module Fog module Storage class Rackspace class Real # Delete a static large object. # # Deletes the SLO manifest +object+ and all segments that it references. # The server will respond with +200 OK+ for all requests. # +response.body+ must be inspected for actual results. # # @param container [String] Name of container. # @param object [String] Name of the SLO manifest object. # @param options [Hash] Additional request headers. # # @return [Excon::Response] # * body [Hash] - Results of the operation. # * "Number Not Found" [Integer] - Number of missing segments. # * "Response Status" [String] - Response code for the subrequest of the last failed operation. # * "Errors" [Array] # * object_name [String] - Object that generated an error when the delete was attempted. # * response_status [String] - Response status from the subrequest for object_name. # * "Number Deleted" [Integer] - Number of segments deleted. # * "Response Body" [String] - Response body for Response Status. # # @raise [Fog::Storage::Rackspace::NotFound] HTTP 404 # @raise [Fog::Storage::Rackspace::BadRequest] HTTP 400 # @raise [Fog::Storage::Rackspace::InternalServerError] HTTP 500 # @raise [Fog::Storage::Rackspace::ServiceError] # @raise [Excon::Errors::Unauthorized] HTTP 401 # # @see def delete_static_large_object(container, object, options = {}) response = request({ :expects => 200, :method => 'DELETE', :headers => options.merge('Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Accept' => 'application/json'), :path => "#{Fog::Rackspace.escape(container)}/#{Fog::Rackspace.escape(object)}", :query => { 'multipart-manifest' => 'delete' } }, false) response.body = Fog::JSON.decode(response.body) response end end end end end