= v0.6.1 - 2010-10-26
* Disabled buggy implementation of rendering on-page JS classes in netzke.js instead of main page.
= v0.6.0 - 2010-10-24
* Rails3 compatibility, thorough rewrite
* Much more thorough testing
* API backward incompatibility
* +ext_config+ config level is removed; put all that configuration in the top level
* mentioning actions in the +bbar+, +tbar+, etc, should be explicit, e.g.:
:bbar => [:apply.action, :delete.action]
* +late_aggregatee+ is now +lazy_loading+
* +aggregatees+ are now +components+
* +widgets+ are now +components+, too
* +api+ is now +endpoint+
* +persistent_config_enabled?+ is now +persistence_enabled?+
* Using the +js_extend_properties+ class method in your components in deprecated (and maybe even broken). Use +js_property+ (or +js_properties+) and +js_method+ instead (see multiple examples in test/rails_app)
* the +load_component_with_cache+ endpoint renamed to +deliver_component+
* New
* +ext+ helper in the views to embed any (pure) Ext component into a view
* +component+ DSL method to declare child components
* +config+ DSL method to set the configuration of an instance
* +action+ DSL method to configure actions
* +js_method+ DSL method to define (public) methods in JS class
* +js_property+ DSL method to define (public) properties in JS class
* +endpoint+ DSL method to define server endpoints
* Different deprecations throughout the code
= v0.5.3 - 2010-06-14
* Fix: Getting rid of deprecation warnings about tasks not sitting in lib.
= v0.5.2 - 2010-06-11
* Ext 3.2.1
* Fix: Netzke::Base.before_load is now also called for the widgets embedded directly into a view.
* New: support for external stylesheets.
* Fix: the "value" column type has been changed to text to prevent migration problems is some cases
* New: global_persistent_config method allows accessing persistent storage with no owner (widget) assigned
* New: any widget can now implement before_api_call interceptor. If it returns anything but empty hash, it'll be used as the result of *any* API call to this widget. The interceptor receives as parameter the name of the API call issued and the arguments. Use it to implement authorization.
* Fix: got the Ext's state provider out of the way (thank you for all the confusion)
= v0.5.1 - 2010-02-26
* Compatibility with Ext 3.1.1
* New: Netzke.page object now contains all the widgets declared on the page
* Code: replaced (references to) deprecated function names
= v0.5.0 - 2010-01-10
* Compatibility with Ext 3.1.0
* API change: Netzke widget's now should be declared directly in the views instead of controllers.
* API change: all ExtJS and Netzke JavaScript and styles are now loaded with the help of netzke_init helper.
* API change: persistence_key option replaces persistent_config_id option.
* Impr: headers in panels in the "config" mode now show the widget's global ID.
* New: required ExtJS version check introduced at initial Netzke load.
* Depr: :widget_class_name option is deprecated, use :class_name.
* DRY: now there's no need to always define "actions" method, use it to override the defaults, which are automatically calculated based on configuration for toolbars/menu.
* Impr: each generated JS class now has its unique xtype, e.g. "netzkegridpanel".
* Fix: FeedbackGhost moved over from netzke-basepack.
= v0.4.5.2 - 2009-11-09
* Fix: Hash#convert_keys and Array#convert_keys in core extensions are now renamed into deep_convert_keys, and now always plainly do what they're expected to do: recursively convert keys according to given block.
= v0.4.5.1 - 2009-11-09
* Regression: fixing inheritance and caching.
* FeedbackGhost is too simple to be a Netzke widget (having no server part), so, moved to static JavaScript.
= v0.4.5 - 2009-11-08
* API change: Netzke::Base: id_name accessor renamed to global_id
* Code: several internal code changes
* Code: lightly better test coverage
* New: Netzke::Base#global_id_by_reference method
* Compatibility: resolving conflicts with the api property in some Ext v3.0 components
* Fix: deliver_component was throwing exception when the requested component wasn't defined
* New: persistent_config_id configuration option allows specifying an id by which persistent configuration is identified for the widget. Handy if different homogeneous widgets need to share the same persistent configuration.
* New: Netzke::Base#persistent_config method now accepts an optional boolean parameter signalizing that the configuration is global (not bound to a widget)
* Impr: cleaner handling of actions and toolbars; fbar configuration introduced.
* Impr: calling an API method now provides for the result value (if return by the server) in the callback.
* Impr: allows name spaced creation of Netzke widgets, e.g. widgets can now be defined under any module under Netzke, not only *directly* under Netzke.
* New: support for Ext.Window-based widgets (it'll call show() on them when the "*_widget_render" helper is used).
= v0.4.4 - 2009-10-12
* API change: default handlers for actions and tools are now supposed to be prefixed with "on". E.g.: if you declare an action named clear_table, the handler must be called (in Ruby) on_clear_table (mapped to onClearTable in JavaScript).
* Internal: the JavaScript instance now knows if persistent config is enabled (by checking this.persistentConfig).
