module LucidOperation module Gherkin FIRST_EXCEPTION = "First must be the first one that is used and can only used once!" FINALLY_EXCEPTION = "Finally, except for Ensure and Failed, must be the last one to be used and can only be used once!" NEWLINE = /\r?\n/ OPERATION = /^\s*Operation: (.*)$/ PROCEDURE = /^\s*Procedure: (.*)$/ STAR = /^\s*\* (.*)$/ GIVEN = /^\s*Given (.*)$/ WHEN = /^\s*When (.*)$/ THEN = /^\s*Then (.*)$/ AND = /^\s*And (.*)$/ FIRST = /^\s*First (.*)$/ ENSURE = /^\s*Ensure (.*)$/ FINALLY = /^\s*Finally (.*)$/ IW_FAILING = /^\s*(?:When|If) failing (.*)$/ IF_ITT_FAILED = /^\s*If (?:that|this|it) failed (.*)$/ FAILED = /^\s*Failed (.*)$/ COMMENT = /^\s*# (.*)$/ WHITE_SPACE = /^\s*$/ def self.parse(gherkin_text) operation = { operation: '', procedure: '', steps: [], failure: [], ensure: [] } has_finally = false lines = gherkin_text.split(NEWLINE) lines.each do |line| case line when STAR, GIVEN, WHEN, THEN, AND raise FINALLY_EXCEPTION if has_finally operation[:steps] << $1.strip when ENSURE operation[:ensure] << $1.strip when IW_FAILING, IF_ITT_FAILED, FAILED operation[:failure] << $1.strip when FIRST raise FIRST_EXCEPTION if operation[:steps].size > 0 operation[:steps] << $1.strip when FINALLY raise FINALLY_EXCEPTION if has_finally operation[:steps] << $1.strip has_finally = true when PROCEDURE raise 'No Operation defined!' if operation[:operation].empty? raise 'Procedure already defined!' unless operation[:procedure].empty? operation[:procedure] = $1.strip when OPERATION raise 'Operation already defined!' unless operation[:operation].empty? operation[:operation] = $1.strip when WHITE_SPACE, COMMENT # nothing, just skip else raise "Unknown key word(s) at the beginning of the line: #{line}" unless operation[:procedure].empty? operation[:description] = [] unless operation.key?(:description) operation[:description] << line.strip end end operation end end end