For the latest release info, see here: Dates in this file are in the format MM/DD/YYYY. # oboe (11/20/2014) This patch release includes: * New [Typhoeus]( instrumentation: #90 * JRuby: Better Handling of Agent JSON Parsing Errors: #89 * Faraday doesn't Log like the others; Fixup Verbose Logging: #79 * Add DB Adapters to __Init reporting: #83 * Extended Typhoeus tests: #92 Pushed to Rubygems: # oboe (10/26/2014) This patch release includes: * Make Oboe::API available even when is not #81 (thanks Cannon!) * Add OS and Oboe::Config info to support report #80 Pushed to Rubygems: # oboe (10/15/2014) This patch release includes: * Fix require statements under certain variations of REE-1.8.7: #78 (thanks @madrobby) * Faraday instrumentation fails to capture and pass params update block: #79 * Add method to log environment details for support investigations (`Oboe.support_ report`): #77 Pushed to Rubygems: # oboe (09/26/2014) This patch release includes: * New [Faraday]( instrumentation: * Auto-initialize instrumentation when no framework detected: * Willingly ignore traceview missing libraries warning: (thanks @theist!) Pushed to Rubygems: # oboe (09/08/2014) This patch release includes: * Fixed load stack trace when missing TraceView base libraries: [#72]( - thanks @theist! * Beta `em-http-request` instrumentation: [#60]([#73]( - Thanks @diogobenica! * Improved loading when on Heroku with oboe-heroku gem Pushed to Rubygems: # oboe (08/19/2014) This minor release includes: * [JRuby instrumentation]( is back and better than ever. * [Updated moped instrumentation]( to support moped v2 changes * Simplify start_trace by setting a default param: [#67]( This release also includes [our first pure java platform Ruby gem]( (no c-extension for JRuby yay!). Pushed to Rubygems: Related: # oboe 2.6.8 (07/31/2014) This patch release includes: * Fix [instrumentation load for Padrino in test environments]( * [Add delay]( in test suite to allow downloading of sample rate info Pushed to Rubygems: # oboe (07/23/2014) This patch release includes better error handling, API clean-up and RUM template improvements. * [Add RUM helpers]( for Sinatra and Padrino stacks. Thanks @tlunter! * Prefer [StandardError over Exception]( for rescue blocks that we handle directly * [Clean up Oboe logging API]( Oboe.log, Oboe::Context.log and Oboe::API.log redundancy # oboe (06/16/2014) This patch release adds new instrumentation and a couple fixes: * [Add instrumentation support]( for [Grape API Micro Framework]( (thanks @tlunter!) * Important [Mongo find operation with block fix]( (thanks @rafaelfranca!) * Better and more [data independent tests]( for Travis # oboe (06/02/2014) This patch release improves [instrumentation for Mongo]( version >= 1.10 and fixes TraceView [sample rate reporting]( # oboe (04/30/2014) This patch release adds detection and support for Redhat [OpenShift]( See our OpenShift [TraceView cartridge]( for base libraries before using this gem on OpenShift. # oboe (04/07/2014) This patch releases fixes a number of smaller issues: * the gem will no longer start traces on static assets ( * fix occasionally broken `profile_name` values when using [custom method tracing]( * fix for incorrectly starting traces when in `through` tracing mode under certain circumstances * Expand the test suite to validate sample rates and tracing modes ( # oboe (03/24/2014) * This patch release improves webserver detection on Heroku and adds in some c extension protections. A oboe-heroku gem release will follow this release. # oboe (03/12/2014) This is a patch release to address "Unsupported digest algorithm (SHA256)" occurring under certain cases on Heroku. A oboe-heroku gem release will follow this release. * Support delayed Reporter Initialization for Forking Webservers * README syntax fixes # oboe (02/2013/2014) * Added new Redis redis-rb gem (>= 3.0.0) instrumentation * Fix a SampleSource bitmask high bit issue * Expanded __Init reports * Fix Ruby standalone returning nil X-Trace headers (1B000000...) * Test against Ruby 2.1.0 on TravisCI * Fix errant Oboe::Config warning # oboe (01/12/2013) * Report SampleRate & SampleSource per updated SWIG API * Change OboeHeroku __Init Key * Remove oboe_fu artifacts * CodeClimate Initiated improvements * Remove