require "slack-ruby-client" require "open-uri" require "cgi" require "json" require "logger" require "fileutils" require "open3" if ARGV.size == 0 CHANNEL = MASTER_CHANNEL ON_MASTER_BOT = true ADMIN_USERS = MASTER_USERS RULES_FILE = "#{$0.gsub(".rb", "_rules.rb")}" unless defined?(RULES_FILE) unless File.exist?(RULES_FILE) default_rules = (__FILE__).gsub(/\.rb$/, "_rules.rb") FileUtils.copy_file(default_rules, RULES_FILE) end STATUS_INIT = :on else ON_MASTER_BOT = false CHANNEL = ARGV[0] ADMIN_USERS = ARGV[1].split(",") RULES_FILE = ARGV[2] STATUS_INIT = ARGV[3].to_sym end SHORTCUTS_FILE = "slack-smart-bot_shortcuts_#{CHANNEL}.rb".gsub(" ", "_") class SlackSmartBot attr_accessor :config, :client, :wclient VERSION = { |x| == "slack-smart-bot" }[0].version.to_s def initialize(config) Dir.mkdir("./logs") unless Dir.exist?("./logs") Dir.mkdir("./shortcuts") unless Dir.exist?("./shortcuts") logfile = File.basename(RULES_FILE.gsub("_rules_", "_logs_"), ".rb") + ".log" @logger ="./logs/#{logfile}") config_log = config.dup config_log.delete(:token) config[:silent] = false unless config.key?(:silent) "Initializing bot: #{config_log.inspect}" config[:channel] = CHANNEL self.config = config Slack.configure do |conf| conf.token = config[:token] end self.wclient = self.client = @listening = @bots_created = @shortcuts = @shortcuts[:all] = @rules_imported = if File.exist?("./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}") file_sc = IO.readlines("./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}").join unless file_sc.to_s() == "" @shortcuts = eval(file_sc) end end if ON_MASTER_BOT and File.exist?($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")) file_conf = IO.readlines($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")).join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @bots_created = eval(file_conf) if @bots_created.kind_of?(Hash) @bots_created.each { |key, value| "ruby #{$0} \"#{value[:channel_name]}\" \"#{value[:admins]}\" \"#{value[:rules_file]}\" #{value[:status].to_sym}" t = do `ruby #{$0} \"#{value[:channel_name]}\" \"#{value[:admins]}\" \"#{value[:rules_file]}\" #{value[:status].to_sym}` end value[:thread] = t } end end end # rules imported only for private channels if ON_MASTER_BOT and File.exist?("./rules/rules_imported.rb") file_conf = IO.readlines("./rules/rules_imported.rb").join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @rules_imported = eval(file_conf) end end wclient.auth_test begin user_info = wclient.users_info(user: "#{"@" if config[:nick][0] != "@"}#{config[:nick]}") config[:nick_id] = rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack abort("The bot user specified on settings: #{config[:nick]}, doesn't exist on Slack. Execution aborted") end client.on :hello do m = "Successfully connected, welcome '#{}' to the '#{}' team at https://#{}" puts m m gems_remote = `gem list slack-smart-bot --remote` version_remote = gems_remote.to_s().scan(/slack-smart-bot \((\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/).join version_message = "" if version_remote != VERSION version_message = ". There is a new available version: #{version_remote}." end unless config[:silent] respond "Smart Bot started v#{VERSION}#{version_message}\nIf you want to know what I can do for you: `bot help`.\n`bot rules` if you want to display just the specific rules of this channel.\nYou can talk to me privately if you prefer it." end end @status = STATUS_INIT @questions = @channels_id = @channels_name = get_channels_name_and_id() client.on :close do |_data| m = "Connection closing, exiting. #{}" m _data end client.on :closed do |_data| m = "Connection has been disconnected. #{}" m _data end self end def update_bots_file file =$0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb"), "w") bots_created = @bots_created.dup bots_created.each { |k, v| v[:thread] = "" } file.write bots_created.inspect file.close end def update_shortcuts_file file ="./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}", "w") file.write @shortcuts.inspect file.close end def update_rules_imported file ="./rules/rules_imported.rb", "w") file.write @rules_imported.inspect file.close end def get_channels_name_and_id channels = wclient.channels_list.channels @channels_id = @channels_name = channels.each do |ch| unless ch.is_archived @channels_id[] = @channels_name[] = end end end #help: =================================== #help: #help: *Commands