season = match[1].to_i e.number = match[2].to_i e.last_number = match[3].to_i if match[3] end end e.original_filename = file return e rescue => exc puts "Couldn't parse filename, skipping: #{File.basename(file)}" return nil end rescue Errno::ENOENT puts "File not found: #{file}" rescue Exception => e puts e exit! end end end end