# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require 'benchmark' require 'jruby' require 'monitor' require 'ostruct' require 'rbconfig' require 'thread' require 'buildr/core/application_cli' module Buildr #:nodoc: module Nailgun extend self attr_reader :ng @ng ||= OpenStruct.new VERSION = '0.7.1' NAME = "nailgun-#{VERSION}" URL = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/nailgun/#{NAME}.zip" ARTIFACT_SPEC = "com.martiansoftware:nailgun:jar:#{VERSION}" # Paths used to initialize a buildr runtime BUILDR_PATHS = [File.expand_path('../', File.dirname(__FILE__)), File.expand_path('../../lib', File.dirname(__FILE__))] HELP = <<-HELP.strip.gsub(/ *\n +/, "\n ") NailGun is a client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from the command line without incurring the JVM startup overhead. Nailgun integration is currently available only when running Buildr with JRuby. Buildr provides a custom nailgun server, allowing you to start a single JVM and let buildr create a queue of runtimes. These JRuby runtimes can be cached (indexed by buildfile path) and are automatically reloaded when the buildfile has been modified. Runtime caching allows you to execute tasks without spending time creating the buildr environment. Some nailgun tasks have been provided to manage the cached runtimes. To start the buildr server execute the following task: nailgun:start Server output will display a message when it becomes ready, you will also see messages when the JRuby runtimes are being created, or when a new buildr environment is being loaded on them. After the runtime queues have been populated, you can start calling buildr as you normally do, by invoking the $NAILGUN_HOME/ng binary: # on another terminal, change directory to a project. # if this project is the same nailgun:start was invoked on, it's # runtime has been cached, so no loading is performed unless # the buildfile has been modified. otherwise the buildfile # will be loaded on a previously loaded fresh-buildr runtime # and it will be cached. cd /some/buildr/project ng nailgun:help # display nailgun help ng nailgun:tasks # display overview of ng tasks ng clean compile # just invoke those two tasks Configuration and Environment Variables. Before starting the server, buildr will check if you have nailgun already installed by seeking the nailgun jar under $NAILGUN_HOME You can override this environment variable to tell buildr where to find or where to install nailgun. If missing, NAILGUN_HOME defaults to the $JRUBY_HOME/tool/nailgun directory. Buildr will also check that the nailgun client binary (ng.exe for Windows systems, ng otherwise) is installed on NAILGUN_HOME. If no binary is found, buildr will download nailgun and compile+install it. The buildr server binds itself to localhost, port 2113. You can override this when starting the nailgun server: buildr nailgun:start[4444,] If you provided custom host/port settings you need to tell the nailgun client where to connect: ng --nailgun-server --nailgun-port 4444 nailgun:tasks The buildr server starts a RuntimeFactory responsible for providing a pool of preloaded Buildr runtimes ready for task execution. You can provide a third argument to the nailgun:start task, to set the buildr queue size. You may want to increase this value if you need to load many buildfiles on the same server. Execute nailgun:tasks get an overview of available nailgun tasks. HELP private # Returns the path to JRUBY_HOME. def jruby_home ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] || Config::CONFIG['prefix'] end # Returns the path to NAILGUN_HOME. def nailgun_home ENV['NAILGUN_HOME'] || File.expand_path('tool/nailgun', jruby_home) end def tmp_path(*paths) File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'nailgun', *paths) end file_tasks = lambda do dist_zip = Buildr.download(tmp_path(NAME + '.zip') => URL) dist_dir = Buildr.unzip(tmp_path(NAME) => dist_zip) nailgun_jar = file(tmp_path(NAME, NAME, NAME + '.jar')) ng.artifact = Buildr.artifact(ARTIFACT_SPEC).from(nailgun_jar) unless File.exist?