module Hobo module Translations # --- Translation Helper --- # # # Uses RoR native I18n.translate. # # Adds some conventions for easier hobo translation. # 1. Assumes the first part of the key to be a model name (e.g.: users.index.title -> user) # 2. Tries to translate the model by lookup for: (e.g.: user-> activerecord.models.user) # 3. Adds a default fallback to the beginning of the fallback chain # by replacing the first part of the key with "hobo" and using the translated model name # as additional attribute. This allows us to have default translations # (e.g.: hobo.index.title: "{{model}} Index") # # Is also used as a tag in the dryml-view files. The syntax is: # My Application # --> Will lookup the ""-key for your locale and replaces the "My Application" content # if found. # # My Application # --> Will look up both the "my"- and "app"-key for your locale, and replaces the # "My Application" with the "my"-key contents (interpolated using the "app"-key. # sample.en.yml-file: # "no": # my: "Mitt {{app}}" # The output should be: Mitt Program # # Otherwise with features as the ht method, step 1, 2 and 3 above. def, options={}) # Check if called as a tag, i.e. like this if (key.class == Hash) if key.has_key?(:default) && !key[:default].blank? Rails.logger.warn "hobo-i18n: 'default' should not be used as an attribute on the ht-tag. If used, then you need to make sure that the tags inner-contents are not used. These are normally treated as defaults automatically, but if there is a default attribute then that inner-content will be hidden from this method - and will not be replaced with the translation found." end defaults = options[:default]; # Swap key and options, remove options[:key] options = key key = options.delete(:key) # returns value for options[:key] as well as deleting it # Set options[:default] to complete the tag-argument-conversion process. options[:default] = (defaults.class == Proc) ? [] : (options[:default].blank? ? [] : [options[:default]]) else # Not called as a tag. Prepare options[:default]. if options[:default].nil? options[:default]=[] elsif options[:default].class != Array options[:default] = [options[:default]] end end # assume the first part of the key to be the model keys = key.to_s.split(".") if keys.length > 1 model = keys.shift() subkey = keys.join(".") else subkey = key end # add :"hobo.#{key}" as the first fallback options[:default].unshift("hobo.#{subkey}".to_sym) # translate the model unless model.blank? translated_model = I18n.translate( "activerecord.models.#{model.singularize.underscore}", :default=>model).titleize options[:model] = translated_model end key_prefix = "#{key}" if defined?(HOBO_SHOW_LOCALE_KEYS) && HOBO_SHOW_LOCALE_KEYS "..translate(#{key}, #{options.inspect}) to #{I18n.locale}" if defined?(HOBO_VERBOSE_TRANSLATIONS) I18n.translate(key.to_sym, options)+(key_prefix ? key_prefix:"") end # if somebody includes us, give them ht as an instance method def self.included(base) translation_class = self base.class_eval do define_method :ht do |*args|*args) end end end end end