from Channels without a bot:* #help: #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: #help: `@BOT_NAME on #CHANNEL_NAME COMMAND` #help: `@BOT_NAME #CHANNEL_NAME COMMAND` #help: It will run the supplied command using the rules on the channel supplied. #help: You need to join the specified channel to be able to use those rules. def listen @salutations = [config[:nick], config[:nick_id], "bot", "smart"] client.on :message do |data| if[0] == "D" or[0] == "C" #Direct message or Channel dest = else # not treated dest = nil end #todo: sometimes data.user is nil, check the problem. @logger.warn "!dest is nil. user: #{data.user}, channel: #{}, message: #{data.text}" if dest.nil? # Direct messages are treated only on the master bot if !dest.nil? and ((dest[0] == "D" and ON_MASTER_BOT) or (dest[0] == "C")) and data.user.to_s != "" begin #todo: when changed @questions user_id then move user_info inside the ifs to avoid calling it when not necessary user_info = wclient.users_info(user: data.user) #todo: check to remove == config[:nick] since I think we will never get messages from the bot on slack # if Direct message or we are in the channel of the bot if data.text.size >= 2 and ((data.text[0] == "`" and data.text[-1] == "`") or (data.text[0] == "*" and data.text[-1] == "*") or (data.text[0] == "_" and data.text[-1] == "_")) data.text = data.text[1..-2] end if !data.files.nil? and data.files.size == 1 and (data.text.match(/^(ruby|code)\s*$/) or (data.text.match(/^\s*$/) and data.files[0].filetype=='ruby') )'', headers: { "Authorization" => "Bearer #{config[:token]}" }).get(data.files[0].url_private) data.text = "ruby #{res.body.to_s}" end if data.text.match(/^<@#{config[:nick_id]}>\s(on\s)?<#(\w+)\|(.+)>\s*:?\s*(.+)$/i) channel_rules = $2 channel_rules_name = $3 command = $4 if command.size >= 2 and ((command[0] == "`" and command[-1] == "`") or (command[0] == "*" and command[-1] == "*") or (command[0] == "_" and command[-1] == "_")) command = command[1..-2] end command = "!" + command unless command[0] == "!" if @channels_id[CHANNEL] == channel_rules #to be treated only on the bot of the requested channel dest = channels = wclient.channels_list.channels channel_found = channels.detect { |c| == channel_rules_name } members = wclient.conversations_members(channel: @channels_id[channel_rules_name]).members unless channel_found.nil? if channel_found.nil? @logger.fatal "Not possible to find the channel #{channel_rules_name}" elsif == MASTER_CHANNEL respond "You cannot use the rules from Master Channel on any other channel.", dest elsif @status != :on respond "The bot in that channel is not :on", dest elsif data.user == channel_found.creator or members.include?(data.user) res = process_first(user_info.user, command, dest, channel_rules) else respond "You need to join the channel <##{}> to be able to use the rules.", dest end end elsif @questions.keys.include?( #todo: @questions key should be the id not the name. change it everywhere dest = res = process_first(user_info.user, data.text, dest, @channels_id[CHANNEL]) elsif (dest[0] == "D" or @channels_id[CHANNEL] == or data.user == config[:nick_id]) and data.text.size > 0 and data.text[0] != "-" res = process_first(user_info.user, data.text, dest, # if @botname on #channel_rules: do something end rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack end end end "Bot listening" client.start! end def process_first(user, text, dest, dchannel) nick = #todo: verify if on slack on anytime nick == config[:nick] if nick == config[:nick] #if message is coming from the bot begin case text when /^Bot has been killed by/ "#{nick}: #{text}" exit! when /^Changed status on (.+) to :(.+)/i channel_name = $1 status = $2 if ON_MASTER_BOT or CHANNEL == channel_name @bots_created[@channels_id[channel_name]][:status] = status.to_sym update_bots_file() if CHANNEL == channel_name "#{nick}: #{text}" else #on master bot "Changed status on #{channel_name} to :#{status}" end end end return :next #don't continue analyzing rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack return :next end end #only for shortcuts if text.match(/^@?(#{config[:nick]}):*\s+(.+)\s*$/i) or text.match(/^()!\s*(.+)\s*$/i) or text.match(/^()<@#{config[:nick_id]}>\s+(.+)\s*$/i) command = $2 addexcl = true else addexcl = false command = text.downcase.lstrip.rstrip end if command.scan(/^(shortcut|sc)\s+(.+)/i).any? or (@shortcuts.keys.include?