module FaaStRuby module Command module Workspace require 'tmpdir' require 'tempfile' require 'uri' # require 'faastruby/cli/commands/workspace/base_command' require 'faastruby/cli/package' require 'faastruby/cli/new_credentials' class CP < BaseCommand def initialize(args) @args = args help @source_file = @args.shift @workspace_name, @relative_path = @args.shift.split(':') validate_command @package_file ='package') @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("package") # FaaStRuby::CLI.error(@missing_args, color: nil) if missing_args.any? load_credentials end def run FaaStRuby::CLI.error("You can't upload static files larger than 5MB. If you need to upload large files, please reach out to us on Slack at") if source_file_too_big? destination_url = URI.escape("#{FaaStRuby.workspace_host_for(@workspace_name)}/#{@relative_path}") # spinner = say("[#{@source_file}] Copying file to '#{destination_url}'...", quiet: true) workspace = @workspace_name) package = build_package workspace.upload_file(package, relative_path: @relative_path) FaaStRuby::CLI.error(workspace.errors) if workspace.errors.any? # spinner.stop("Done!") puts "* [#{@source_file}] Upload OK".green puts "* [#{@source_file}] URL: #{destination_url}".green ensure FileUtils.remove_entry @tmpdir @package_file.unlink end def source_file_too_big? File.size(@source_file) > 5242880 # That's 5MB end def build_package FileUtils.cp @source_file, @tmpdir output_file = @package_file.path, output_file).build @package_file.close output_file end def "cp SOURCE_FILE WORKSPACE_NAME:/DESTINATION/PATH" end def usage puts "\n# Deploy static file SOURCE_FILE to workspace path /DESTINATION/PATH.\n" puts "\nUsage: faastruby #{}\n\n" end private def validate_command validate_source_file validate_workspace_name validate_relative_path end def validate_relative_path @relative_path.sub!(/^\//, '') FaaStRuby::CLI.error(["Invalid destination path: #{@relative_path}".red, "The destination path must have at least one character and can only contain letters, numbers, -, _, . and /."], color: nil) unless @relative_path&.match(/#{FUNCTION_NAME_REGEX}/) end def validate_workspace_name FaaStRuby::CLI.error(["Invalid workspace name: #{@workspace_name}".red, "The workspace name must have between 3 and 15 characters, and can only have letters, numbers and dashes."], color: nil) unless @workspace_name&.match(/#{WORKSPACE_NAME_REGEX}/) true end def validate_source_file FaaStRuby::CLI.error(["You must specify source file, workspace and destination path for the file.".red, usage], color: nil) unless (@source_file && @source_file != '') FaaStRuby::CLI.error("No such file: '#{@source_file}'") unless File.exists?(@source_file) FaaStRuby::CLI.error("You can only 'cp' files, not directories.") unless File.file?(@source_file) true end end end end end