# typed: false # frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/inflector/inflections" require "constant_resolver" require "pathname" require "yaml" require "packwerk/package_set" require "packwerk/graph" require "packwerk/inflector" module Packwerk class ApplicationValidator def initialize(config_file_path:, application_load_paths:, configuration:) @config_file_path = config_file_path @configuration = configuration # Load paths should be from the application @application_load_paths = application_load_paths.sort.uniq end Result = Struct.new(:ok?, :error_value) def check_all results = [ check_autoload_path_cache, check_package_manifests_for_privacy, check_package_manifest_syntax, check_application_structure, check_inflection_file, check_acyclic_graph, check_package_manifest_paths, check_valid_package_dependencies, check_root_package_exist, ] results.reject!(&:ok?) if results.empty? Result.new(true) else Result.new( false, results.map(&:error_value).join("\n===\n") ) end end def check_autoload_path_cache expected = @application_load_paths actual = @configuration.load_paths if expected.sort == actual.sort Result.new(true) else Result.new( false, "Load path cache in #{@config_file_path} incorrect!\n"\ "Paths missing from file:\n#{format_yaml_strings(expected - actual)}\n"\ "Extraneous load paths in file:\n#{format_yaml_strings(actual - expected)}" ) end end def check_package_manifests_for_privacy privacy_settings = package_manifests_settings_for("enforce_privacy") autoload_paths = @configuration.load_paths resolver = ConstantResolver.new( root_path: @configuration.root_path, load_paths: autoload_paths ) errors = [] privacy_settings.each do |filepath, setting| next unless setting.is_a?(Array) setting.each do |constant| # make sure the constant can be loaded constant.constantize # rubocop:disable Sorbet/ConstantsFromStrings context = resolver.resolve(constant) unless context errors << "#{constant}, listed in #{filepath.inspect}, could not be resolved" next end expected_filename = constant.underscore + ".rb" # We don't support all custom inflections yet, so we may accidentally resolve constants to the # file that defines their parent namespace. This restriction makes sure that we don't. next if context.location.end_with?(expected_filename) errors << "Explicitly private constants need to have their own files.\n"\ "#{constant}, listed in #{filepath.inspect}, was resolved to #{context.location.inspect}.\n"\ "It should be in something like #{expected_filename.inspect}" end end if errors.empty? Result.new(true) else Result.new(false, errors.join("\n---\n")) end end def check_package_manifest_syntax errors = [] package_manifests(package_glob).each do |f| hash = YAML.load_file(f) next unless hash known_keys = %w(enforce_privacy enforce_dependencies dependencies metadata) unknown_keys = hash.keys - known_keys unless unknown_keys.empty? errors << "Unknown keys in #{f}: #{unknown_keys.inspect}\n"\ "If you think a key should be included in your package.yml, please "\ "open an issue in https://github.com/Shopify/packwerk" end if hash.key?("enforce_privacy") unless [TrueClass, FalseClass, Array].include?(hash["enforce_privacy"].class) errors << "Invalid 'enforce_privacy' option in #{f.inspect}: #{hash['enforce_privacy'].inspect}" end end if hash.key?("enforce_dependencies") unless [TrueClass, FalseClass].include?(hash["enforce_dependencies"].class) errors << "Invalid 'enforce_dependencies' option in #{f.inspect}: #{hash['enforce_dependencies'].inspect}" end end next unless hash.key?("dependencies") next if hash["dependencies"].is_a?