--- source: - meta/ authors: - name: Thomas Sawyer email: transfire@gmail.com copyrights: - holder: '' year: '2009' license: BSD-2-Clause replacements: [] alternatives: [] requirements: - name: detroit groups: - build development: true - name: qed groups: - test development: true dependencies: [] conflicts: [] repositories: - uri: git://github.com/rubyworks/radix.git scm: git name: upstream resources: home: http://rubyworks.github.com/radix code: http://github.com/rubyworks/radix mail: http://groups.google.com/groups/rubyworks-mailinglist bugs: http://github.com/rubyworks/radix/issues extra: {} load_path: - lib revision: 0 created: '2009-07-01' summary: Convert to and from any base. title: Radix version: 2.0.1 name: radix description: ! "Radix is a very easy to use Ruby library for converting numbers to and from\nany base. It supports both Integer, Float and Rational numbers, as well as \nrepresentational string-notations that need not be in ASCII order." organization: Rubyworks date: '2011-10-23'