(:all) and @shortcuts[:all].keys.include?(command)) or (@shortcuts.keys.include?(nick) and @shortcuts[nick].keys.include?(command)) command = $2.downcase unless $2.nil? if @shortcuts.keys.include?(nick) and @shortcuts[nick].keys.include?(command) text = @shortcuts[nick][command].dup elsif @shortcuts.keys.include?(:all) and @shortcuts[:all].keys.include?(command) text = @shortcuts[:all][command].dup else respond "Shortcut not found", dest return :next end text = "!" + text if addexcl and text[0] != "!" end if @questions.keys.include?(nick) command = @questions[nick] @questions[nick] = text else command = text end begin t = do begin done = false processed = process(user, command, dest, dchannel) "command: #{nick}> #{command}" if processed on_demand = false if command.match(/^@?(#{config[:nick]}):*\s+(.+)$/i) or command.match(/^()!(.+)$/i) or command.match(/^()<@#{config[:nick_id]}>\s+(.+)$/i) command = $2 on_demand = true end if @status == :on and (@questions.keys.include?(nick) or @listening.include?(nick) or dest[0] == "D" or on_demand) "command: #{nick}> #{command}" unless processed #todo: verify this if dest[0] == "C" #only for channels, not for DM rules_file = RULES_FILE if @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?(dchannel) unless @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][dchannel]) file_conf = IO.readlines($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")).join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @bots_created = eval(file_conf) end end if @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][dchannel]) if @bots_created[@rules_imported[][dchannel]][:status] == :on rules_file = @bots_created[@rules_imported[][dchannel]][:rules_file] else respond "The bot on that channel is not :on", dest done = true end end end unless done begin eval( if File.exist?(rules_file) rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal "ERROR ON RULES FILE: #{rules_file}" @logger.fatal stack end if defined?(rules) command[0] = "" if command[0] == "!" command.gsub!(/^@\w+:*\s*/, "") rules(user, command, processed, dest) else @logger.warn "It seems like rules method is not defined" end end elsif @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?( unless @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][]) file_conf = IO.readlines($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")).join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @bots_created = eval(file_conf) end end if @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][]) if @bots_created[@rules_imported[][]][:status] == :on rules_file = @bots_created[@rules_imported[][]][:rules_file] begin eval( if File.exist?(rules_file) rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal "ERROR ON imported RULES FILE: #{rules_file}" @logger.fatal stack end else respond "The bot on <##{@rules_imported[][]}|#{@bots_created[@rules_imported[][]][:channel_name]}> is not :on", dest done = true end end unless done if defined?(rules) command[0] = "" if command[0] == "!" command.gsub!(/^@\w+:*\s*/, "") rules(user, command, processed, dest) else @logger.warn "It seems like rules method is not defined" end end else "it is a direct message with no rules file selected so no rules file executed." unless processed resp = ["what", "huh", "sorry", "what do you mean", "I don't understand"].sample respond "#{resp}?", dest end end end rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack end end rescue => e @logger.error "exception: #{e.inspect}" end end #help: =================================== #help: #help: *General commands:* #help: def process(user, command, dest, dchannel) from = firstname = from.split(/ /).first processed = true case command #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `Hello Bot` #help: `Hello Smart` #help: `Hello THE_NAME_OF_THE_BOT` #help: Also apart of Hello you can use _Hallo, Hi, Hola, What's up, Hey, Hæ_ #help: Bot starts listening to you #help: If you want to avoid a single message to be treated by the smart bot, start the message by - #help: when /^(Hello|Hallo|Hi|Hola|What's\sup|Hey|Hæ)\s(#{@salutations.join("|")})\s*$/i if @status == :on greetings = ["Hello", "Hallo", "Hi", "Hola", "What's up", "Hey", "Hæ"].sample respond "#{greetings} #{firstname}", dest if @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?( and dest[0] == "D" respond "You are using specific rules for channel: <##{@rules_imported[][]}>", dest elsif @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?