SSL connection requirement from Net::HTTP tests * oboe.gemspec doesn't specify Ruby 1.8 json dependency * add config to blacklist tracing of actions (thanks @nathantsoi!) * Report the application server used * Support Oboe::Config.merge! and warn on non-existent (thanks @adamjt!) # oboe (11/21/2013) * Stacks that use a caching system like Varnish could see corrupted traces; fixed. # oboe (11/06/2013) * Rename the _Init layer to "rack" * Decode URLS when reporting them * Resque layer naming split into 1) client queuing of a job: 'resque-client', 2) Resque worker running a job: 'resque-worker' * Fix for an extension load error and some refactoring of functionality into a base module (OboeBase) * Improved and more resilient method profiling * Further refactoring for Ruby 2.0 support * Track the version of the instrumentation installed # oboe 2.3.2 (10/22/2013) * Backtrace collection can now be configured to skip certain components if a lighter-weight trace is desired * On MRI Ruby the hostname of the Tracelyzer is now configurable via Oboe::Config[:reporter_host] (default is localhost) * Fix to MongoDb query identification * Event building in the Rack layer optimized * Renamed "sampling_rate" to be "sample_rate" for consistency * More tests added and documentation in anticipation of our Ruby open-source initiative # oboe 2.2.6 (09/27/2013) * Query Privacy now fully supported; can configure the app to not send SQL parameters if needed * Configuring the local sample rate now supports 1e6 notation * Improved log messaging if a gem dependency is missing * Now reporting HTTPStatus on http client calls * Heroku - the start time when a request hits the load balancer now captured # oboe 2.2.0 (09/12/2013) * Initial support for Rails 4 * Various internal reporting fixes and improvements * Fix for auto sampling rate # oboe 2.1.4 (08/01/2013) * Integration support for AppView Web # oboe 2.1.3 (07/16/2013) * Allow _Access Key_ assignment via Environment variable: TRACEVIEW_CUUID # oboe 2.1.1 * The gem now logs via a standard Ruby logger: Oboe.logger * Add in rspec tests * JRuby now supports Smart Tracing * Fixed an invalid Profile name in ActionView Partial tracing # oboe * Rack - add handling for potential nil result # oboe 1.4.2 * Cassandra - ensure all keys are captured when reporting exceptions * JRuby detection fix # oboe * HTTP keys now captured at Rack level instead of Rails * RUM templates are now pre-loaded * Improved layer agnostic info event reporting # oboe * Resque support * Fix Rails 2 bug where SET and SHOW could result in recursive calls * Memcache - multi-get calls now report a total for number of keys and number of hits * Configuration - added ability to identify components to skip from instrumentation * Configuration - sending Resque parameters can be skipped if privacy an issue. # oboe * Add in Rack instrumentation * Fix Function profiling of class methods bug * Add backtraces to Cassandra and Mongo operations * Rename the "render" layer to "actionview" # oboe 1.3.8 * More comprehensive JRuby support # oboe 1.3.7 * Added Moped driver instrumentation (Mongo/Mongoid) # oboe 1.3.6 * Added Rails ActionView partial and collection rendering instrumentation # oboe 1.3.5 * Added cassandra instrumentation # oboe 1.3.4 * Added mongo-ruby-driver support # oboe 1.3.3 * Updated RUM instrumentation templates # oboe 1.3.2 * Fix a case when the RUM instrumentation header/footer methods would not return JS output, depending on how the way they were called from HAML. # oboe 1.3.1 * Support for RUM instrumentation. Fix for certain cases where exceptions were not properly propagated up to Rails error handlers. # oboe 1.3.0 * The oboe and oboe_fu gems have been merged to simplify installation. The final oboe_fu gem (1.3.0) simply calls "require 'oboe'" now for backwards compatibility. * Please note our updated installation instructions for the new location of Ruby oboe API methods. * Our gem now successfully installs even if your platform does not have our base packages (liboboe) installed, so you can deploy to environments with or without TraceView support. # oboe_fu 1.2.1 * Support for instrumenting the dalli module. # oboe_fu 1.2.0 * Support for Rails 2.3, 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2.