(nailgun_jar.to_s) nailgun_jar.enhance [dist_dir] end compiled_bin = file(tmp_path(NAME, NAME, 'ng' + Config::CONFIG['EXEEXT']) => dist_dir.target) do |task| unless task.to_s.pathmap('%x') == '.exe' Dir.chdir(task.to_s.pathmap('%d')) do info "Compiling #{task.to_s}" system('make', task.to_s.pathmap('%f')) or fail "Nailgun binary compilation failed." end end end ng.installed_bin = file(File.expand_path(compiled_bin.to_s.pathmap('%f'), nailgun_home) => compiled_bin) do |task| mkpath task.to_s.pathmap('%d'), :verbose => false cp compiled_bin.to_s, task.to_s, :verbose => false end end # file_tasks server_tasks = lambda do desc 'Start the nailgun server' task('start', :port, :iface, :queue_size) do |task, args| [ng.installed_bin, ng.artifact].map(&:invoke) iface = args[:iface].to_s.empty? ? '' : args[:iface] port = args[:port].to_s.empty? ? 2113 : args[:port].to_i queue_size = args[:queue_size].to_s.empty? ? 3 : args[:queue_size].to_i fail "Already running on Nailgun server: #{ng.server || ng.nail}" if ng.server || ng.client info 'Booting Buildr nailgun server...' top_level = Buildr.application.instance_eval { @top_level_tasks.dup } top_level.delete_if { |t| t[/nailgun/] } unless top_level.empty? raise 'Don\'t specify more targets when starting Nailgun server: #{top_level}' end ng.server_setup.call factory = RuntimeFactory.new(queue_size, queue_size) ng.server = NGServer.new(iface, port, factory) ng.server.start end desc 'Show nailgun help' task('help') do info HELP exit(0) end desc 'List nailgun tasks' task('tasks') do task_hash = Buildr.application.instance_variable_get(:@tasks) tasks = task_hash.keys.select { |k| k =~ /^nailgun:/ } width = [tasks.map { |t| task_hash[t].name_with_args.size }, 20].flatten.max tasks.each do |name| task = task_hash[name] title = task.name_with_args comment = task.full_comment info comment.empty? ? title : (" %-#{width}s # %s" % [title, comment]) end exit(0) end desc 'List currently cached runtimes' task('list') do if Nailgun.ng.server Nailgun.ng.server.cached_stamps.each_pair do |bf, time| loaded = Nailgun.ng.server.loaded_times[bf] ary = [bf, "Load Timestamp", loaded, "Modification Timestamp", time] info("* %s\n %-25s %s\n %-25s %s\n\n" % ary) end else info "Not running on nailgun server" end exit(0) end desc 'Remove all cached runtimes' task('clear') do if Nailgun.ng.server Nailgun.ng.server.cached_runtimes.clear Nailgun.ng.server.cached_stamps.clear Nailgun.ng.server.loaded_times.clear info "Cleared all cached runtimes" else info "Not running on nailgun server" end exit(0) end desc 'Remove runtime for this buildfile' task('delete', :buildfile) do |task, args| if Nailgun.ng.server if args[:buildfile] buildfile = File.expand_path(args[:buildfile]) else buildfile = Buildr.application.buildfile.to_s end Nailgun.ng.server.cached_runtimes.delete(buildfile) Nailgun.ng.server.cached_stamps.delete(buildfile) Nailgun.ng.server.loaded_times.delete(buildfile) info "Deleted #{buildfile} from runtime cache" else info "Not running on nailgun server" end exit(0) end end # server_tasks # Load java classes on server side. ng.server_setup = lambda do module Util include Buildr::Util end Util.add_to_sysloader ng.artifact.to_s Util.add_to_sysloader File.dirname(__FILE__) class NGClient include org.apache.buildr.BuildrNail include Client end class NGServer < com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGServer include Server end end # server_setup module Util extend self def add_to_sysloader(path) sysloader = java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader add_url_method = java.lang.Class.forName('java.net.URLClassLoader'). getDeclaredMethod('addURL', [java.net.URL.java_class].to_java(java.lang.Class)) add_url_method.setAccessible(true) add_url_method.invoke(sysloader, [java.io.File.new(path).toURI.toURL].to_java(java.net.URL)) end def benchmark(action = ['Completed'], verbose = true) result = nil times = Benchmark.measure do result = yield(action) end if verbose real = [] real << ("%ih" % (times.real / 3600)) if times.real >= 3600 real << ("%im" % ((times.real / 60) % 60)) if times.real >= 60 real << ("%.3fs" % (times.real % 60)) trace "#{[action].flatten.join(' ')} in #{real.join}" end result end def find_file(pwd, candidates, nosearch=false) candidates = [candidates].flatten buildfile = candidates.find { |c| File.file?