# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/irb/all/irb.rbi # # irb-1.2.7 module IRB def self.CurrentContext; end def self.Inspector(inspect, init = nil); end def self.conf; end def self.default_src_encoding; end def self.delete_caller; end def self.easter_egg(type = nil); end def self.init_config(ap_path); end def self.init_error; end def self.irb_abort(irb, exception = nil); end def self.irb_at_exit; end def self.irb_exit(irb, ret); end def self.load_modules; end def self.parse_opts(argv: nil); end def self.rc_file(ext = nil); end def self.rc_file_generators; end def self.run_config; end def self.set_encoding(extern, intern = nil, override: nil); end def self.setup(ap_path, argv: nil); end def self.start(ap_path = nil); end def self.version; end end class IRB::DefaultEncodings < Struct def external; end def external=(_); end def internal; end def internal=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end end class IRB::WorkSpace def binding; end def code_around_binding; end def evaluate(context, statements, file = nil, line = nil); end def filter_backtrace(bt); end def initialize(*main); end def local_variable_get(name); end def local_variable_set(name, value); end def main; end end class IRB::Inspector def init; end def initialize(inspect_proc, init_proc = nil); end def inspect_value(v); end def self.def_inspector(key, arg = nil, &block); end def self.keys_with_inspector(inspector); end end module IRB::InputCompletor def self.ignored_modules; end def self.retrieve_completion_data(input, bind: nil, doc_namespace: nil); end def self.select_message(receiver, message, candidates, sep = nil); end end class IRB::InputMethod def file_name; end def gets; end def initialize(file = nil); end def inspect; end def prompt; end def prompt=(arg0); end def readable_after_eof?; end def winsize; end end class IRB::StdioInputMethod < IRB::InputMethod def encoding; end def eof?; end def gets; end def initialize; end def inspect; end def line(line_no); end def readable_after_eof?; end end class IRB::FileInputMethod < IRB::InputMethod def encoding; end def eof?; end def file_name; end def gets; end def initialize(file); end def inspect; end end class IRB::ReadlineInputMethod < IRB::InputMethod def encoding; end def eof?; end def gets; end def initialize; end def inspect; end def line(line_no); end def readable_after_eof?; end def self.initialize_readline; end end class IRB::ReidlineInputMethod < IRB::InputMethod def auto_indent(&block); end def check_termination(&block); end def dynamic_prompt(&block); end def encoding; end def eof?; end def gets; end def initialize; end def inspect; end def line(line_no); end def readable_after_eof?; end include Reline end class IRB::OutputMethod def parse_printf_format(format, opts); end def pp(*objs); end def ppx(prefix, *objs); end def print(*opts); end def printf(format, *opts); end def printn(*opts); end def puts(*objs); end end class IRB::OutputMethod::NotImplementedError < StandardError def initialize(val); end end class IRB::StdioOutputMethod < IRB::OutputMethod def print(*opts); end end class IRB::Context def __exit__(*arg0); end def __inspect__; end def __to_s__; end def ap_name; end def ap_name=(arg0); end def auto_indent_mode; end def auto_indent_mode=(arg0); end def back_trace_limit; end def back_trace_limit=(arg0); end def echo; end def echo=(arg0); end def echo?; end def echo_on_assignment; end def echo_on_assignment=(arg0); end def echo_on_assignment?; end def eval_history=(*opts, &b); end def evaluate(line, line_no, exception: nil); end def exit(ret = nil); end def file_input?; end def ignore_eof; end def ignore_eof=(arg0); end def ignore_eof?; end def ignore_sigint; end def ignore_sigint=(arg0); end def ignore_sigint?; end def initialize(irb, workspace = nil, input_method = nil); end def inspect; end def inspect?; end def inspect_last_value; end def inspect_mode; end def inspect_mode=(opt); end def io; end def io=(arg0); end def irb; end def irb=(arg0); end def irb_name; end def irb_name=(arg0); end def irb_path; end def irb_path=(arg0); end def last_value; end def load_modules; end def load_modules=(arg0); end def main; end def newline_before_multiline_output; end def newline_before_multiline_output=(arg0); end def newline_before_multiline_output?; end def prompt_c; end def prompt_c=(arg0); end def prompt_i; end def prompt_i=(arg0); end def prompt_mode; end def prompt_mode=(mode); end def prompt_n; end def prompt_n=(arg0); end def prompt_s; end def prompt_s=(arg0); end