require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors' module CounterCulture class Reconciler ACTIVE_RECORD_VERSION = Gem.loaded_specs["activerecord"].version attr_reader :counter, :options, :changes delegate :model, :relation, :full_primary_key, :relation_reflect, :polymorphic?, :to => :counter delegate *CounterCulture::Counter::CONFIG_OPTIONS, :to => :counter def initialize(counter, options={}) @counter, @options = counter, options @changes = [] @reconciled = false end def reconcile! return false if @reconciled if options[:skip_unsupported] return false if (foreign_key_values || (counter_cache_name.is_a?(Proc) && !column_names) || delta_magnitude.is_a?(Proc)) else raise "Fixing counter caches is not supported when using :foreign_key_values; you may skip this relation with :skip_unsupported => true" if foreign_key_values raise "Must provide :column_names option for relation #{relation.inspect} when :column_name is a Proc; you may skip this relation with :skip_unsupported => true" if counter_cache_name.is_a?(Proc) && !column_names raise "Fixing counter caches is not supported when :delta_magnitude is a Proc; you may skip this relation with :skip_unsupported => true" if delta_magnitude.is_a?(Proc) end associated_model_classes.each do |associated_model_class|, changes, options, associated_model_class).perform end @reconciled = true end private def associated_model_classes if polymorphic? polymorphic_associated_model_classes else [associated_model_class] end end def polymorphic_associated_model_classes foreign_type_field = relation_reflect(relation).foreign_type model.pluck(Arel.sql("DISTINCT #{foreign_type_field}")) end def associated_model_class counter.relation_klass(counter.relation) end class Reconciliation attr_reader :counter, :options, :relation_class delegate :model, :relation, :full_primary_key, :relation_reflect, :polymorphic?, :to => :counter delegate *CounterCulture::Counter::CONFIG_OPTIONS, :to => :counter def initialize(counter, changes_holder, options, relation_class) @counter, @options, = counter, options @relation_class = relation_class @changes_holder = changes_holder end def perform # if we're provided a custom set of column names with conditions, use them; just use the # column name otherwise # which class does this relation ultimately point to? that's where we have to start scope = relation_class counter_column_names = column_names || {nil => counter_cache_name} # iterate over all the possible counter cache column names counter_column_names.each do |where, column_name| # if the column name is nil, that means those records don't affect # counts; we don't need to do anything in that case. but we allow # specifying that condition regardless to make the syntax less # confusing next unless column_name relation_class_table_name = quote_table_name(relation_class.table_name) # select join column and count (from above) as well as cache column ('column_name') for later comparison counts_query ="#{relation_class_table_name}.#{relation_class.primary_key}, #{relation_class_table_name}.#{relation_reflect(relation).association_primary_key(relation_class)}, #{count_select} AS count, #{relation_class_table_name}.#{column_name}") # we need to join together tables until we get back to the table this class itself lives in join_clauses(where).each do |join| counts_query = counts_query.joins(join) end # iterate in batches; otherwise we might run out of memory when there's a lot of # instances and we try to load all their counts at once batch_size = options.fetch(:batch_size, CounterCulture.config.batch_size) batch_size) do |records| # now iterate over all the models and see whether their counts are right update_count_for_batch(column_name, records) end end end private def update_count_for_batch(column_name, records) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do records.each do |record| count = record.read_attribute('count') || 0 next if record.read_attribute(column_name) == count track_change(record, column_name, count) updates = [] # this updates the actual counter updates << "#{column_name} = #{count}" # and here we update the timestamp, if so desired if options[:touch] current_time = record.send(:current_time_from_proper_timezone) timestamp_columns = record.send(:timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model) timestamp_columns << options[:touch] if options[:touch] != true timestamp_columns.each do |timestamp_column| updates << "#{timestamp_column} = '#{current_time.to_formatted_s(:db)}'" end end relation_class.where(relation_class.primary_key => record.send(relation_class.primary_key)).update_all(updates.join(', ')) end end end # keep track of what we fixed, e.g. for a notification email def track_change(record, column_name, count) @changes_holder << { :entity =>, relation_class.primary_key.to_sym => record.send(relation_class.primary_key), :what => column_name, :wrong => record.send(column_name), :right => count } end def count_select # if a delta column is provided use SUM, otherwise use COUNT return @count_select if @count_select if delta_column @count_select = "SUM(COALESCE(#{self_table_name}.#{delta_column},0))" else @count_select = "COUNT(#{self_table_name}.#{model.primary_key})*#{delta_magnitude}" end end def self_table_name return @self_table_name if @self_table_name @self_table_name = parameterize(model.table_name) if relation_class.table_name == model.table_name @self_table_name = "#{@self_table_name}_#{@self_table_name}" end @self_table_name = quote_table_name(@self_table_name) @self_table_name end def join_clauses(where) # we need to work our way back from the end-point of the relation to # this class itself; make a list of arrays pointing to the # second-to-last, third-to-last, etc. reverse_relation = (1..relation.length).to_a.reverse. inject([]) { |a, i| a << relation[0, i]; a } # store joins in an array so that we can later apply column-specific # conditions join_clauses = do |cur_relation, index| reflect = relation_reflect(cur_relation) target_table = quote_table_name(reflect.active_record.table_name) target_table_alias = parameterize(target_table) if relation_class.table_name == reflect.active_record.table_name # join with alias to avoid ambiguous table name in # self-referential models target_table_alias += "_#{target_table_alias}" end if polymorphic? # NB: polymorphic only supports one level of relation (at present) association_primary_key = reflect.association_primary_key(relation_class) source_table = relation_class.table_name else association_primary_key = reflect.association_primary_key source_table = reflect.table_name end source_table = quote_table_name(source_table) source_table_key = association_primary_key target_table_key = reflect.foreign_key if !reflect.belongs_to? # a has_one relation flips the location of the keys on the tables # around (source_table_key, target_table_key) = [target_table_key, source_table_key] end joins_sql = "LEFT JOIN #{target_table} AS #{target_table_alias} "\ "ON #{source_table}.#{source_table_key} = #{target_table_alias}.#{target_table_key}" # adds 'type' condition to JOIN clause if the current model is a # child in a Single Table Inheritance if reflect.active_record.column_names.include?('type') && !model.descends_from_active_record? joins_sql += " AND #{target_table}.type IN ('#{}')" end if polymorphic? # adds 'type' condition to JOIN clause if the current model is a # polymorphic relation # NB only works for one-level relations joins_sql += " AND #{target_table}.#{reflect.foreign_type} = '#{}'" end if index == reverse_relation.size - 1 # conditions must be applied to the join on which we are counting if where joins_sql += " AND (#{model.send(:sanitize_sql_for_conditions, where)})" end # respect the deleted_at column if it exists if model.column_names.include?('deleted_at') joins_sql += " AND #{target_table_alias}.deleted_at IS NULL" end # respect the discard column if it exists if defined?(Discard::Model) && model.include?(Discard::Model) && model.column_names.include?(model.discard_column.to_s) joins_sql += " AND #{target_table_alias}.#{model.discard_column} IS NULL" end end joins_sql end end # This is only needed in relatively unusal cases, for example if you are # using Postgres with schema-namespaced tables. But then it's required, # and otherwise it's just a no-op, so why not do it? def quote_table_name(table_name) relation_class.connection.quote_table_name(table_name) end def parameterize(string) if ACTIVE_RECORD_VERSION <"5.0") string.parameterize('_') else string.parameterize(separator: '_') end end end end end