(dchannel) and dest[0] == "C" respond "You are using specific rules for channel: <##{@rules_imported[][dchannel]}>", dest end @listening << from unless @listening.include?(from) end #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `Bye Bot` #help: `Bye Smart` #help: `Bye NAME_OF_THE_BOT` #help: Also apart of Bye you can use _Bæ, Good Bye, Adiós, Ciao, Bless, Bless Bless, Adeu_ #help: Bot stops listening to you #help: when /^(Bye|Bæ|Good\sBye|Adiós|Ciao|Bless|Bless\sBless|Adeu)\s(#{@salutations.join("|")})\s*$/i if @status == :on bye = ["Bye", "Bæ", "Good Bye", "Adiós", "Ciao", "Bless", "Bless bless", "Adeu"].sample respond "#{bye} #{firstname}", dest @listening.delete(from) end #helpadmin: ---------------------------------------------- #helpadmin: `exit bot` #helpadmin: `quit bot` #helpadmin: `close bot` #helpadmin: The bot stops running and also stops all the bots created from this master channel #helpadmin: You can use this command only if you are an admin user and you are on the master channel #helpadmin: when /^exit\sbot/i, /^quit\sbot/i, /^close\sbot/i if ON_MASTER_BOT if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user unless @questions.keys.include?(from) ask("are you sure?", command, from, dest) else case @questions[from] when /yes/i, /yep/i, /sure/i respond "Game over!", dest respond "Ciao #{firstname}!", dest @bots_created.each { |key, value| value[:thread] = "" send_msg_channel(key, "Bot has been closed by #{from}") sleep 0.5 } update_bots_file() sleep 0.5 exit! when /no/i, /nope/i, /cancel/i @questions.delete(from) respond "Thanks, I'm happy to be alive", dest else respond "I don't understand", dest ask("are you sure do you want me to close? (yes or no)", "quit bot", from, dest) end end else respond "Only admin users can kill me", dest end else respond "To do this you need to be an admin user in the master channel: <##{@channels_id[MASTER_CHANNEL]}>", dest end #helpadmin: ---------------------------------------------- #helpadmin: `start bot` #helpadmin: `start this bot` #helpadmin: the bot will start to listen #helpadmin: You can use this command only if you are an admin user #helpadmin: when /^start\s(this\s)?bot$/i if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user respond "This bot is running and listening from now on. You can pause again: pause this bot", dest @status = :on unless ON_MASTER_BOT send_msg_channel MASTER_CHANNEL, "Changed status on #{CHANNEL} to :on" end else respond "Only admin users can change my status", dest end #helpadmin: ---------------------------------------------- #helpadmin: `pause bot` #helpadmin: `pause this bot` #helpadmin: the bot will pause so it will listen only to admin commands #helpadmin: You can use this command only if you are an admin user #helpadmin: when /^pause\s(this\s)?bot$/i if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user respond "This bot is paused from now on. You can start it again: start this bot", dest respond "zZzzzzZzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz", dest @status = :paused unless ON_MASTER_BOT send_msg_channel MASTER_CHANNEL, "Changed status on #{CHANNEL} to :paused" end else respond "Only admin users can put me on pause", dest end #helpadmin: ---------------------------------------------- #helpadmin: `bot status` #helpadmin: Displays the status of the bot #helpadmin: If on master channel and admin user also it will display info about bots created #helpadmin: when /^bot\sstatus/i gems_remote = `gem list slack-smart-bot --remote` version_remote = gems_remote.to_s().scan(/slack-smart-bot \((\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/).join version_message = "" if version_remote != VERSION version_message = " There is a new available version: #{version_remote}." end respond "Status: #{@status}. Version: #{VERSION}.#{version_message} Rules file: #{File.basename RULES_FILE} ", dest if @status == :on respond "I'm listening to [#{@listening.join(", ")}]", dest if ON_MASTER_BOT and ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) @bots_created.each { |key, value| respond "#{key}: #{value}", dest } end end #helpmaster: ---------------------------------------------- #helpmaster: `notify MESSAGE` #helpmaster: `notify all MESSAGE` #helpmaster: It will send a notificaiton message to all bot channels #helpmaster: It will send a notification message to all channels the bot joined and private conversations with the bot #helpmaster: Only works if you are on Master channel and you are an admin user #helpmaster: when /^notify\s+(all)?