Feature: Installing culerity In order to not have to use f@#$ing selenium and receive hate into our lives As a self-respective Rails/JavaScript developer I want to install culerity into my Rails app Background: Given a Rails app And I run executable "script/generate" with arguments "cucumber" And I delete file "features/step_definitions/webrat_steps.rb" And I copy the project generators into "vendor/generators" And I invoke task "rake db:migrate" When I run executable "script/generate" with arguments "culerity" And I setup load path to local code Scenario: Install culerity and setup jruby environment Given I have jruby installed When I invoke task "rake culerity:install" Then the gem "jarib-celerity" is installed into jruby environment Scenario: Install culerity and test the rails start + stop tasks When I invoke task "rake culerity:rails:start" Then file "tmp/culerity_rails_server.pid" is created And I invoke task "rake culerity:rails:stop" Then file "tmp/culerity_rails_server.pid" is not created Scenario: Install culerity into a Rails app and check it works Then file "features/step_definitions/common_celerity_steps.rb" is created Then file "config/environments/culerity_development.rb" is created Then file "config/environments/culerity_continuousintegration.rb" is created And I run executable "cucumber" with arguments "features/" Then I should see "0 scenarios" And I should see "0 steps" Given I invoke task "rake culerity:rails:start" When I add a feature file to test Rails index.html default file And I run executable "cucumber" with arguments "features/" Then I should see "1 scenario" And I should see "5 steps (5 passed)"