(File.expand_path(c, pwd)) } return File.expand_path(buildfile, pwd) if buildfile return nil if nosearch updir = File.dirname(pwd) return nil if File.expand_path(updir) == File.expand_path(pwd) find_file(updir, candidates) end def exception_handling(raise_again = true, show_error = true) begin yield rescue => e if show_error error "#{e.backtrace.shift}: #{e.message}" e.backtrace.each { |i| error "\tfrom #{i}" } end raise if raise_again end end # invoke a java constructor def ctor(on_class, *args) parameters = [] classes = [] args.each do |obj| case obj when nil classes.push(nil) parameters.push(nil) when Hash vclass = obj.keys.first value = obj[vclass] classes.push(vclass.java_class) parameters.push(value) else parameters.push obj classes.push obj.class.java_class end end on_class = [on_class.java_class].to_java(java.lang.Class)[0] ctor = on_class.getDeclaredConstructor(classes.to_java(java.lang.Class)) ctor.setAccessible(true) ctor.newInstance(parameters.to_java(java.lang.Object)) end def on_runtime(runtime, *args, &block) raise_error = lambda do |cls, msg, trace| raise RuntimeError.new(cls + ": "+ msg.to_s).tap { |e| e.set_backtrace(trace.map(&:to_s)) } end executor = runtime.object.const_get(:Module).new do extend self def runtime_exec(*args, &prc) define_method(:runtime_exec, &prc) runtime_exec(*args) rescue => e [:error, e.class.name, e.message, e.backtrace] end end result = executor.runtime_exec(*args, &block) raise_error.call(*result[1..-1]) if result.kind_of?(Array) && result.first == :error result end def set_stdio(runtime, dev) set_global = lambda do |global, constant, stream| runtime.global_variables.set(global, stream) runtime.object.send(:remove_const, constant) runtime.object.send(:const_set, constant, stream) end stdin = runtime.global_variables.get('$stdin') stdout = runtime.global_variables.get('$stdout') stderr = runtime.global_variables.get('$stderr') #stdin.close; stdout.close; stderr.close; output = Util.ctor(org.jruby.RubyIO, runtime, java.io.OutputStream => dev.out) error = Util.ctor(org.jruby.RubyIO, runtime, java.io.OutputStream => dev.err) input = Util.ctor(org.jruby.RubyIO, runtime, java.io.InputStream => dev.in) #stdin.reopen(input, 'r') # not working on jruby, :( #stdout.reopen(output, 'w') #stderr.reopen(error, 'w') set_global.call('$stdin', 'STDIN', input) set_global.call('$stdout', 'STDOUT', output) set_global.call('$stderr', 'STDERR', error) end end # module Util class FieldAccessor def initialize(obj, clazz = nil) @obj = obj clazz ||= obj.class @cls = [clazz.java_class].to_java(java.lang.Class)[0] end def [](name) field = @cls.getDeclaredField(name.to_s) field.setAccessible(true) field.get(@obj) end def []=(name, value) field = @cls.getDeclaredField(name.to_s) field.setAccessible(true) field.set(@obj, value) end def method_missing(name, value =nil) if name.to_s =~ /=$/ self[name.to_s.chomp('=')] = value else self[name] end end end module NailMethods def self.extend_object(obj) super (class << obj; self; end).module_eval do alias_method :pwd, :getWorkingDirectory alias_method :server, :getNGServer end end def argv [command] + args end def attach_runtime(runtime) runtime.extend RuntimeMixin runtime.evalScriptlet %q{ require 'ostruct' module Buildr module Nailgun extend self attr_reader :ng @ng = OpenStruct.new end end } runtime.Buildr::Nailgun.ng.nail = self runtime.load_service.require __FILE__ runtime end private :attach_runtime def jruby @jruby ||= server.runtime_factory.new_jruby.tap do |runtime| attach_runtime(runtime) end end def buildr @buildr ||= server.runtime_factory.new_buildr.tap do |runtime| attach_runtime(runtime) end end def options @options ||= OpenStruct.new end end # NailMethods module RuntimeMixin def Buildr object.const_get(:Buildr) end end module AppMixin def load_tasks trace "Not loading tasks again" end def load_buildfile trace "Not loading buildfile again" end end module Client class << self include Buildr::CommandLineInterface def options Nailgun.ng.nail.options end def rakefiles Nailgun.ng.nail.options.rakefiles end def requires Nailgun.ng.nail.options.requires end def help super puts puts 'To get a summary of Nailgun features use' puts ' nailgun:help' end def version puts super end def do_option(opt, value) case opt when '--help' options.exit = :help when '--version' options.exit = :version when '--nosearch' options.nosearch = true else super end end def sBuildr Nailgun.ng.nail.server.runtime.object.const_get(:Buildr) end def attach_runtime nail = Nailgun.ng.nail ARGV.replace nail.argv Dir.chdir nail.pwd nail.env.each { |k, v| ENV[k.to_s] = v.to_s } Buildr.const_set(:VERSION, sBuildr::VERSION) unless Buildr.const_defined?(:VERSION) nail.options.rakefiles = sBuildr::Application::DEFAULT_BUILDFILES.dup nail.options.requires = [] end def client(runtime, nail, &block) Util.set_stdio(runtime, nail) nailgun_module = runtime.Buildr::Nailgun nailgun_module.ng.nail = nail nailgun_module::Client.attach_runtime nailgun_module::Client.instance_eval(&block) end end def main(nail) nail.extend NailMethods info "Got connection from #{nail.pwd}" Client.client(nail.jruby, nail) do parse_options if options.exit send(options.exit) nail.exit(0) end if options.project && File.directory?(options.project) Dir.chdir(options.project) end bf = Util.find_file(Dir.pwd, options.rakefiles, options.nosearch) unless bf nail.out.println "No buildfile found at #{Dir.pwd}" nail.exit(0) end rt = nail.server.cached_runtimes[bf] old_stamp = nail.server.cached_stamps[bf] || Rake::EARLY new_stamp = rt ? rt.Buildr.application.buildfile.timestamp : Rake::EARLY if rt.nil? || new_stamp > old_stamp rt = nail.buildr app = rt.Buildr.application app.instance_variable_set(:@rakefile, bf) nail.out.println "Currently nailgun has issues reloading buildfiles, will get fixed in next release." nail.out.println "Restart your nailgun server." return nail.exit(1) else app = rt.Buildr.application.extend AppMixin app.lookup('buildr:initialize').instance_eval do @already_invoked = false @actions = [] end app.instance_eval do @tasks.values.each do |task| is_project = rt.Buildr::Project.instance_variable_get(:@projects).key?(task.name) task.instance_variable_set(:@already_invoked, false) unless is_project end end end app.instance_eval do @original_dir = nail.pwd end Client.client(rt, nail) do Util.exception_handling do begin app.parse_options app.collect_tasks app.run rescue SystemExit => e nail.exit(1) end end end nail.server.cache(rt, app.buildfile) end end end # class Client module Server attr_reader :runtime_factory attr_reader :cached_runtimes attr_reader :cached_stamps attr_reader :loaded_times def initialize(host = 'localhost', port = 2113, buildr_factory = nil) super(java.net.InetAddress.get_by_name(host), port) @cached_runtimes = {} @cached_stamps = {} @loaded_times = {} cache(runtime, Buildr.application.buildfile) @runtime_factory = buildr_factory @host, @port = host, port end def cache(runtime, buildfile) cached_runtimes[buildfile.to_s] = runtime cached_stamps[buildfile.to_s] = buildfile.timestamp loaded_times[buildfile.to_s] = Time.now end def runtime JRuby.runtime.extend RuntimeMixin end def start self.allow_nails_by_class_name = false NGClient::Main.nail = NGClient.new self.default_nail_class = NGClient::Main runtime_factory.start @thread = java.lang.Thread.new(self) @thread.setName(to_s) @thread.start sleep 1 while getPort == 0 info "#{self} Started." end def stop runtime_factory.stop @thread.kill end def to_s self.class.name+'('+[Buildr.application.version, @host, @port].join(', ')+')' end end # module Server class RuntimeFactory attr_accessor :buildrs_size, :jrubys_size def initialize(buildrs_size = 1, jrubys_size = nil) # jrubys_size ||= buildrs_size @buildrs_size = buildrs_size < 1 ? 