(Array) errors << "Invalid 'dependencies' option in #{f.inspect}: #{hash['dependencies'].inspect}" end if errors.empty? Result.new(true) else Result.new(false, errors.join("\n---\n")) end end def check_application_structure resolver = ConstantResolver.new( root_path: @configuration.root_path.to_s, load_paths: @configuration.load_paths ) begin resolver.file_map Result.new(true) rescue => e Result.new(false, e.message) end end def check_inflection_file inflections_file = @configuration.inflections_file test_inflections = ActiveSupport::Inflector::Inflections.new Packwerk::Inflections::Default.apply_to(test_inflections) Packwerk::Inflections::Custom.new(inflections_file).apply_to(test_inflections) results = %i(plurals singulars uncountables humans acronyms).map do |type| expected = ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections.public_send(type).to_a actual = test_inflections.public_send(type).to_a if expected == actual Result.new(true) else missing_msg = unless (expected - actual).empty? "Expected #{type} to be specified in file: #{expected - actual}" end extraneous_msg = unless (actual - expected).empty? "Extraneous #{type} was specified in file: #{actual - expected}" end Result.new( false, [missing_msg, extraneous_msg].join("\n") ) end end errors = results.reject(&:ok?) if errors.empty? Result.new(true) else Result.new( false, "Inflections specified in #{inflections_file} don't line up with application!\n" + errors.map(&:error_value).join("\n") ) end end def check_acyclic_graph packages = Packwerk::PackageSet.load_all_from(".") edges = packages.flat_map do |package| package.dependencies.map { |dependency| [package, packages.fetch(dependency)] } end dependency_graph = Packwerk::Graph.new(*edges) # Convert the cycle # # [a, b, c] # # to the string # # a -> b -> c -> a # cycle_strings = dependency_graph.cycles.map do |cycle| cycle_strings = cycle.map(&:to_s) cycle_strings << cycle.first.to_s "\t- #{cycle_strings.join(' → ')}" end if dependency_graph.acyclic? Result.new(true) else Result.new( false, <<~EOS Expected the package dependency graph to be acyclic, but it contains the following cycles: #{cycle_strings.join("\n")} EOS ) end end def check_package_manifest_paths all_package_manifests = package_manifests("**/") package_paths_package_manifests = package_manifests(package_glob) difference = all_package_manifests - package_paths_package_manifests if difference.empty? Result.new(true) else Result.new( false, <<~EOS Expected package paths for all package.ymls to be specified, but paths were missing for the following manifests: #{relative_paths(difference).join("\n")} EOS ) end end def check_valid_package_dependencies packages_dependencies = package_manifests_settings_for("dependencies") .delete_if { |_, deps| deps.nil? } packages_with_invalid_dependencies = packages_dependencies.each_with_object([]) do |(package, dependencies), invalid_packages| invalid_dependencies = dependencies.filter { |path| invalid_package_path?(path) } invalid_packages << [package, invalid_dependencies] if invalid_dependencies.any? end if packages_with_invalid_dependencies.empty? Result.new(true) else error_locations = packages_with_invalid_dependencies.map do |package, invalid_dependencies| package ||= @configuration.root_path package_path = Pathname.new(package).relative_path_from(@configuration.root_path) all_invalid_dependencies = invalid_dependencies.map { |d| " - #{d}" } <<~EOS #{package_path}: #{all_invalid_dependencies.join("\n")} EOS end Result.new( false, <<~EOS These dependencies do not point to valid packages: #{error_locations.join("\n")} EOS ) end end def check_root_package_exist root_package_path = File.join(@configuration.root_path, "package.yml") all_packages_manifests = package_manifests(package_glob) if all_packages_manifests.include?(root_package_path) Result.new(true) else Result.new( false, <<~EOS A root package does not exist. Create an empty `package.yml` at the root directory. EOS ) end end private def package_manifests_settings_for(setting) package_manifests(package_glob) .map { |f| [f, (YAML.load_file(File.join(f)) || {})[setting]] } end def format_yaml_strings(list) list.sort.map { |p| "- \"#{p}\"" }.join("\n") end def package_glob @configuration.package_paths || "**" end def package_manifests(glob_pattern) Dir.glob(File.join(glob_pattern, Packwerk::PackageSet::PACKAGE_CONFIG_FILENAME)).map { |f| File.realpath(f) } end def relative_paths(paths) paths.map { |path| Pathname.new(path).relative_path_from(@configuration.root_path) } end def invalid_package_path?(path) # Packages at the root can be implicitly specified as "." return false if path == "." package_path = File.join(@configuration.root_path, path, Packwerk::PackageSet::PACKAGE_CONFIG_FILENAME) !File.file?(package_path) end end end