\s*(.+)\s*$/i if ON_MASTER_BOT if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user all = $1 message = $2 if all.nil? @bots_created.each do |k, v| respond message, k end respond "Bot channels have been notified", dest else myconv = wclient.users_conversations(exclude_archived: true, limit: 100, types: "im, public_channel").channels myconv.each do |c| respond message, unless == MASTER_CHANNEL end respond "Channels and users have been notified", dest end end end #helpmaster: ---------------------------------------------- #helpmaster: `create bot on CHANNEL_NAME` #helpmaster: creates a new bot on the channel specified #helpmaster: it will work only if you are on Master channel #helpmaster: when /^create\sbot\son\s<#C\w+\|(.+)>\s*/i, /^create\sbot\son\s(.+)\s*/i if ON_MASTER_BOT channel = $1 get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.keys.include?(channel) or @channels_id.keys.include?(channel) channel_id = nil if @channels_name.key?(channel) #it is an id channel_id = channel channel = @channels_name[channel_id] elsif @channels_id.key?(channel) #it is a channel name channel_id = @channels_id[channel] end channels = wclient.channels_list.channels channel_found = channels.detect { |c| == channel } members = wclient.conversations_members(channel: @channels_id[channel]).members unless channel_found.nil? if channel_id.nil? respond "There is no channel with that name: #{channel}, please be sure is written exactly the same", dest elsif channel == MASTER_CHANNEL respond "There is already a bot in this channel: #{channel}", dest elsif @bots_created.keys.include?(channel_id) respond "There is already a bot in this channel: #{channel}, kill it before", dest elsif config[:nick_id] != channel_found.creator and !members.include?(config[:nick_id]) respond "You need to add first to the channel the smart bot user: #{config[:nick]}", dest else if channel_id != config[:channel] begin rules_file = "slack-smart-bot_rules_#{channel_id}_#{from.gsub(" ", "_")}.rb" if defined?(RULES_FOLDER) rules_file = RULES_FOLDER + rules_file else Dir.mkdir("rules") unless Dir.exist?("rules") Dir.mkdir("rules/#{channel_id}") unless Dir.exist?("rules/#{channel_id}") rules_file = "./rules/#{channel_id}/" + rules_file end default_rules = (__FILE__).gsub(/\.rb$/, "_rules.rb") File.delete(rules_file) if File.exist?(rules_file) FileUtils.copy_file(default_rules, rules_file) unless File.exist?(rules_file) admin_users = admin_users = [from] + MASTER_USERS admin_users.uniq! "ruby #{$0} \"#{channel}\" \"#{admin_users.join(",")}\" \"#{rules_file}\" on" t = do `ruby #{$0} \"#{channel}\" \"#{admin_users.join(",")}\" \"#{rules_file}\" on` end @bots_created[channel_id] = { creator_name: from, channel_id: channel_id, channel_name: @channels_name[channel_id], status: :on, created:"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")[0..18], rules_file: rules_file, admins: admin_users.join(","), thread: t, } respond "The bot has been created on channel: #{channel}. Rules file: #{File.basename rules_file}", dest update_bots_file() rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack message = "Problem creating the bot on channel #{channel}. Error: <#{stack}>." @logger.error message respond message, dest end else respond "There is already a bot in this channel: #{channel}, and it is the Master Channel!", dest end end else MASTER_CHANNEL @channel_id.inspect respond "Sorry I cannot create bots from this channel, please visit the master channel: <##{@channels_id[MASTER_CHANNEL]}>", dest end #helpmaster: ---------------------------------------------- #helpmaster: `kill bot on CHANNEL_NAME` #helpmaster: kills the bot on the specified channel #helpmaster: Only works if you are on Master channel and you created that bot or you are an admin user #helpmaster: when /^kill\sbot\son\s<#C\w+\|(.+)>\s*/i, /^kill\sbot\son\s(.+)\s*/i if ON_MASTER_BOT channel = $1 get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.keys.include?(channel) or @channels_id.keys.include?(channel) channel_id = nil if @channels_name.key?(channel) #it is an id channel_id = channel channel = @channels_name[channel_id] elsif @channels_id.key?(channel) #it is a channel name channel_id = @channels_id[channel] end if channel_id.nil? respond "There is no channel with that name: #{channel}, please be sure is written exactly the same", dest elsif @bots_created.keys.include?