# Naive way of looking into platforms, please include others like FreeBSD? Given %r{^I'm running a POSIX operating system$} do unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux|darwin/ then raise Cucumber::Pending.new("You need a POSIX operating system, no cheating ;-)") end end Given %r{^I've installed cross compile toolchain$} do compilers = %w(i586-mingw32msvc-gcc i386-mingw32-gcc) paths = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) compiler = compilers.find do |comp| paths.find do |path| File.exist? File.join(path, comp) end end raise "Cannot locate '#{compiler}' in the PATH." unless compiler end Then /^binaries for platform '(.*)' get generated$/ do |platform| ext = case platform when /darwin/ 'bundle' when /mingw|mswin|linux/ 'so' else RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] end ext_for_platform = Dir.glob("tmp/#{platform}/**/*.#{ext}") ext_for_platform.should_not be_empty end