require 'nokogiri' module HybridPlatformsConductor module HpcPlugins module Test # Test that the node has not known vulnerabilities. # Check this by using OVAL files published by vendors. # For example, RedHat publishes them here: # This test uses an oval.json file stored in the OS images folder, having the following structure: # * *urls* (Array): List of URLs pointing to OVAL files [default: []] # Each URL can be directly an XML file, either raw or compressed with .gz or .bz2. # * *repo_urls* (Array): List of URLs pointing to repositories of OVAL files [default: []] # The last HTML link of each repo URL is followed until an OVAL file is found. # Each final OVAL URL can be directly an XML file, either raw or compressed with .gz or .bz2. # This is useful to follow repository links, such as jFrog or web servers serving common file systems structure storing several versions of the OVAL file. # * *reported_severities* (Array or nil): List of severities to report, if any (use Unknown when the severity is not known), or nil for all [default: nil] class Vulnerabilities < HybridPlatformsConductor::Test # Known compression methods, per file extension, and their corresponding uncompress bash script KNOWN_COMPRESSIONS = { bz2: { cmd: proc { |file| "if [ ! -f \"#{File.basename(file, '.bz2')}\" ] ; then bunzip2 \"#{file}\" ; fi" }, packages: ['bzip2'] }, gz: { cmd: proc { |file| "if [ ! -f \"#{File.basename(file, '.gz')}\" ] ; then gunzip \"#{file}\" ; fi" }, packages: ['gzip'] } } # Check my_test_plugin.rb.sample documentation for signature details. def test_on_node # Get the image name for this node image = @nodes_handler.get_image_of(@node).to_sym # Find if we have such an image registered if @config.known_os_images.include?(image) oval_file = "#{@config.os_image_dir(image)}/oval.json" if File.exist?(oval_file) oval_info = JSON.parse( # Get all URLs urls = oval_info['urls'] || [] urls.concat( (oval_info['repo_urls'] || []).map do |artifactory_url| # Follow the last link recursively until we find a .xml or compressed file current_url = artifactory_url loop do current_url = "#{current_url}#{current_url.end_with?('/') ? '' : '/'}#{Nokogiri::HTML.parse('a').last['href']}" break if current_url.end_with?('.xml') || KNOWN_COMPRESSIONS.keys.any? { |file_ext| current_url.end_with?(".#{file_ext}") } log_debug "Follow last link to #{current_url}" end current_url end ) sudo = @nodes_handler.sudo_on(@node) Hash[ do |url| # 1. Get the OVAL file on the node to be tested (uncompress it if needed) # 2. Make sure oscap is installed # 3. Generate the report for this OVAL file using oscap # 4. Get back the report here to analyze it local_oval_file = File.basename(url) uncompress_cmds = [] packages_to_install = [] KNOWN_COMPRESSIONS.each do |file_ext, compress_info| file_ending = ".#{file_ext}" if local_oval_file.end_with?(file_ending) uncompress_cmds << compress_info[:cmd].call(local_oval_file) packages_to_install.concat(compress_info[:packages]) local_oval_file = File.basename(local_oval_file, file_ending) end end cmds = <<~EOS #{ case image when :centos_7 "#{sudo} yum install -y wget openscap-scanner #{packages_to_install.join(' ')}" when :debian_9 "#{sudo} apt install -y wget libopenscap8 #{packages_to_install.join(' ')}" when :debian_10 # On Debian 10 we have to compile it from sources, as the packaged official version has core dumps. # cf # TODO: Remove this Debian 10 specificity when the official libopenscap8 will be corrected <<~EOS2 if [ ! -x "$(command -v oscap)" ] || [ "$(oscap --version | head -n 1 | awk '{print $6}')" != "1.3.4" ]; then rm -rf openscap git clone --recurse-submodules cd openscap #{sudo} apt install -y cmake libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgcrypt20-dev libselinux1-dev libxslt1-dev libgconf2-dev libacl1-dev libblkid-dev libcap-dev libxml2-dev libldap2-dev libpcre3-dev python-dev swig libxml-parser-perl libxml-xpath-perl libperl-dev libbz2-dev librpm-dev g++ libapt-pkg-dev libyaml-dev cd build cmake ../ make #{sudo} make install fi #{sudo} apt install -y wget #{packages_to_install.join(' ')} EOS2 else raise "Non supported image: #{image}. Please adapt this test's code." end } rm -rf hpc_vulnerabilities_test mkdir -p hpc_vulnerabilities_test cd hpc_vulnerabilities_test wget -N #{url} #{uncompress_cmds.join("\n")} #{sudo} oscap oval eval --skip-valid --results "#{local_oval_file}.results.xml" "#{local_oval_file}" echo "===== RESULTS =====" cat "#{local_oval_file}.results.xml" cd .. EOS [ cmds, { validator: proc do |stdout| idx_results = stdout.index('===== RESULTS =====') if idx_results.nil? error 'No results given by the oscap run', stdout.join("\n") else results = Nokogiri::XML(stdout[idx_results + 1..-1].join("\n")) results.remove_namespaces! oval_definitions = results.css('oval_results oval_definitions definitions definition') results.css('results system definitions definition').each do |definition_xml| if definition_xml['result'] == 'true' # Just found an OVAL item to be patched. definition_id = definition_xml['definition_id'] oval_definition = oval_definitions.find { |el| el['id'] == definition_id } # We don't forcefully want to report all missing patches. Only the most important ones. severity = oval_definition.css('metadata advisory severity').text severity = 'Unknown' if severity.empty? if !oval_info.key?('reported_severities') || oval_info['reported_severities'].include?(severity) # Only consider the first line of the description, as sometimes it's very long error "Non-patched #{severity} vulnerability found: #{oval_definition.css('metadata title').text} - #{oval_definition.css('metadata description').text.split("\n").first}" end end end end end, # Increase timeout in case we have to install a lot of dependencies (like for Debian 10) timeout: 240 } ] end] else error "No OVAL file defined for image #{image} at #{oval_file}" {} end else error "Unknown OS image #{image} defined for node #{@node}" {} end end end end end end