(channel_id) if @bots_created[channel_id][:admins].split(",").include?(from) if @bots_created[channel_id][:thread].kind_of?(Thread) and @bots_created[channel_id][:thread].alive? @bots_created[channel_id][:thread].kill end @bots_created.delete(channel_id) update_bots_file() respond "Bot on channel: #{channel}, has been killed and deleted.", dest send_msg_channel(channel, "Bot has been killed by #{from}") else respond "You need to be the creator or an admin of that bot channel", dest end else respond "There is no bot in this channel: #{channel}", dest end else respond "Sorry I cannot kill bots from this channel, please visit the master channel: <##{@channels_id[MASTER_CHANNEL]}>", dest end #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `use rules from CHANNEL` #help: `use rules CHANNEL` #help: it will use the rules from the specified channel. #help: you need to be part of that channel to be able to use the rules. #help: when /^use rules (from\s+)?<#C\w+\|(.+)>/i, /^use rules (from\s+)?(.+)/i channel = $2 channels = wclient.channels_list.channels channel_found = channels.detect { |c| == channel } members = wclient.conversations_members(channel: @channels_id[channel]).members unless channel_found.nil? if channel_found.nil? respond "The channel you are trying to use doesn't exist", dest elsif == MASTER_CHANNEL respond "You cannot use the rules from Master Channel on any other channel.", dest elsif !@bots_created.key?(@channels_id[channel]) respond "There is no bot running on that channel.", dest elsif @bots_created.key?(@channels_id[channel]) and @bots_created[@channels_id[channel]][:status] != :on respond "The bot in that channel is not :on", dest else if == channel_found.creator or members.include?( @rules_imported[] = {} unless @rules_imported.key?( if dest[0] == "C" #todo: take in consideration bots that are not master @rules_imported[][dchannel] = else @rules_imported[][] = end update_rules_imported() if ON_MASTER_BOT respond "I'm using now the rules from <##{}>", dest else respond "You need to join the channel <##{}> to be able to use the rules.", dest end end #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `stop using rules from CHANNEL` #help: `stop using rules CHANNEL` #help: it will stop using the rules from the specified channel. #help: when /^stop using rules (from\s+)?<#C\w+\|(.+)>/i, /^stop using rules (from\s+)?(.+)/i channel = $2 if @channels_id.key?(channel) channel_id = @channels_id[channel] else channel_id = channel end if dest[0] == "C" #channel if @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?(dchannel) if @rules_imported[][dchannel] != channel_id respond "You are not using those rules.", dest else @rules_imported[].delete(dchannel) update_rules_imported() if ON_MASTER_BOT respond "You won't be using those rules from now on.", dest end else respond "You were not using those rules.", dest end else #direct message if @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?( if @rules_imported[][] != channel_id respond "You are not using those rules.", dest else @rules_imported[].delete( update_rules_imported() if ON_MASTER_BOT respond "You won't be using those rules from now on.", dest end else respond "You were not using those rules.", dest end end #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `bot help` #help: `bot what can I do?` #help: `bot rules` #help: it will display this help #help: `bot rules` will show only the specific rules for this channel. when /^bot (rules|help)/i, /^bot,? what can I do/i if $1.to_s.match?(/rules/i) specific = true else specific = false end if !specific help_message = IO.readlines(__FILE__).join if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user respond "*Commands for administrators:*\n#{help_message.scan(/#\s*help\s*admin:(.*)/).join("\n")}", dest end if ON_MASTER_BOT and dest[0] == "C" respond "*Commands only on Master Channel <##{@channels_id[MASTER_CHANNEL]}>:*\n#{help_message.scan(/#\s*help\s*master:(.*)/).join("\n")}", dest end respond help_message.scan(/#\s*help\s*:(.*)/).join("\n"), dest end if dest[0] == "C" # on a channel rules_file = RULES_FILE if @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?