= Asciidoctor reveal.js 4.0.0 :source-highlighter: highlight.js :highlightjs-languages: x86asm,asciidoc :icons: font :imagesdir: images/ // reveal.js config :customcss: release-4.0.css :revealjs_hash: true :revealjs_width: 1080 == Supports all of reveal.js 3.9.2 features [background-video="synthwave.mp4",background-opacity=0.7] === Background videos // Video not hosted in git due to size // Available here: https://pixabay.com/videos/synthwave-retro-sunset-retrowave-29225/ // Pixabay Free License (No Attribution Required) === Automatic Source Code Highlighting! icon:exclamation-circle[] Including step-by-step line highlights [.columns.is-vcentered] === Assembly from a Compiler [.column] [source,x86asm,highlight="3..6|7..9|10|11,12"] ---- main proc near var_10 = dword ptr -10h push ebp mov ebp, esp and esp, 0FFFFFFF0h sub esp, 10h mov eax, offset aHelloWorld mov [esp+10h+var_10], eax call _printf mov eax, 0 leave retn main endp ---- [.column.is-one-third] -- * Backed by Highlight.js * Many languages supported * Ability to focus on specific lines -- === With very simple source! [source,asciidoc] .... [source,x86asm,highlight="3..6|7..9|10|11,12"] ---- main proc near var_10 = dword ptr -10h push ebp mov ebp, esp and esp, 0FFFFFFF0h sub esp, 10h mov eax, offset aHelloWorld mov [esp+10h+var_10], eax call _printf mov eax, 0 leave retn main endp ---- .... === And More! * Background images (and gif!) * Speaker notes * Embedded videos * Embedded and interactive iframes * etc. [.columns.is-vcentered] == Plus AsciiDoc Features [.column] -- image::asciidoctor-logo.svg[] Powered by Asciidoctor -- [.column] .Available toolchains * Ruby / Bundler * JavaScript / NPM * Standalone executables * icon:exclamation-circle[] JVM / Maven [.columns.is-vcentered] === Easy Grid Layout [.column] * Easy [.column] * Flexible [.column] Grid Layout [.column.is-one-third] -- [source,asciidoc] .Source .... [.columns] === Easy Grid Layout [.column] * Easy [.column] * Flexible [.column] Grid Layout [.column.is-one-third] [source,asciidoc] [...] .... -- [.columns.is-vcentered] === FontAwesome Integration [.column.is-one-third] -- Expressive icon:palette[] Icons icon:icons[] at your Fingertips icon:hand-holding-heart[] [.red] icon:heart[size=3x] -- [.column] -- [source,asciidoc] .Source .... Expressive icon:palette[] Icons icon:icons[] at your Fingertips icon:hand-holding-heart[] [.red] icon:heart[size=3x] .... -- [.columns] === Includes [.column] You can include content from other files. Including source code! [.column] -- [source,asciidoc] .Example Source .... [source,python] ---- \include::demo.py[] ---- .... -- === For Great Technical Presentations! [.important.white.background,transition="zoom"] == Can you do that PowerPoint? [transition=fade,transition-speed=slow] == Learn More! * https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js/[Asciidoctor reveal.js] * https://revealjs.com[reveal.js] * https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/[Asciidoctor] * https://asciidoctor.org/docs/what-is-asciidoc/[What is AsciiDoc?] * https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js/raw/master/examples/release-4.0.adoc[This slide deck's AsciiDoc source]