Uses of Interface

Packages that use WorkbookDependentFormula
org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula formula package contains binary PTG structures used in Formulas 

Uses of WorkbookDependentFormula in org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula

Classes in org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula that implement WorkbookDependentFormula
 class Area3DPtg
          Title: Area 3D Ptg - 3D reference (Sheet + Area)
 class DeletedArea3DPtg
          Title: Deleted Area 3D Ptg - 3D referecnce (Sheet + Area)
 class DeletedRef3DPtg
          Title: Deleted Reference 3D Ptg
 class NamePtg
 class NameXPtg
 class Ref3DPtg
          Title: Reference 3D Ptg

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