(dchannel) unless @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][dchannel]) file_conf = IO.readlines($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")).join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @bots_created = eval(file_conf) end end if @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][dchannel]) rules_file = @bots_created[@rules_imported[][dchannel]][:rules_file] respond "*You are using rules from another channel: <##{@rules_imported[][dchannel]}>. These are the specific commands for that channel:*", dest end end help_message_rules = IO.readlines(rules_file).join respond help_message_rules.scan(/#\s*help\s*:(.*)/).join("\n"), dest elsif dest[0] == "D" and @rules_imported.key?( and @rules_imported[].key?( #direct message unless @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][]) file_conf = IO.readlines($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")).join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @bots_created = eval(file_conf) end end if @bots_created.key?(@rules_imported[][]) rules_file = @bots_created[@rules_imported[][]][:rules_file] respond "*You are using rules from channel: <##{@rules_imported[][]}>. These are the specific commands for that channel:*", dest help_message_rules = IO.readlines(rules_file).join respond help_message_rules.scan(/#\s*help\s*:(.*)/).join("\n"), dest end end respond "Github project:", dest if !specific else processed = false end on_demand = false if command.match(/^@?(#{config[:nick]}):*\s+(.+)$/i) or command.match(/^()!(.+)$/i) or command.match(/^()<@#{config[:nick_id]}>\s+(.+)$/i) command = $2 on_demand = true end #only when :on and (listening or on demand or direct message) if @status == :on and (@questions.keys.include?(from) or @listening.include?(from) or dest[0] == "D" or on_demand) processed2 = true #help: =================================== #help: #help: *These commands will run only when the smart bot is listening to you or on demand or in a private conversation with the Smart Bot*. To run a command on demand: #help: `!THE_COMMAND` #help: `@NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND` #help: `NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND` #help: case command #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `add shortcut NAME: COMMAND` #help: `add sc NAME: COMMAND` #help: `add shortcut for all NAME: COMMAND` #help: `add sc for all NAME: COMMAND` #help: `shortchut NAME: COMMAND` #help: `shortchut for all NAME: COMMAND` #help: It will add a shortcut that will execute the command we supply. #help: In case we supply 'for all' then the shorcut will be available for everybody #help: Example: #help: _add shortcut for all Spanish account: code require 'iso/iban'; 10.times {puts ISO::IBAN.random('ES')}_ #help: Then to call this shortcut: #help: _sc spanish account_ #help: _shortcut Spanish Account_ #help: _Spanish Account_ #help: when /^(add\s)?shortcut\s(for\sall)?\s*(.+)\s*:\s*(.+)/i, /^(add\s)sc\s(for\sall)?\s*(.+)\s*:\s*(.+)/i for_all = $2 shortcut_name = $3.to_s.downcase command_to_run = $4 @shortcuts[from] = unless @shortcuts.keys.include?(from) if !ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) and @shortcuts[:all].include?(shortcut_name) and !@shortcuts[from].include?(shortcut_name) respond "Only the creator of the shortcut or an admin user can modify it", dest elsif !@shortcuts[from].include?(shortcut_name) #new shortcut @shortcuts[from][shortcut_name] = command_to_run @shortcuts[:all][shortcut_name] = command_to_run if for_all.to_s != "" update_shortcuts_file() respond "shortcut added", dest else #are you sure? to avoid overwriting existing unless @questions.keys.include?(from) ask("The shortcut already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?", command, from, dest) else case @questions[from] when /^(yes|yep)/i @shortcuts[from][shortcut_name] = command_to_run @shortcuts[:all][shortcut_name] = command_to_run if for_all.to_s != "" update_shortcuts_file() respond "shortcut added", dest @questions.delete(from) when /^no/i respond "ok, I won't add it", dest @questions.delete(from) else respond "I don't understand, yes or no?", dest end end end #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `delete shortcut NAME` #help: `delete sc NAME` #help: It will delete the shortcut with the supplied name #help: when /^delete\s+shortcut\s+(.+)/i, /^delete\s+sc\s+(.+)/i shortcut = $1.to_s.downcase deleted = false if !ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) and @shortcuts[:all].include?(shortcut) and !@shortcuts[from].include?