1 : buildrs_size # @jrubys_size = jrubys_size < 1 ? 1 : jrubys_size @buildrs = [].extend(MonitorMixin) @buildrs_ready = @buildrs.new_cond @buildrs_needed = @buildrs.new_cond @buildrs_creators = [].extend(MonitorMixin) # @jrubys = [].extend(MonitorMixin) # @jrubys_ready = @jrubys.new_cond # @jrubys_needed = @jrubys.new_cond # @jrubys_creators = [].extend(MonitorMixin) end def new_buildr get(:buildr) end def new_jruby(&block) # get(:jruby) create_jruby(0, &block) end def start trace "Starting Buildr runtime factory" # @jruby_creator = Thread.new { loop { create :jruby } } # @jruby_creator.priority = -2 @buildr_creator = Thread.new { loop { create :buildr } } @buildr_creator.priority = 1 end def stop @buildr_creator.kill if @buildr_creator # @jruby_creator.kill if @jruby_creator end private def get(thing) collection = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s") needs = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_needed") ready = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_ready") result = nil collection.synchronize do if collection.empty? trace "no #{thing} available, ask to create more" needs.broadcast trace "should be creating #{thing}" ready.wait_while { collection.empty? } end trace "Getting my #{thing}" result = collection.shift trace "would need more #{thing}s" needs.broadcast trace "got my #{thing}: #{result.inspect}" Thread.pass end trace "returning #{result.inspect}" result end def create(thing, *args, &block) Util.exception_handling do creator = needed(thing) collection = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s") ready = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_ready") needs = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_needed") unless creator collection.synchronize do trace "awake those wanting a #{thing}" ready.broadcast Thread.pass trace "wait until more #{thing}s are needed" # needs.wait(1); return needs.wait_until { creator = needed(thing) } end end trace "About to create #{thing} # #{creator}" method = "create_#{thing}" creators = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_creators") trace "registering creator for #{thing} #{creator}" creators.synchronize { creators << creator } result = send(method, creator, *args, &block) trace "created #{thing}[#{creator}] => #{result.inspect}" creators.synchronize do trace "unregistering creator for #{thing} #{creator}" creators.delete(creator) collection.synchronize do trace "adding object on queue for #{thing} #{creator}" collection << result end end end end def needed(thing) collection = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s") creators = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_creators") size = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_size") collection.synchronize do count = collection.size if count < size count += creators.synchronize { creators.size } end count if count < size end end def create_jruby(creator, &block) Util.exception_handling do trace "Creating jruby[#{creator}]" Util.benchmark do |header| cfg = org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.new yield cfg if block_given? jruby = org.jruby.Ruby.newInstance(cfg) jruby.load_service.load_path.unshift *BUILDR_PATHS header.replace ["Created jruby[#{creator}]", jruby] jruby end end end def create_buildr(creator) Util.exception_handling do trace "Obtaining jruby to load buildr[#{creator}] on it" jruby = new_jruby trace "Loading buildr[#{creator}] on #{jruby} ..." Util.benchmark ["Loaded buildr[#{creator}] on #{jruby}"] do load_service = jruby.load_service load_service.require 'rubygems' load_service.require 'buildr' end jruby end end end # RuntimeFactory if Buildr.respond_to?(:application) && ng.nail.nil? Buildr.application.in_namespace(:nailgun, &file_tasks) Buildr.application.in_namespace(:nailgun, &server_tasks) end end # module Nailgun end