# Folder The Files::Folder object emulates a Ruby Dir object and can be used in may places where a Ruby Dir object can be used. Files::Dir is an alias of Files::Folder ## Example Folder Object ``` { "path": "path/file.txt", "display_name": "file.txt", "type": "file", "size": 1024, "mtime": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "provided_mtime": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "crc32": "70976923", "md5": "17c54824e9931a4688ca032d03f6663c", "mime_type": "application/octet-stream", "region": "us-east-1", "permissions": "rpw", "subfolders_locked?": true, "download_uri": "https://mysite.files.com/...", "priority_color": "red", "preview_id": 1, "preview": { "id": 1, "status": "complete", "download_uri": "https://mysite.files.com/...", "type": "complete", "size": 1024 } } ``` * `path` (string): File/Folder path This must be slash-delimited, but it must neither start nor end with a slash. Maximum of 5000 characters. * `display_name` (string): File/Folder display name * `type` (string): Type: `directory` or `file`. * `size` (int64): File/Folder size * `mtime` (date-time): File last modified date/time, according to the server. This is the timestamp of the last Files.com operation of the file, regardless of what modified timestamp was sent. * `provided_mtime` (date-time): File last modified date/time, according to the client who set it. Files.com allows desktop, FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV clients to set modified at times. This allows Desktop<->Cloud syncing to preserve modified at times. * `crc32` (string): File CRC32 checksum. This is sometimes delayed, so if you get a blank response, wait and try again. * `md5` (string): File MD5 checksum. This is sometimes delayed, so if you get a blank response, wait and try again. * `mime_type` (string): MIME Type. This is determined by the filename extension and is not stored separately internally. * `region` (string): Region location * `permissions` (string): A short string representing the current user's permissions. Can be `r`,`w`,`p`, or any combination * `subfolders_locked?` (boolean): Are subfolders locked and unable to be modified? * `download_uri` (string): Link to download file. Provided only in response to a download request. * `priority_color` (string): Bookmark/priority color of file/folder * `preview_id` (int64): File preview ID * `preview`: File preview --- ## List Folders by path ``` Files::Folder.list_for(path, per_page: 1, search_all: true, with_previews: true, with_priority_color: true ) ``` ### Parameters * `cursor` (string): Send cursor to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor header. * `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended). * `path` (string): Required - Path to operate on. * `filter` (string): If specified, will filter folders/files list by this string. Wildcards of `*` and `?` are acceptable here. * `preview_size` (string): Request a preview size. Can be `small` (default), `large`, `xlarge`, or `pdf`. * `search` (string): If `search_all` is `true`, provide the search string here. Otherwise, this parameter acts like an alias of `filter`. * `search_all` (boolean): Search entire site? * `with_previews` (boolean): Include file previews? * `with_priority_color` (boolean): Include file priority color information? --- ## Create folder ``` Files::Folder.create(path) ``` ### Parameters * `path` (string): Required - Path to operate on.