# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require 'erb' module Buildr # A filter knows how to copy files from one directory to another, applying mappings to the # contents of these files. # # You can specify the mapping using a Hash, and it will map ${key} fields found in each source # file into the appropriate value in the target file. For example: # # filter.using 'version'=>'1.2', 'build'=>Time.now # # will replace all occurrences of ${version} with 1.2, and ${build} # with the current date/time. # # You can also specify the mapping by passing a proc or a method, that will be called for # each source file, with the file name and content, returning the modified content. # # Without any mapping, the filter simply copies files from the source directory into the target # directory. # # A filter has one target directory, but you can specify any number of source directories, # either when creating the filter or calling #from. Include/exclude patterns are specified # relative to the source directories, so: # filter.include '*.png' # will only include PNG files from any of the source directories. # In the same way, you can use regular expressions, so: # filter.include /picture_.*\.png/ # will only include PNG files starting with picture_ from any of the sources directories. # # See Buildr#filter. class Filter def initialize #:nodoc: clear end # Returns the list of source directories (each being a file task). attr_reader :sources # :call-seq: # clear => self # # Clear filter sources and include/exclude patterns def clear @include = [] @exclude = [] @sources = FileList[] @mapper = Mapper.new self end # :call-seq: # from(*sources) => self # # Adds additional directories from which to copy resources. # # For example: # filter.from('src').into('target').using('build'=>Time.now) def from(*sources) @sources |= sources.flatten.map { |dir| file(File.expand_path(dir.to_s)) } self end # The target directory as a file task. def target return nil unless @target_dir unless @target @target = file(File.expand_path(@target_dir)) { |task| run if @target == task } @target.enhance @include.select {|f| f.is_a?(Rake::FileTask)} @target.enhance @exclude.select {|f| f.is_a?(Rake::FileTask)} @target.enhance copy_map.values end @target end # :call-seq: # into(dir) => self # # Sets the target directory into which files are copied and returns self. # # For example: # filter.from('src').into('target').using('build'=>Time.now) def into(dir) @target_dir = dir.to_s @target = nil self end # :call-seq: # include(*files) => self # # Specifies files to include and returns self. See FileList#include. # # By default all files are included. You can use this method to only include specific # files from the source directory. def include(*files) @include += files.flatten self end alias :add :include # :call-seq: # exclude(*files) => self # # Specifies files to exclude and returns self. See FileList#exclude. def exclude(*files) @exclude += files.flatten self end # The mapping. See #using. def mapping #:nodoc: @mapper.config end # The mapper to use. See #using. def mapper #:nodoc: @mapper.mapper_type end # :call-seq: # using(mapping) => self # using { |file_name, contents| ... } => self # # Specifies the mapping to use and returns self. # # The most typical mapping uses a Hash, and the default mapping uses the Maven style, so # ${key} are mapped to the values. You can change that by passing a different # format as the first argument. Currently supports: # * :ant -- Map @key@. # * :maven -- Map ${key} (default). # * :ruby -- Map #{key}. # * :erb -- Map <%= key %>. # * Regexp -- Maps the matched data (e.g. /=(.*?)=/ # # For example: # filter.using 'version'=>'1.2' # Is the same as: # filter.using :maven, 'version'=>'1.2' # # You can also pass a proc or method. It will be called with the file name and content, # to return the mapped content. # # Without any mapping, all files are copied as is. # # To register new mapping type see the Mapper class. def using(*args, &block) @mapper.using(*args, &block) self end # :call-seq: # run => boolean # # Runs the filter. def run copy_map = copy_map() mkpath target.to_s return false if copy_map.empty? copy_map.each do |path, source| dest = File.expand_path(path, target.to_s) if File.directory?(source) mkpath dest else mkpath File.dirname(dest) if @mapper.mapper_type mapped = @mapper.transform(File.open(source, 'rb') { |file| file.read }, path) File.open(dest, 'wb') { |file| file.write mapped } else # no mapping cp source, dest end end File.chmod(File.stat(source).mode | 0200, dest) end touch target.to_s true end # Returns the target directory. def to_s target.to_s end protected # :call-seq: # pattern_match(file, pattern) => boolean # # This method returns true if the file name matches the pattern. # The pattern may be a String, a Regexp or a Proc. # def pattern_match(file, pattern) case when pattern.is_a?(Regexp) return file.match(pattern) when pattern.is_a?(String) return File.fnmatch(pattern, file) when pattern.is_a?(Proc) return pattern.call(file) when pattern.is_a?(Rake::FileTask) return pattern.to_s.match(file) else raise "Cannot interpret pattern #{pattern}" end end private def copy_map sources.each { |source| raise "Source directory #{source} doesn't exist" unless File.exist?