require 'pathname' require 'shellwords' module Pantograph module Actions module SharedValues GRADLE_ARTIFACT_OUTPUT_PATH = :GRADLE_ARTIFACT_OUTPUT_PATH GRADLE_FLAVOR = :GRADLE_FLAVOR GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE = :GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE end class GradleAction < Action def task = params[:task] flavor = params[:flavor] build_type = params[:build_type] gradle_task = [task, flavor, build_type].join project_dir = params[:project_dir] gradle_path_param = params[:gradle_path] # Get the path to gradle, if it's an absolute path we take it as is, if it's relative we assume it's relative to the project_dir gradle_path = if File.expand_path(gradle_path_param) else File.expand_path(File.join(project_dir, gradle_path_param)) end # Ensure we ended up with a valid path to gradle UI.user_error!("Couldn't find gradlew at path '#{File.expand_path(gradle_path)}'") unless File.exist?(gradle_path) # Construct our flags flags = [] flags << "-p #{project_dir.shellescape}" unless params[:properties].nil? flags << params[:properties].map { |k, v| "-P#{k.to_s.shellescape}=#{v.to_s.shellescape}" }.join(' ') end unless params[:system_properties].nil? flags << params[:system_properties].map { |k, v| "-D#{k.to_s.shellescape}=#{v.to_s.shellescape}" }.join(' ') end flags << params[:flags] unless params[:flags].nil? # Run the actual gradle task gradle = gradle_path) # If these were set as properties, then we expose them back out as they might be useful to others Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE] = build_type if build_type Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_FLAVOR] = flavor if flavor # We run the actual gradle task result = gradle.trigger( task: gradle_task, flags: flags.join(' '), print_command: params[:print_command], print_command_output: params[:print_command_output] ) # If we didn't build, then we return now, as it makes no sense to search for artifacts's in a non-`assemble` or non-`build` scenario return result unless task =~ /\b(assemble)/ || task =~ /\b(build)/ artifact_search_path = File.join(project_dir, '**', 'build', '**', "*.#{params[:artifact_extension].gsub('.', '')}") # Our artifact is now built, but there might actually be multiple ones that were built if a flavor was not specified in a multi-flavor project (e.g. `assembleRelease`) new_artifacts = Dir[artifact_search_path].map { |path| File.expand_path(path) } # We also take the most recent artifact to return as SharedValues::GRADLE_ARTIFACT_OUTPUT_PATH # This is the one that will be relevant for most projects that just build a single build variant (flavor + build type combo). # In multi build variants this value is undefined last_artifact_path = new_artifacts.sort_by(&File.method(:mtime)).last Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_ARTIFACT_OUTPUT_PATH] = File.expand_path(last_artifact_path) if last_artifact_path # Give a helpful message in case there were no new artifacts. # Remember we're only running this code when assembling, in which case we certainly expect there to be an artifact UI.message('Couldn\'t find any new artifact files...') if new_artifacts.empty? return result end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description 'All gradle related actions, including building and testing your application' end def self.details 'Run `./gradlew tasks` to get a list of all available gradle tasks for your project' end def self.available_options [ :task, env_name: 'GRADLE_TASK', description: 'The gradle task you want to execute, e.g. `assemble`, `bundle` or `test`. For tasks such as `assembleMyFlavorRelease` you should use gradle(task: \'assemble\', flavor: \'Myflavor\', build_type: \'Release\')', optional: false, type: String), :flavor, env_name: 'GRADLE_FLAVOR', description: 'The flavor that you want the task for, e.g. `MyFlavor`. If you are running the `assemble` task in a multi-flavor project, and you rely on Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH] then you must specify a flavor here or else this value will be undefined', optional: true, type: String), :build_type, env_name: 'GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE', description: 'The build type that you want the task for, e.g. `Release`. Useful for some tasks such as `assemble`', optional: true, type: String), :flags, env_name: 'GRADLE_FLAGS', description: 'All parameter flags you want to pass to the gradle command, e.g. `--exitcode --xml file.xml`', optional: true, type: String), :project_dir, env_name: 'GRADLE_PROJECT_DIR', description: 'The root directory of the gradle project', default_value: '.', type: String), :gradle_path, env_name: 'GRADLE_PATH', description: 'The path to your `gradlew`. If you specify a relative path, it is assumed to be relative to the `project_dir`', optional: true, type: String, default_value: './gradlew'), :properties, env_name: 'GRADLE_PROPERTIES', description: 'Gradle properties to be exposed to the gradle script', optional: true, is_string: false), :artifact_extension, env_name: 'GRADLE_ARTIFACT_EXTENSION', description: 'Gradle build output filetype extension', optional: true, is_string: true, default_value: 'jar'), :system_properties, env_name: 'GRADLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES', description: 'Gradle system properties to be exposed to the gradle script', optional: true, is_string: false), :print_command, env_name: 'GRADLE_PRINT_COMMAND', description: 'Control whether the generated Gradle command is printed as output before running it (true/false)', is_string: false, default_value: true), :print_command_output, env_name: 'GRADLE_PRINT_COMMAND_OUTPUT', description: 'Control whether the output produced by given Gradle command is printed while running (true/false)', is_string: false, default_value: true) ] end def self.output [ ['GRADLE_ARTIFACT_OUTPUT_PATH', 'The path to the newly generated artifact file. Undefined in a multi-variant assemble scenario'], ['GRADLE_FLAVOR', 'The flavor, e.g. `MyFlavor`'], ['GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE', 'The build type, e.g. `Release`'] ] end def self.return_value 'The output of running the gradle task' end def self.authors ['KrauseFx', 'lmirosevic', 'johnknapprs'] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.example_code [ 'gradle( task: "assemble", flavor: "WorldDomination", build_type: "Release" ) ``` To build an AAB use: ```ruby gradle( task: "bundle", flavor: "WorldDomination", build_type: "Release" ) ``` You can pass properties to gradle: ```ruby gradle( # ... properties: { "versionCode" => 100, "versionName" => "1.0.0", # ... } ) ``` You can use this to automatically [sign and zipalign] your app: ```ruby gradle( task: "assemble", build_type: "Release", print_command: false, properties: { "" => "keystore.jks", "" => "store_password", "app.injected.signing.key.alias" => "key_alias", "app.injected.signing.key.password" => "key_password", } ) ``` If you need to pass sensitive information through the `gradle` action, and don\'t want the generated command to be printed before it is run, you can suppress that: ```ruby gradle( # ... print_command: false ) ``` You can also suppress printing the output generated by running the generated Gradle command: ```ruby gradle( # ... print_command_output: false ) ``` To pass any other CLI flags to gradle use: ```ruby gradle( # ... flags: "--exitcode --xml file.xml" ) ``` Delete the build directory, generated artifacts ```ruby gradle( task: "clean" )' ] end def self.category :building end end end end