(shortcut) respond "Only the creator of the shortcut or an admin user can delete it", dest elsif (@shortcuts.keys.include?(from) and @shortcuts[from].keys.include?(shortcut)) or (ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) and @shortcuts[:all].include?(shortcut)) #are you sure? to avoid deleting by mistake unless @questions.keys.include?(from) ask("are you sure you want to delete it?", command, from, dest) else case @questions[from] when /^(yes|yep)/i respond "shortcut deleted!", dest respond "#{shortcut}: #{@shortcuts[from][shortcut]}", dest @shortcuts[from].delete(shortcut) @shortcuts[:all].delete(shortcut) @questions.delete(from) update_shortcuts_file() when /^no/i respond "ok, I won't delete it", dest @questions.delete(from) else respond "I don't understand, yes or no?", dest end end else respond "shortcut not found", dest end #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `see shortcuts` #help: `see sc` #help: It will display the shortcuts stored for the user and for :all #help: when /^see\sshortcuts/i, /^see\ssc/i msg = "" if @shortcuts[:all].keys.size > 0 msg = "*Available shortcuts for all:*\n" @shortcuts[:all].each { |name, value| msg += " _#{name}: #{value}_\n" } respond msg, dest end if @shortcuts.keys.include?(from) and @shortcuts[from].keys.size > 0 new_hash = @shortcuts[from].dup @shortcuts[:all].keys.each { |k| new_hash.delete(k) } if new_hash.keys.size > 0 msg = "*Available shortcuts for #{from}:*\n" new_hash.each { |name, value| msg += " _#{name}: #{value}_\n" } respond msg, dest end end respond "No shortcuts found", dest if msg == "" #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `id channel CHANNEL_NAME` #help: shows the id of a channel name #help: when /^id\schannel\s<#C\w+\|(.+)>\s*/i, /^id channel (.+)/ channel_name = $1 get_channels_name_and_id() if @channels_id.keys.include?(channel_name) respond "the id of #{channel_name} is #{@channels_id[channel_name]}", dest else respond "channel: #{channel_name} not found", dest end #help: ---------------------------------------------- #help: `ruby RUBY_CODE` #help: `code RUBY_CODE` #help: runs the code supplied and returns the output. Also you can send a Ruby file. Examples: #help: _code puts (34344/99)*(34+14)_ #help: _ruby require 'json'; res=[]; 20.times {res< exc respond exc, dest end else respond "Sorry I cannot run this due security issues", dest end else processed2 = false end processed = true if processed or processed2 end return processed end def respond(msg, dest = nil) if dest.nil? client.message(channel: @channels_id[CHANNEL], text: msg, as_user: true) elsif dest[0] == "C" # channel client.message(channel: dest, text: msg, as_user: true) elsif dest[0] == "D" # Direct message send_msg_user(dest, msg) else @logger.warn("method respond not treated correctly: msg:#{msg} dest:#{dest}") end end #context: previous message #to: user that should answer def ask(question, context, to, dest = nil) if dest.nil? client.message(channel: @channels_id[CHANNEL], text: "#{to}: #{question}", as_user: true) elsif dest[0] == "C" # channel client.message(channel: dest, text: "#{to}: #{question}", as_user: true) elsif dest[0] == "D" #private message send_msg_user(dest, "#{to}: #{question}") end @questions[to] = context end # to: (String) Channel name or id # msg: (String) message to send def send_msg_channel(to, msg) unless msg == "" get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.key?(to) or @channels_id.key?(to) if @channels_name.key?(to) #it is an id channel_id = to elsif @channels_id.key?(to) #it is a channel name channel_id = @channels_id[to] else @logger.fatal "Channel: #{to} not found. Message: #{msg}" end client.message(channel: channel_id, text: msg, as_user: true) end end #to send messages without listening for a response to users def send_msg_user(id_user, msg) unless msg == "" if id_user[0] == "D" client.message(channel: id_user, as_user: true, text: msg) else im = wclient.im_open(user: id_user) client.message(channel: im["channel"]["id"], as_user: true, text: msg) end end end #to send a file to an user or channel def send_file(to, msg, file, title, format) if to[0] == "U" #user im = wclient.im_open(user: to) channel = im["channel"]["id"] else channel = to end wclient.files_upload( channels: channel, as_user: true, file:, format), title: title, filename: file, initial_comment: msg, ) end private :update_bots_file, :get_channels_name_and_id, :update_shortcuts_file end