require "rails/generators/migration" module Typus module Generators class TypusGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration source_root File.expand_path("../../templates", __FILE__) namespace "typus" class_option :admin_title, :default => Rails.root.basename desc <<-DESC Description: This generator creates required files to enable an admin panel which allows trusted users to edit structured content. To enable session authentication run `rails g typus:migration`. DESC def self.next_migration_number(path) end def copy_config_readme copy_file "config/typus/README" end def generate_initializer template "config/initializers/typus.rb", "config/initializers/typus.rb" template "config/initializers/typus_resources.rb", "config/initializers/typus_resources.rb" end def copy_assets Dir["#{templates_path}/public/**/*.*"].each do |file| copy_file file.split("#{templates_path}/").last end end #-- # Generate files for models: # `#{controllers_path}/#{resource}_controller.rb` # `#{tests_path}/#{resource}_controller_test.rb` #++ def generate_controllers Typus.application_models.each do |model| klass = model.constantize @resource = template "controller.rb", "#{controllers_path}/#{klass.to_resource}_controller.rb" template "functional_test.rb", "#{tests_path}/#{klass.to_resource}_controller_test.rb" end end def generate_config configuration = generate_yaml_files unless configuration[:base].empty? %w( application.yml application_roles.yml ).each do |file| from = to = "config/typus/#{file}" if File.exists?(from) then to = "config/typus/#{timestamp}_#{file}" end @configuration = configuration template from, to end end end protected def configuration @configuration end def inherits_from "Admin::ResourcesController" end def resource @resource end def sidebar @sidebar end def timestamp end private def templates_path File.join(Typus.root, "lib", "generators", "templates") end def controllers_path "app/controllers/admin" end def tests_path "test/functional/admin" end def views_path "app/views/admin" end def generate_yaml_files configuration = { :base => "", :roles => "" } Typus.application_models.sort { |x,y| x <=> y }.each do |model| next if Typus.models.include?(model) klass = model.constantize # Detect all relationships except polymorphic belongs_to using reflection. relationships = [ :belongs_to, :has_and_belongs_to_many, :has_many, :has_one ].map do |relationship| klass.reflect_on_all_associations(relationship).reject { |i| i.options[:polymorphic] }.map { |i| } end.flatten.sort ## # Model fields for: # # - Default # - Form # rejections = %w( ^id$ created_at created_on updated_at updated_on deleted_at salt crypted_password password_salt persistence_token single_access_token perishable_token _type$ _file_size$ ) default_rejections = rejections + %w( password password_confirmation ) form_rejections = rejections + %w( position ) default = klass.columns.reject do |column|"|")) || column.sql_type == "text" form = klass.columns.reject do |column|"|")) # Model defaults. order_by = "position" if default.include?("position") filters = "created_at" if klass.columns.include?("created_at") search = ( [ "name", "title" ] & default ).join(", ") # We want attributes of belongs_to relationships to be shown in our # field collections if those are not polymorphic. [ default, form ].each do |fields| fields << klass.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).reject { |i| i.options[:polymorphic] }.map { |i| } fields.flatten! end configuration[:base] << <<-RAW #{klass}: fields: default: #{default.join(", ")} form: #{form.join(", ")} order_by: #{order_by} relationships: #{relationships.join(", ")} filters: #{filters} search: #{search} application: #{options[:admin_title]} RAW configuration[:roles] << <<-RAW #{klass}: create, read, update, delete RAW end return configuration end end end end