* Fix: solving the "Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy" problem by being more strict with duplicated IDs for elements on the same page.
* Fix: Ext 3.0 compatibility.
* Impr: getChildComponent now allows referring to a widget like this: "parent__parent__some_widget__some_nested_widget"
= v0.4.3
* Fix: reworking loadComponent()-related code, closing a security flaw when a malicious browser could send any configuration options to instantiate the widget being loaded.
= v0.4.2 - 2009-09-11
* Fix: the API call (at the JavaScript side) was ignoring the callback parameter.
* Impr: if the array of API points is empty, it's not added into js_config anymore.
* New: new testing widgets in netzke_controller.
* Fix: extra CSS includes now take effect.
* New: Support for masquerading as "World". In this mode all the "touched" persistent preferences will be overwritten for all roles and users.
= v0.4.1 - 2009-09-06
* Version bumb to force github rebuild the gem (Manifest is now included)
= v0.4.0 - 2009-09-05
* Major refactoring.
= v0.3.2 - 2009-06-05
* Netzke doesn't overwrite session[:user] anymore to not cause authentication-related problems.
= v0.3.1 - 2009-05-07
* Fix: persistent_config_manager can now be set to nil, and it will work fine
= v0.3.0 - 2009-05-07
* Refactor: got rid of NetzkeLayout model, now all layouts are stored in netzke_preferences
* New: persistent_config now has a method for_widget that accepts a block
* autotest compatibility
* New: String#to_b converts a string to true/false
* New: Netzke::Base.session introduced for session data
* New: weak_children_config and strong_children_config can now be declared by a widget, which specifies weak and strong configuration that every child of this widget will receive (e.g. display/hide configuration tool)
* Fix: (degradation) flash message is now shown again in case of erroneous attempt to load a widget
* New: widgets now can check session[:netzke_just_logged_in] and session[:netzke_just_logged_out] automatically set by Netzke after login/logout
= v0.2.11
* Introduction of getOwnerComponent()-method to Ext.Component. It provides the Netzke widget this Component belongs to.
= v0.2.10
* Removed dependency on 'json' gem.
* Rails v2.3.2 compatibility.
= v0.2.9
* Actions, toolbars and tools reworked for easier configuration.
* Menus introduced (based on actions).
* Significant code clean-up.
* Bug fix (nasty one): Ext.widgetMixIn was getting messed up along with dynamic widget loading.
* Must work in IE now.
= v0.2.8
* Support for extra javascripts and stylesheets per widget.
= v0.2.7
* QuickTips get initialized now, as otherwise Ext 2.2.1 doesn't properly destroy() BoxComponents for me.
= v0.2.6
* FeedackGhost is now capable of displaying multiple flash messages.
* Dependencies slightly refactored.
* An informative exception added to Base#component_instance.
* JS-level inheritance enabled.
* Work-around for the problem with Ext 2.2.1 in loadComponent.
* Events "click" added to the widgets along with the actions.
* component_missing method added to Netzke::Base - called when a non-existing aggregate of a widget is tried to be invoked
* Code readability improvements.
= v0.2.5
* Minor code restructuring.
= v0.2.4
* Some minor improvements.
= v0.2.3
* FeedbackGhost will show the feedback on the top of the screen independent of the page scrolling.
* Ext.Panel#loadComponent will accept null as url to delete the currently loaded widget
* Bug fix: persistent_config works again
= v0.2.2
* js_ext_config instance method added for overwriting
* Multiuser support
* Using Rails.logger for logging
* "config"-class method for every class inheriting Netzke::Base - for class-level configurations
= v0.2.1
* Fixed the path to ext-base-min.js for production mode.
* Also works in Safari now.
= v0.2.0
* Some re-factoring and redesign. Now simple compound widgets can be created on the fly in the controller
* Added ext_widget[:quiet] configuration option to suppress widget's feedback
* Support for extra CSS sources, similar to JS
* NETZKE_BOOT_CONFIG introduced to specify which Netzke functionality should be disabled to reduce the size of /netzke/netzke.[js|css]
* FeedbackGhost widget added - invisible widget providing feedback to the user
* netzke_widget controller class-method renamed into netzke
* JS-comments now get stripped also from the extra files that get included in the netzke-* gems.
* Permissions joined js_config
* Bug fixes
= v0.1.4
* Helpers added to facilitate ExtJS/netzke.js inclusion
* The route defined for netzke_controller
* netzke.html.erb-layout is not needed anymore, so not produced by the generator
* Now compliant with Rails' forgery protection
= v0.1.3
* Generators fixed
= v0.1.2
* Fixed the bug with _class_definition returning empty string on sequential loading.
= v0.1.1.1
* Meta: moving from GitHub to RubyForge
= v0.1.1
* Inter-widget dependencies code reworked
* JS-class code generation code slightly reworked
= v0.1.0.2
* Meta: fix outdated Manifest
= v0.1.0.1
* Meta work: replacing underscore with dash in the name
= v0.1.0 - 2008-12-11
* Initial release