module Account::Teams::ControllerBase extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend Controllers::Base included do load_and_authorize_resource :team, class: "Team", prepend: true, member_actions: (defined?(MEMBER_ACTIONS) ? MEMBER_ACTIONS : []), collection_actions: (defined?(COLLECTION_ACTIONS) ? COLLECTION_ACTIONS : []) prepend_before_action do if params["action"] == "new" current_user&.current_team = nil end end before_action :enforce_invitation_only, only: [:create] before_action do # for magic locales. @child_object = @team end private if defined?(Api::V1::ApplicationController) include strong_parameters_from_api end end # GET /teams # GET /teams.json def index # if a user doesn't have multiple teams, we try to simplify the team ui/ux # as much as possible. links to this page should go to the current team # dashboard. however, some other links to this page are actually in branch # logic and will not display at all. instead, users will be linked to the # "new team" page. (see the main account sidebar menu for an example of # this.) unless current_user.multiple_teams? redirect_to account_team_path(current_team) end end # POST /teams/1/switch def switch_to current_user.current_team = @team redirect_to account_dashboard_path end # GET /teams/1 # GET /teams/1.json def show # I don't think this is the best place to close the loop on the onboarding process, but practically speaking it's # the easiest place to implement this at the moment, because all the onboarding steps redirect here on success. if session[:after_onboarding_url].present? redirect_to session.delete(:after_onboarding_url) end current_user.current_team = @team end # GET /teams/new def new render :new, layout: "devise" end # GET /teams/1/edit def edit end # POST /teams # POST /teams.json def create @team = respond_to do |format| if # also make the creator of the team the default admin. @team.memberships.create(user: current_user, roles: [Role.admin]) current_user.current_team = @team current_user.former_user = false format.html { redirect_to [:account, @team], notice: I18n.t("teams.notifications.created") } format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: [:account, @team] } else format.html { render :new, layout: "devise", status: :unprocessable_entity } format.json { render json: @team.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PATCH/PUT /teams/1 # PATCH/PUT /teams/1.json def update respond_to do |format| if @team.update(team_params) format.html { redirect_to [:account, @team], notice: I18n.t("teams.notifications.updated") } format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: [:account, @team] } else format.html { render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity } format.json { render json: @team.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # # DELETE /teams/1 # # DELETE /teams/1.json def destroy if current_user.teams.size == 1 respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_account_team_url(@team), alert: t("account.teams.notifications.cannot_delete_last_team") } format.json { head :no_content } end else @team.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to account_teams_url, notice: t("account.teams.notifications.destroyed") } format.json { head :no_content } end end end private def permitted_fields raise "It looks like you've removed `permitted_fields` from your controller. This will break Super Scaffolding." end def permitted_arrays raise "It looks like you've removed `permitted_arrays` from your controller. This will break Super Scaffolding." end def process_params(strong_params) raise "It looks like you've removed `process_params` from your controller. This will break Super Scaffolding." end end