(source.to_s) } raise 'No target directory specified, where am I going to copy the files to?' if target.nil? sources.flatten.map(&:to_s).inject({}) do |map, source| files = Util.recursive_with_dot_files(source). map { |file| Util.relative_path(file, source) }. select { |file| @include.empty? || @include.any? { |pattern| pattern_match(file, pattern) } }. reject { |file| @exclude.any? { |pattern| pattern_match(file, pattern) } } files.each do |file| src, dest = File.expand_path(file, source), File.expand_path(file, target.to_s) map[file] = src if !File.exist?(dest) || File.stat(src).mtime >= File.stat(dest).mtime end map end end # This class implements content replacement logic for Filter. # # To register a new template engine @:foo@, extend this class with a method like: # # def foo_transform(content, path = nil) # # if this method yields a key, the value comes from the mapping hash # content.gsub(/world/) { |str| yield :bar } # end # # Then you can use :foo mapping type on a Filter # # filter.using :foo, :bar => :baz # # Or all by your own, simply # # Mapper.new(:foo, :bar => :baz).transform("Hello world") # => "Hello baz" # # You can handle configuration arguments by providing a @*_config@ method like: # # # The return value of this method is available with the :config accessor. # def moo_config(*args, &block) # raise ArgumentError, "Expected moo block" unless block_given? # { :moos => args, :callback => block } # end # # def moo_transform(content, path = nil) # content.gsub(/moo+/i) do |str| # moos = yield :moos # same than config[:moos] # moo = moos[str.size - 3] || str # config[:callback].call(moo) # end # end # # Usage for the @:moo@ mapper would be something like: # # mapper = Mapper.new(:moo, 'ooone', 'twoo') do |str| # i = nil; str.capitalize.gsub(/\w/) { |s| s.send( (i = !i) ? 'upcase' : 'downcase' ) } # end # mapper.transform('Moo cow, mooo cows singing mooooo') # => 'OoOnE cow, TwOo cows singing MoOoOo' class Mapper attr_reader :mapper_type, :config def initialize(*args, &block) #:nodoc: using(*args, &block) end def using(*args, &block) case args.first when Hash # Maven hash mapping using :maven, *args when Binding # Erb binding using :erb, *args when Symbol # Mapping from a method raise ArgumentError, "Unknown mapping type: #{args.first}" unless respond_to?("#{args.first}_transform", true) configure(*args, &block) when Regexp # Mapping using a regular expression raise ArgumentError, 'Expected regular expression followed by mapping hash' unless args.size == 2 && Hash === args[1] @mapper_type, @config = *args else unless args.empty? && block.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'Expected proc, method or a block' if args.size > 1 || (args.first && block) @mapper_type = :callback config = args.first || block raise ArgumentError, 'Expected proc, method or callable' unless config.respond_to?(:call) @config = config end end self end def transform(content, path = nil) type = Regexp === mapper_type ? :regexp : mapper_type raise ArgumentError, "Invalid mapper type: #{type.inspect}" unless respond_to?("#{type}_transform", true) self.__send__("#{type}_transform", content, path) { |key| config[key] || config[key.to_s.to_sym] } end private def configure(mapper_type, *args, &block) configurer = method("#{mapper_type}_config") rescue nil if configurer @config = configurer.call(*args, &block) else raise ArgumentError, "Missing hash argument after :#{mapper_type}" unless args.size == 1 && Hash === args[0] @config = {} unless Hash === @config args.first.each_pair { |k, v| @config[k] = v.to_s } end @mapper_type = mapper_type end def maven_transform(content, path = nil) content.gsub(/\$\{.*?\}/) { |str| yield(str[2..-2]) || str } end def ant_transform(content, path = nil) content.gsub(/@.*?@/) { |str| yield(str[1..-2]) || str } end def ruby_transform(content, path = nil) content.gsub(/#\{.*?\}/) { |str| yield(str[2..-2]) || str } end def regexp_transform(content, path = nil) content.gsub(mapper_type) { |str| yield(str.scan(mapper_type).join) || str } end def callback_transform(content, path = nil) config.call(path, content) end def erb_transform(content, path = nil) case config when Binding bnd = config when Hash bnd = OpenStruct.new table = config.inject({}) { |h, e| h[e.first.to_sym] = e.last; h } bnd.instance_variable_set(:@table, table) bnd = bnd.instance_eval { binding } else bnd = config.instance_eval { binding } end require 'erb' ERB.new(content).result(bnd) end def erb_config(*args, &block) if block_given? raise ArgumentError, "Expected block or single argument, but both given." unless args.empty? block elsif args.size > 1 raise ArgumentError, "Expected block or single argument." else args.first end end end # class Mapper end # :call-seq: # filter(*source) => Filter # # Creates a filter that will copy files from the source directory(ies) into the target directory. # You can extend the filter to modify files by mapping ${key} into values in each # of the copied files, and by including or excluding specific files. # # A filter is not a task, you must call the Filter#run method to execute it. # # For example, to copy all files from one directory to another: # filter('src/files').into('target/classes').run # To include only the text files, and replace each instance of ${build} with the current # date/time: # filter('src/files').into('target/classes').include('*.txt').using('build'=>Time.now).run def filter(*sources) Filter.new.from(*sources) end end