def prompting?; end def rc; end def rc=(arg0); end def rc?; end def return_format; end def return_format=(arg0); end def save_history=(*opts, &b); end def set_last_value(value); end def thread; end def to_s; end def use_colorize; end def use_colorize?; end def use_loader=(*opts, &b); end def use_multiline; end def use_multiline?; end def use_readline; end def use_readline?; end def use_reidline; end def use_reidline?; end def use_singleline; end def use_singleline?; end def use_tracer=(*opts, &b); end def verbose; end def verbose=(arg0); end def verbose?; end def workspace; end def workspace=(arg0); end def workspace_home; end end module IRB::ExtendCommandBundle def install_alias_method(to, from, override = nil); end def irb(*opts, &b); end def irb_change_workspace(*opts, &b); end def irb_context; end def irb_current_working_workspace(*opts, &b); end def irb_exit(ret = nil); end def irb_fg(*opts, &b); end def irb_help(*opts, &b); end def irb_info(*opts, &b); end def irb_jobs(*opts, &b); end def irb_kill(*opts, &b); end def irb_load(*opts, &b); end def irb_pop_workspace(*opts, &b); end def irb_push_workspace(*opts, &b); end def irb_require(*opts, &b); end def irb_source(*opts, &b); end def irb_workspaces(*opts, &b); end def self.def_extend_command(cmd_name, cmd_class, load_file = nil, *aliases); end def self.extend_object(obj); end def self.install_extend_commands; end def self.irb_original_method_name(method_name); end end module IRB::ContextExtender def self.def_extend_command(cmd_name, load_file, *aliases); end def self.install_extend_commands; end end module IRB::MethodExtender def def_post_proc(base_method, extend_method); end def def_pre_proc(base_method, extend_method); end def new_alias_name(name, prefix = nil, postfix = nil); end end class RubyLex def check_code_block(code); end def check_corresponding_token_depth; end def check_newline_depth_difference; end def check_state(code); end def check_string_literal; end def each_top_level_statement; end def initialize; end def initialize_input; end def lex; end def process_continue; end def process_literal_type; end def process_nesting_level; end def prompt; end def ripper_lex_without_warning(code); end def self.compile_with_errors_suppressed(code); end def set_auto_indent(context); end def set_input(io, p = nil, &block); end def set_prompt(p = nil, &block); end end class RubyLex::TerminateLineInput < StandardError def initialize; end end class IRB::Locale def String(mes); end def each_localized_path(dir, file); end def each_sublocale; end def encoding; end def find(file, paths = nil); end def format(*opts); end def gets(*rs); end def initialize(locale = nil); end def lang; end def load(file, priv = nil); end def modifier; end def print(*opts); end def printf(*opts); end def puts(*opts); end def readline(*rs); end def real_load(path, priv); end def require(file, priv = nil); end def search_file(lib_paths, dir, file); end def territory; end def toplevel_load(*arg0); end end module IRB::Color def self.clear; end def self.colorable?; end def self.colorize(text, seq); end def self.colorize_code(code, complete: nil); end def self.dispatch_seq(token, expr, str, in_symbol:); end def self.inspect_colorable?(obj, seen: nil); end def self.scan(code, allow_last_error:); end def self.supported?; end def self.without_circular_ref(obj, seen:, &block); end end class IRB::Color::SymbolState def initialize; end def scan_token(token); end end class InvalidName___Class_0x00___Vec_1 def cross(other); end def dot(other); end def initialize(x, y, z); end def normalize; end def sub(other); end def x; end def y; end def z; end end class InvalidName___Class_0x00___Canvas_2 def draw; end def initialize(arg0); end def line(arg0, arg1); end def line0(p1, p2); end end class InvalidName___Class_0x00___RubyModel_3 def init_ruby_model; end def initialize; end def render_frame(i); end end class IRB::Abort < Exception end class IRB::Irb def assignment_expression?(line); end def context; end def eval_input; end def handle_exception(exc); end def initialize(workspace = nil, input_method = nil); end def inspect; end def output_value(omit = nil); end def prompt(prompt, ltype, indent, line_no); end def run(conf = nil); end def scanner; end def scanner=(arg0); end def signal_handle; end def signal_status(status); end def suspend_context(context); end def suspend_input_method(input_method); end def suspend_name(path = nil, name = nil); end def suspend_workspace(workspace); end end class Binding end