en: activemodel: attributes: spina/embeds/youtube: url: youtube.com/watch?v=... spina/embeds/vimeo: url: vimeo.com/... activerecord: attributes: spina/account: address: Address city: City email: Email facebook: Facebook google_analytics: Google Analytics google_plus: Google+ google_site_verification: Google Site Verification instagram: Instagram kvk_identifier: Chamber of commerce kvk_identifier_description: Chamber of commerce linkedin: LinkedIn logo: Logo name: Website name phone: Phone postal_code: Postal code robots_allowed: Visible in search engines theme: Theme website twitter: Twitter vat_identifier: VAT vat_identifier_description: VAT youtube: YouTube spina/attachment: created_at: Created at name: Filename size: Size spina/media_folder: name: Name spina/navigation: auto_add_pages: Automatically add pages auto_add_pages_description: New pages are added automatically to this navigation label: Label pages: Pages pages_description: Select the pages you want to use in this navigation spina/page: ancestry: Parent page created_at: Created at description: Meta description description_description: This description will be shown in search results description_placeholder: Short description of your page draft: Draft draft_description: Great for when your page is not quite finished link_url: Page Redirect link_url_description: Forward to URL link_url_placeholder: e.g. http://www.example.com/ menu_title: Navigation title menu_title_placeholder: Leave empty to use the page title no_parent: No parent resource: Resource seo_title: SEO seo_title_description: Make sure your search result looks good in search engines seo_title_placeholder: This title is used in the <title>-tag show_in_menu: Show in navigation show_in_menu_description: When turned off this page won't be shown in your navigation skip_to_first_child: Forward skip_to_first_child_description: Forward to first child page title: Title title_placeholder: Page title url_title: Override slug url_title_description: Optional url_title_placeholder: Slug view_template: Page template spina/resource: label: Label order_by: Order by parent_page: Parent page view_template: Default view template spina/user: admin: Administrator admin_description: Administrators can create users email: Email email_description: Your email must be unique last_logged_in: Last logged in name: Name name_placeholder: Name password: Password password_confirmation: Confirm password password_description: Leave blank to keep password role: Role user: User models: spina/attachment: one: Document other: Documents spina/page: one: Page other: Pages spina/photo: one: Image other: Images spina/user: one: User other: Users helpers: label: spina/embeds/button: url: URL label: Button label spina/embeds/youtube: url: Youtube URL spina/embeds/vimeo: url: Vimeo URL spina: accounts: contact_details: Contact details contact_details_description: Email and phone couldnt_be_saved: Account couldn't be saved name_description: Your website name save: Save account saved: Account saved ago: ago attachments: choose_attachment: Choose attachment delete_confirmation_html: Are you sure? This attachment <span class='font-semibold'>might</span> be in use on a page. download: Download insert: Insert document insert_multiple: Insert documents upload: Upload files cancel: Cancel choose_from_library: Choose from library close: Close delete: Delete delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete <strong>%{subject}</strong>? edit: Edit edit_website: Edit your website embeds: embed_a_component: Embed a component embed_component: Embed component forgot_password: expired: Your password reset token has expired mail_subject: Reset your password new: Forgot password request: Request new password save: Save new password success: You can use your new password unknown_user: This user does not exist images: all_images: All images back: Back cannot_be_created: Cannot be created choose_image: Choose image choose_images: Choose images confirm_selection: Confirm selection delete: Delete delete_confirmation_html: Are you sure you want to delete this <strong>image</strong>? delete_folder: Delete folder done_organizing: Done organizing insert_image: Insert image insert_photo: Insert photo insert_photos: Insert photos link: Link missing_image: Missing image new_folder: New folder organize: Organize remove_image: Remove image upload: Upload images upload_image: Upload image languages: bg: Bulgarian de: German en: English es: Spanish fr: French id: Indonesian it: Italian nl: Dutch pl: Polish pt-BR: Brazilian Portuguese ro: Romanian ru: Russian sv: Swedish th: Thai tr: Turkish zh-CN: Simplified Chinese layout: couldnt_be_saved: Layout couldn't be saved layout: Layout no_layout_parts: No layout parts available save: Save layout saved: Layout saved login: Login logout: Logout main_menu: Main menu media_library: add_folder: Add folder add_image: Add image attachments: Documents back_to_all: Back to all filename: Filename images: Images images_count: one: 1 image other: "%{count} images" insert: Insert image media_folder_delete_confirmation_html: Are you sure? Images will <strong>not</strong> be deleted. no_folder: No folder photos: Images rename_folder: Rename folder save_media_folder: Save media folder upload_from_device: Upload from device uploading: Uploading... modal: agree: Yes, I'm sure cancel: No, cancel navigations: add_menu_item: Add menu item add_sub_item: Add sub-item choose_page: Choose page delete_item: Delete item delete_item_confirmation_html: Are you sure you want to <span class='font-semibold'>delete</span> this menu item? description: Add and sort items as you see fit. You can add nested menu items, but don't have to. navigations: Navigations no_navigations: This