module Appium module Android module Device extend Forwardable # @!method background_app # Backgrounds the app for a set number of seconds. # This is a blocking application # @param [Integer] seconds How many seconds to background the app for. # # ```ruby # background_app # background_app(5) # background_app(-1) #=> the app never come back. # ``` # @!method hide_keyboard # Hide the onscreen keyboard # @param [String] close_key The name of the key which closes the keyboard. # Defaults to 'Done' for iOS(except for XCUITest). # @param [Symbol] strategy The symbol of the strategy which closes the keyboard. # XCUITest ignore this argument. # Default for iOS is `:pressKey`. Default for Android is `:tapOutside`. # ```ruby # hide_keyboard # Close a keyboard with the 'Done' button # hide_keyboard('Finished') # Close a keyboard with the 'Finished' button # hide_keyboard(nil, :tapOutside) # Close a keyboard with tapping out side of keyboard # ``` # @!method end_coverage # Android only; Ends the test coverage and writes the results to the given path on device. # @param [String] path Path on the device to write too. # @param [String] intent Intent to broadcast when ending coverage. # @!method start_activity # Start a new activity within the current app or launch a new app and start the target activity. # # Android only. # @option [String] The package owning the activity [required] # @option [String] The target activity [required] # @option opts [String] The package to start before the target package [optional] # @option opts [String] The activity to start before the target activity [optional] # # ```ruby # start_activity app_package: '', # app_activity: '.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderActivity' # ``` # @!method set_network_connection # Set the device network connection mode # @param [String] path Bit mask that represent the network mode # # Value (Alias) | Data | Wifi | Airplane Mode # ------------------------------------------------- # 1 (Airplane Mode) | 0 | 0 | 1 # 6 (All network on) | 1 | 1 | 0 # 4 (Data only) | 1 | 0 | 0 # 2 (Wifi only) | 0 | 1 | 0 # 0 (None) | 0 | 0 | 0 # # @!method get_performance_data_types # Get the information type of the system state which is supported to read such as # cpu, memory, network, battery via adb commands. # # # ```ruby # get_performance_data_types #=> ["cpuinfo", "batteryinfo", "networkinfo", "memoryinfo"] # ``` # @!method get_performance_data # Get the resource usage information of the application. # # @param [String] package_name Package name # @param [String] data_type Data type get with `get_performance_data_types` # @param [String] data_read_timeout Command timeout. Default is 2. # # ```ruby # get_performance_data package_name: package_name, data_type: data_type, data_read_timeout: 2 # ``` class << self def extended(_mod) Appium::Core::Device.extend_webdriver_with_forwardable # Android Appium::Core::Device.add_endpoint_method(:start_activity) do def start_activity(opts) raise 'opts must be a hash' unless opts.is_a? Hash app_package = opts[:app_package] raise 'app_package is required' unless app_package app_activity = opts[:app_activity] raise 'app_activity is required' unless app_activity app_wait_package = opts.fetch(:app_wait_package, '') app_wait_activity = opts.fetch(:app_wait_activity, '') unknown_opts = opts.keys - [:app_package, :app_activity, :app_wait_package, :app_wait_activity] raise "Unknown options #{unknown_opts}" unless unknown_opts.empty? execute :start_activity, {}, appPackage: app_package, appActivity: app_activity, appWaitPackage: app_wait_package, appWaitActivity: app_wait_activity end end # Android, Override Appium::Core::Device.add_endpoint_method(:hide_keyboard) do def hide_keyboard(close_key = nil, strategy = nil) option = {} option[:key] = close_key if close_key option[:strategy] = strategy || :tapOutside # default to pressKey execute :hide_keyboard, {}, option end end # TODO: TEST ME Appium::Core::Device.add_endpoint_method(:end_coverage) do def end_coverage(path, intent) execute :end_coverage, {}, path: path, intent: intent end end Appium::Core::Device.add_endpoint_method(:set_network_connection) do def set_network_connection(mode) execute :set_network_connection, {}, type: mode end end Appium::Core::Device.add_endpoint_method(:get_performance_data) do def get_performance_data(package_name:, data_type:, data_read_timeout: 1000) execute :get_performance_data, {}, packageName: package_name, dataType: data_type, dataReadTimeout: data_read_timeout end end end end end # module Device end # module Android end # module Appium