class AuthController < ApplicationController def login unless session_get_user.blank? flash[:notice] = "" redirect_to(top_url) return end @display_type = DISPLAY_TYPE_SIMPLE if begin user = User.authenticate(params[:id], params[:password]) raise if user.blank? session_set_user(user) Log.create(:user_id =>, :action => action_name) redirect_to(top_url) rescue => e[:notice] = t(:error_login) Log.create(:user_id => 0, :action => action_name, :error => params[:id] + " " + t(:error_login) + " " + e.message) end end end def logout begin user = session[:user_id] Log.create(:user_id =>, :action => action_name) unless user.blank? rescue end session_reset redirect_to(root_url) end def password @display_type = DISPLAY_TYPE_SIMPLE @user = User.find(session[:user_id]) end def change @display_type = DISPLAY_TYPE_SIMPLE begin @user = User.find(params[:user][:id]) # redirect_to(:action => :password, :id => and return unless updated? if request.put? @user.attributes=params[:user] if params[:user][:password] != params[:user][:password_confirmation] flash[:notice] = t(:error_pwd_match); render :action => :password, :status => 400 and return end if User.authenticate( @user.account, params[:user][:password_required] ).blank? flash[:notice] = t(:error_login) render :action => :password, :status => 400 and return end User.transaction do @update_flag =! flash[:notice] = t(:success_updated, :id => end end rescue render :action => :password, :status => 400 and return end render :action => :password end def open_close session_set_msg_opn(params[:flag]) render :text => "" and return end protected def authorize end end