website has no navigations yet. You can set one up in your theme configuration. sorting_saved: Sorting saved notifications: alert: Oops! Something went wrong information: Information login: You have to login first wrong_username_or_password: Wrong email or password options: choose_option: Choose option pages: add_page_to: 'Add page to:' add_translation: Add %{language} translation advanced: Advanced cannot_be_deleted: Page can't be deleted change_order: Change order change_view_template: Change view template change_view_template_confirmation: Are you sure you want to change your page template? Page content that does not belong in the new template will be lost. concept: draft create: Create page create_page: new %{template} delete: Delete page delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete the page <strong>%{subject}</strong>? deleted: Page deleted done_changing_order: Done ordering edit_translation: Edit %{language} translation invisible_to_search_engines: Your website is invisible to search engines invisible_to_search_engines_description: Go to your preferences to activate search engines. main_collection: Main collection materialize_path_confirmation: Are you sure you want to rebuild the path for this page? missing_translations: Missing translations move_page: Move page moved: Page moved new: New page no_pages_yet: No pages yet no_parent_page: No parent page page_content: Content page_part: Page section page_seo: Search engines path: 'Path:' photo_picker: Choose image photos_picker: Choose images preview: Preview publish: Publish published: Page published rebuild_materialized_path: Rebuild materialized path recommended: recommended save: Save page save_changes: Save changes save_draft: Save draft saved: Page saved saving: Saving... search_engines: Search engines show_in_menu: invisible skip_to_first_child: forward to first child page sorting_saved: Sorting saved permanently_delete: Permanently delete photos: cannot_be_created: 'Image could not be processed:' choose_images: Choose images delete: Delete delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this <strong>image</strong>? delete_folder: Delete folder done_organizing: Done organizing insert_photo: Insert image insert_photos: Choose images link: 'URL of your image:' new_folder: New folder organize: Organize images rename_folder: Rename folder select_images: Select images upload_image: Upload an image preferences: Analytics: Analytics account: General account_description: Personal preferences account_save: Save preferences analytics: Analytics and search analytics_description: Link your account with for real-time analytics analytics_save: Save preferences domain_name_settings: Domain settings domain_name_settings_description: Setup your own custom domain social_media: Social media social_media_description: Facebook and Twitter accounts social_media_save: Save social media style: Styling style_description: Choose a theme that fits your brand style_save: Save styling title: Preferences users: Users users_description: Manage users and administrators preview_website: Preview website resources: edit: Edit resource label_description: User-facing label for this page collection. manual_sorting: Manual sorting no_default_template: No default template saved: Page collection saved settings: "%{label} settings" settings_description: All pages inside this collection will be prepended with this slug. save: Save search: Search... settings: general: General save: Save Settings title: Settings users: Users theme: save: Save theme saved: Theme saved theme: Theme theme_description: Configure your theme ui: cancel: Cancel delete: Delete load_more: Load more move_to: Move to new_entry: New entry optional: Optional rename: Rename save_changes: Save changes saving: Saving... user_mailer: forgot_password: button: Reset your password introduction: You recently requested to reset your password for your Spina CMS account. This password reset is only valid for the next 2 hours. Copy and paste the URL below into your web browser. introduction_html: "You recently requested to reset your password for your Spina CMS account. Use the button below to reset it. <strong>This password reset is only valid for the next 2 hours.</strong>" preheader: Use this link to reset your password. The link is only valid for 2 hours. request_origin: For security, this request was received from a %{platform} device using %{browser}. If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email. salutation: Hi, %{name} subject: Reset your password trouble: If you’re having trouble with the button above, copy and paste the URL below into your web browser. users: authorization: Authorization authorization_description: Administrators can manage users. Regular users cannot. cannot_be_created: The user cannot be saved delete: Delete user delete_confirmation_html: Are you sure you want to delete the user <strong>%{user}</strong>? deleted: User deleted last_login: 'Last login:' never_logged_in: Never logged in new: New user profile: Profile profile_description: This information will be used to identify different users. Users will use their email address to login. save: Save user saved: User saved visit_page: Visit page website: all_pages: All pages content: Content documents: Documents images: Images main: Main media_library: Media library media_library_description: Here's where you'll find all of your images and documents pages: Pages pages_description: All pages on your website photos: Images settings: Settings theme: Theme title: Your website wysiwyg: heading_1: Heading 1 heading_2: Heading 2 heading_3: Heading 3 insert_link: Insert link link: Link paragraph: Paragraph quote: Quote unlink: Unlink url: URL url_placeholder: Enter a URL