# Add labels to elements such as figures and sections, and make them referencable. DOCUMENT_SECTIONS = [ 'Chapter', 'Section', 'Subsection', 'Subsubsection' ] Nanoc::Filter.define(:scholar_labelify) do |content, params| if params[:chapters] document_sections = DOCUMENT_SECTIONS else document_sections = DOCUMENT_SECTIONS[1, DOCUMENT_SECTIONS.length] end content = content.dup sections_index = [] labels = create_labels document_sections, sections_index, content add_labels_to_figures content, labels set_reference_labels content, labels serialize_sections_index sections_index, params[:sections_index_depth] || 3, content content end # Creates labels for referenceable elements def create_labels document_sections, sections_index, content @reference_counts = {} main = content[%r{
}m] appendix = content[%r{
}m] || "" labels = (main + appendix).scan(/<(\w+)([^>]*\s+id="([^"]+)"[^>]*)>([^<]*)(?=<)/) .map do |tag, attribute_list, id, name| attributes = parse_attributes(attribute_list) type = label_type_for document_sections, tag.downcase.to_sym, attributes number = 0 if attributes[:class].nil? or !attributes[:class].include? 'no-label-increment' number = number_for document_sections, type, name, id, sections_index end [id, "#{type} #{number}"] end labels.to_h end # Determines the label type of a given element def label_type_for document_sections, tag, attributes case tag when :h2 document_sections[0] when :h3 document_sections[1] when :h4 document_sections[2] when :figure unless attributes[:class].nil? for clazz in attributes[:class].split(' ') do case clazz when 'algorithm' return 'Algorithm' when 'listing' return 'Listing' when 'table' return 'Table' when 'equation' return 'Equation' when 'subfigure' return 'Subfig.' when 'definition' return 'Definition' end end end 'Fig.' else 'Unknown' end end def number_for document_sections, type, name, id, sections_index # Determine number of elements @reference_counts[type] ||= 0 number = @reference_counts[type] += 1 # Perform hierarchical numbering when needed case type when document_sections[0] @reference_counts[document_sections[1]] = 0 @reference_counts[document_sections[2]] = 0 sections_index[@reference_counts[document_sections[0]] - 1] = { :name => name, :id => id, :children => [] } when document_sections[1] @reference_counts[document_sections[2]] = 0 number = "#{reference_counts[document_sections[0]]}.#{number}" sections_index[@reference_counts[document_sections[0]] - 1][:children][@reference_counts[document_sections[1]] - 1] = { :name => name, :id => id, :children => [] } when document_sections[2] number = "#{reference_counts[document_sections[0]]}.#{reference_counts[document_sections[1]]}.#{number}" sections_index[@reference_counts[document_sections[0]] - 1][:children][@reference_counts[document_sections[1]] - 1][:children][@reference_counts[document_sections[2]] - 1] = { :name => name, :id => id, :children => [] } when 'Fig.' @reference_counts['Subfig.'] = 0 when 'Subfig.' number = "#{reference_counts['Fig.']}.#{number}" end number end # Adds labels to referenceable figures def add_labels_to_figures content, labels # Subfigures content.gsub! %r{]*\s+id="([^"]+)"\s+class="[^"]*subfigure[^"]*".*?

)?}m do |match| id=$1 match = match.sub! '

', '
' if labels.key? id %{#{match}#{h labels[id]}: } else match end end # Main figures content.gsub! %r{]*\s+id="([^"]+)".*?

)?}m do |match| if labels.key? $1 %{#{match}#{h labels[$1]}: } else match end end end # Sets the labels of unlabeled references in the text def set_reference_labels content, labels content.gsub! %r{()()} do |match| if labels.key? $2 "#{$1}#{h labels[$2]}#{$3}" else match end end end # Parses a string of HTML attributes def parse_attributes attribute_list attribute_list.scan(/\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s*/) .map { |k,v| [k.downcase.to_sym, v] } .to_h end # Replace '

' with the sections index def serialize_sections_index sections_index, max_depth, content content.gsub! %r{
} do |match| serialize_sections_index_row sections_index, max_depth, 0, true end end # Serialize a single row of index entries, and recursively create the index for sub-entries def serialize_sections_index_row sections_index, max_depth, depth, root if max_depth == 0 return "" end table = "
    " sections_index.each do |section| index_sub = serialize_sections_index_row section[:children], max_depth - 1, depth + 1, false table += "
  1. #{section[:name]}#{index_sub}
  2. " end table += "
" table end