class CmsLayout < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree # -- Relationships -------------------------------------------------------- belongs_to :cms_site has_many :cms_pages, :dependent => :nullify # -- Validations ---------------------------------------------------------- validates :cms_site_id, :presence => true validates :label, :presence => true validates :slug, :presence => true, :uniqueness => { :scope => :cms_site_id }, :format => { :with => /^\w[a-z0-9_-]*$/i } validates :content, :presence => true validate :content_tag_presence # -- Class Methods -------------------------------------------------------- # Tree-like structure for layouts def self.options_for_select(cms_site, cms_layout = nil, current_layout = nil, depth = 0, spacer = '. . ') out = [] [current_layout || cms_site.cms_layouts.roots].flatten.each do |layout| next if cms_layout == layout out << [ "#{spacer*depth}#{layout.label}", ] layout.children.each do |child| out += options_for_select(cms_site, cms_layout, child, depth + 1, spacer) end end return out.compact end # List of available application layouts def self.app_layouts_for_select Dir.glob(File.expand_path('app/views/layouts/*.html.*', Rails.root)).collect do |filename| match = filename.match(/\w*.html.\w*$/) app_layout = match && match[0] app_layout.to_s[0...1] == '_' ? nil : app_layout end.compact end # Attempting to initialize layout object from yaml file that is found in config.seed_data_path def self.load_from_file(site, slug) return nil if ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.seed_data_path.blank? file_path = "#{ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.seed_data_path}/#{site.hostname}/layouts/#{slug}.yml" return nil unless File.exists?(file_path) attributes = YAML.load_file(file_path).symbolize_keys! attributes[:parent] = CmsLayout.load_from_file(site, attributes[:parent]) attributes[:cms_site] = site new(attributes) end # Wrapper around load_from_file and find_by_slug # returns layout object if loaded / found def self.load_for_slug!(site, slug) if ComfortableMexicanSofa.configuration.seed_data_path load_from_file(site, slug) else site.cms_layouts.find_by_slug(slug) end || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "CmsLayout with slug: #{slug} cannot be found") end # Non-blowing-up version of the method above def self.load_for_slug(site, slug) load_for_slug!(site, slug) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound nil end # -- Instance Methods ----------------------------------------------------- # magical merging tag is {cms:page:content} If parent layout has this tag # defined its content will be merged. If no such tag found, parent content # is ignored. def merged_content if parent regex = /\{\{\s*cms:page:content:?(?:(?::text)|(?::rich_text))?\s*\}\}/ if parent.merged_content.match(regex) parent.merged_content.gsub(regex, content) else content end else content end end def merged_css self.parent ? [self.parent.merged_css, self.css].join("\n") : self.css.to_s end def merged_js self.parent ? [self.parent.merged_js, self.js].join("\n") : self.js.to_s end protected def content_tag_presence CmsTag.process_content((test_page =, content) if{|t| t.class.superclass == CmsBlock}.blank? self.errors.add(:content, 'No cms page tags defined') end end end