other resources: http://vitobotta.com/resque-automatically-kill-stuck-workers-retry-failed-jobs/#sthash.oQsaNeb5.dpbs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10757758/find-out-if-a-resque-job-is-still-running-and-kill-it-if-its-stuck ## TODOS add a 'resque_stuck_queue/tasks' bit? See tres eg add a trap{} to force_stop. ok for overwriting process's trap handlers? use config for that? fix skeleton recipe https://github.com/shaiguitar/resque_stuck_queue/blame/master/README.md#L103 raise appname, => :environment, log path investigate: why is temple getting triggered? how often? is the enqueing/checking taking too much time? also, if one queue is bad, does it trigger other queue's handlers? write some tests, asshole. woes of redis namespace, in regards to Awsm.redis != Resque.redis etc. (which is important for setting the key through @redis) with lag time, it will continue to trigger, for every heartbeat time it's supposed to tick, find some way to do that, and then maybe add some resolved handler/proc? rm redis locking (since it works by keys now, no need for it, recover/trigger ping pong).