require 'helper' describe OAuth2 do let(:application) { 'client-id', 'client-secret', site: '' } let(:json_token) { MultiJson.load fixture('oauth2/token.json').read } let(:token) { OAuth2::AccessToken.from_hash application, json_token } let(:lelylan) { token: token } let(:headers) { { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{token.token}" } } let(:redirect_uri) { '' } context 'with not expired token' do before { stub_get('/devices/1').with(headers: headers).to_return(body: fixture('device.json')) } before { lelylan.device('1') } it 'adds the oauth2 token in the header' do a_get('/devices/1').with(headers: headers).should have_been_made end end context 'with expired token' do let(:refresh_uri) { '' } let(:refresh_headers) { { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } } let(:refresh_token) { MultiJson.load fixture('oauth2/refresh.json').read } let(:headers) { { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{refresh_token['access_token']}" } } let(:refresh_body) {{ client_id: 'client-id', client_secret: 'client-secret', grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: token.refresh_token }} before { stub_post(refresh_uri).with(body: refresh_body).to_return(headers: refresh_headers, body: refresh_token) } before { stub_get('/devices/1').with(headers: headers).to_return(body: fixture('device.json')) } before { token.instance_variable_set '@expires_at', 0 } it 'expires token' do token.expired?.should == true end it 'refreshes token' do expect{ lelylan.device('1') }.to change{ lelylan.token.token } end end end