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title:  mrflip.github.com/wukong - Using Wukong and Wuclan, Part 3 - Parsing
collapse: false

h1. Using Wukong and Wuclan - Parsing

In part 1 we begain a scraper to trawl our desired part of the social web. Now
we're ready to start using Wukong to process the files.

Files come off the wire as

    :url	:scraped_at	:response_code	:response_message	:contents
    String      DateTime (flat) Integer          String                 String (JSON-formatted, tab&newline-munged)

The contents field is a JSON-formatted mix of records:

* TwitterFollowersRequest and TwitterFriendsRequest yield an @Array[Hash{user => raw_tweet}]@. We want to extract a stream of AFollowsB (with the request user as user_a for a friends request and user_b for a followers request) along with the included Tweet, TwitterUser, TwitterUserProfile and TwitterUserStyle records.
* TwitterFavoritesRequest yields an array of @Array[Hash{tweet_hash => user_hash}]. We want to extract a stream of AFavoritesB along with the included Tweet, TwitterUser, TwitterUserProfile and TwitterUserStyle records
* TwitterUser yields a single @user_hash@ making one each of TwitterUser, TwitterUserProfile and TwitterUserStyle.
* UserTimelineRequest and PublicTimelineRequest yield an Array[Hash{tweet => user}]. We want to extract the included Tweet, TwitterUser, TwitterUserProfile and TwitterUserStyle records.
* TwitterFollowerIdsRequest and TwitterFriendIdsRequest return an Array[user_ids] (each user_id is a simple Integer). We extract a series of AFollowsB (using the request's user_id as user_a_id or user_b_id)

We want to split each API response into a stream of those TwitterUser, Tweet, etc. records.

# Stream in each line (each line holds one request)
# turn the line into the corresponding TwitterRequest
# have the TwitterRequest parse its JSON contents and construct the TwitterUser, Tweet, etc.
# seriealize those records back out as tab-separated lines suitable for further processing with Wukong

h4. The basics of StructStreamer

Wukong handles the first and last steps through its StructStreamer and the standard .to_flat method. So the actual structure is really simple:

        # Instantiate each incoming request.
        # Stream out the contained classes it generates.
        class TwitterRequestParser < Wukong::Streamer::StructStreamer
          def process request
            request.parse do |obj|
              yield obj

        # This makes the script go.
        Wukong::Script.new(TwitterRequestParser, nil).run

In practice, all you need to know is that a StructStreamer gets a stream of objects to parse.  Here's an outline of its internals. The Wukong StructStreamer:

# takes each flattened line:

    "twitter_friends_request	http://.... 	20090701123456	...fields...	[{...}, {...}, ...json..., {...}]"

# splits by tabs to create an array of fields

    ["twitter_friends_request", "http://...", ... "[{...}, {...}, ...json..., {...}]"]

# constructs the class name indicated in the first field,
  using the values extracted from the remaining fields.

    TwitterFriendsRequest.new "http://...", "20090701123456", ... "[{...}, {...}, ...json..., {...}]"

The last (contents) field is still just a string: there's nothing special about it to Wukong.

h4. Parsing

Since each requests' contents are handled in a slightly (and brittle-ly) different manner, we just ask each request object to parse itself and feed out all the TwitterXXXX objects it generates.

    class TwitterFollowersRequest
        # ...

        def parse &block
          return unless healthy?
          # for each raw user/tweet pair in the parsed JSON contents,
          parsed_contents.each do |hsh|
            json_obj = JsonUserWithTweet.new(hsh, 'scraped_at' => scraped_at)
            next unless json_obj && json_obj.healthy?
            # Extract user, tweet and relationship
            yield AFollowsB.new(json_obj.user.id, self.twitter_user_id) if json_obj.user
        # ...

The TwitterXXXRequest objects consist of one or many hashes with (a raw user hash, and possibly its latest raw tweet hash) or (a raw tweet hash and its raw user hash).  The user hash might have only the fields for a TwitterPartialUser or it might have the fields for a full set of TwitterUser, TwitterUserProfile, TwitterUserStyle. Besides which, the fields themselves need some massaging to be compatible with Wukong and other tools in our Map/Reduce toolkit (details explained in a later section).

The fiddly little details are handled by a JsonUserWithTweet or JsonTweetWithUser (as appropriate) adapter pattern:

    class JsonUserTweetPair
      def initialize raw, moreinfo
        # clean up fields in entries (flatten date, true/false -> 1/0, etc)

      # generate all the contained TwitterXXX objects
      def each

      # create TwitterUser object from raw info
      def user
      # create Tweet object from raw tweet hash
      def tweet
      # ... and so forth
I'll ignore the gory details; view the source if you're interested.

h4. Running the script

Here, again, is the code (in full!) for the twitter_request_parser.rb script.

    # Instantiate each incoming request.
    # Stream out the contained classes it generates.
    class TwitterRequestParser < Wukong::Streamer::StructStreamer
      def process request
        request.parse do |obj|
          yield obj

    # This makes the script go.
    Wukong::Script.new(TwitterRequestParser, nil).run

That last line is the runner: it makes this a Wukong script with a map phase only.  (We'll add in a reducer later on.)