Setting Up Push on Backend Application === A RhoConnect push to the client consists of executing a RhoConnect ping call. There are three ways to execute a ping call: you can use the RhoConnect REST API to remotely call the ping, perform the ping job directly in a blocking ruby call, or enqueue a resque job to ping asynchronously. ## Pushing Remotely with the RhoConnect REST API You can trigger a push remotely using the [RhoConnect API Ping method](/rhoconnect/rest-api). This is useful if you want to fully control the push process from a remote server, such as when you use a RhoConnect plugin to connect your backend application to the RhoConnect server application. **NOTE: If you want to sync all the sources, use 'all' for the source list (the soure_name parameter) instead of a comma-separated list of the RhoConnect application source names to sync.** ### Example of Ping for Ruby Backend Application As an example, here is how to send a PUSH message to all the devices of the specified user(s) from a Ruby backend app: :::ruby # :message - message which will be used to display notification popup dialog on the device # :badge - iphone specific badge # :sound - name of the sound file to play upon receiving PUSH notification # :vibrate - number of seconds to vibrate upon receiving PUSH notification # :sources - list of data source names to be synced upon receiving PUSH notification ping_params = { :api_token => token, :user_id => [array_of_users], :sources => source_name, :message => 'hello world', :vibrate => 2000, :sound => 'hello.mp3' } "#{server}/api/client/ping",ping_params.to_json, :content_type => :json ) ### Example of Ping for .NET Backend Application As an example, here is how to send a PUSH message to all the devices of the specified user(s) from a .NET backend app: private static bool perform_ping(String method, String source_name, String the_message, String vibrate_time, String sound_file, Hashtable reqHash) { // add meta information reqHash.Add("api_token", _api_token); reqHash.Add("user_id", [array of users]); // not sure how I do this reqHash.Add("source_id", source_name); reqHash.Add("message", the_message); reqHash.Add("vibrate", vibrate_time); reqHash.Add("sound", sound_file); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string requestBody = js.Serialize(reqHash); // Uri address = new Uri(_endpoint_url + "/api/source/" + method); Uri address = new Uri(_endpoint_url + "/api/client/ping"); HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest; request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.Method = "POST"; byte[] byteData = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestBody); request.ContentLength = byteData.Length; using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { requestStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length); } using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { ; } return true; } ### Example of Ping for Java Backend Application As an example, here is how to send a PUSH message to all the devices of the specified user(s) from a Java backend app: :::java private boolean performPing(String method, String sourceName, HashMap hash) { hash.put("api_token", apiToken); hash.put("source_id", sourceName); hash.put("user_id", partition); hash.put("message", "hello world"); hash.put("vibrate", "2000"); hash.put("sound", "hello.mp3"); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(hash, headers); ResponseEntity response = endpointUrl + "/api/client/ping", HttpMethod.POST, entity, String.class); HttpStatus statusCode = response.getStatusCode(); return(statusCode.value() == 200); } ## Pushing Directly from a RhoConnect Source Adapter When you use a RhoConnect source adapter to connect to your backend service, you can use the PingJob.perform method to perform a ping on your mobile client. :::ruby PingJob.perform( 'user_id' => current_user.login, 'sources' => ['Product','Customer'], 'message' => 'hello world', 'vibrate' => 2000, 'sound' => 'hello.mp3' ) Let's say we want to execute a ping for the `current_user` at the end of your RhoConnect source adapter query. :::ruby def query(params=nil) parsed = JSON.parse(RestClient.get("#{@base}.json").body) @result = {} parsed.each do |item| @result[item["product"]["id"].to_s] = item["product"] end if parsed PingJob.perform( 'user_id' => current_user.login, 'sources' => ['Product'], 'message' => "There are new products!", 'vibrate' => 2000 ) @result end ## Queuing a Resque Job to Push Asynchronously To queue a ping that is executed asynchronously in a job, you can have PingJob queued from anywhere in your RhoConnect application (i.e. at the end of another job or adapter query method). :::ruby Resque.enqueue( PingJob, 'user_id' => current_user.login, 'sources' => ['Product','Customer'], 'message' => 'hello world', 'vibrate' => 2000, 'sound' => 'hello.mp3' ) **Note: For this job to execute, you will need to have a resque worker running. See running [async jobs](/rhoconnect/async-jobs) for more information.**