# frozen_string_literal: true class Pry class Inspector MAP = { "default" => { value: Pry.config.print, description: <<-DESCRIPTION.each_line.map(&:lstrip!) The default Pry inspector. It has paging and color support, and uses pretty_inspect when printing an object. DESCRIPTION }, "simple" => { value: proc do |output, value| begin output.puts value.inspect rescue RescuableException output.puts "unknown" end end, description: <<-DESCRIPTION.each_line.map(&:lstrip) A simple inspector that uses #puts and #inspect when printing an object. It has no pager, color, or pretty_inspect support. DESCRIPTION }, "clipped" => { value: proc do |output, value| output.puts Pry.view_clip(value, id: true) end, description: <<-DESCRIPTION.each_line.map(&:lstrip) The clipped inspector has the same features as the 'simple' inspector but prints large objects as a smaller string. DESCRIPTION } }.freeze end end