require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine' gem 'json', '>= 1.1.9' require 'json' require 'ncurses' require 'optparse' require 'time' options = {} default_config_file = '~/.jschat/config.json' ARGV.clone.options do |opts| script_name = File.basename($0) opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]" opts.separator "" opts.on("-c", "--config=PATH", String, "Configuration file location (#{default_config_file})") { |o| options['config'] = o } opts.on("-h", "--hostname=host", String, "JsChat server hostname") { |o| options['hostname'] = o } opts.on("-p", "--port=port", String, "JsChat server port number") { |o| options['port'] = o } opts.on("-r", "--room=#room", String, "Channel to auto-join: remember to escape the hash") { |o| options['room'] = o } opts.on("-n", "--nick=name", String, "Your name") { |o| options['nick'] = o } opts.on("--help", "-H", "This text") { puts opts; exit 0 } opts.parse! end # Command line options will overrides these def load_options(path) path = File.expand_path path if File.exists? path JSON.parse( path) else {} end end options = load_options(options['config'] || default_config_file).merge options ClientConfig = { :port => options['port'] || '6789', :ip => options['hostname'] || '', :name => options['nick'] || ENV['LOGNAME'], :auto_join => options['room'] || '#jschat' } module Ncurses KEY_DELETE = ?\C-h KEY_TAB = 9 end module JsChat class Protocol class Response attr_reader :message, :time def initialize(message, time) @message, @time = message, time end end def initialize(connection) @connection = connection end def legal_commands %w(messages message joined quit error join names part identified part_notice quit_notice join_notice) end def legal_change_commands %w(user) end def legal?(command) legal_commands.include? command end def legal_change?(command) legal_change_commands.include? command end def identified? ; @identified ; end def change_user(json) original_name = json['name'].keys().first new_name = json['name'].values.first @connection.names.delete original_name @connection.names << new_name "* User #{original_name} is now known as #{new_name}" end def message(json) if json['room'] "[#{json['room']}] <#{json['user']}> #{json['message']}" else "PRIVATE <#{json['user']}> #{json['message']}" end end def messages(messages) results = [] messages.each do |json| results << process_message(json) end results end def get_command(json) if json.has_key? 'display' and legal? json['display'] 'display' elsif json.has_key? 'change' and legal_change? json['change'] 'change' end end def get_time(json) if json.kind_of? Hash and json.has_key? 'time' Time.parse(json['time']).getlocal else end end def protocol_method_name(command, method_name) if command == 'display' method_name elsif command == 'change' "change_#{method_name}" end end def process_message(json) command = get_command json if command time = get_time json response = send(protocol_method_name(command, json[command]), json[json[command]]) case response when Array response when String, time) end end end def join(json) @connection.send_names json['room'] "* User #{json['user']} joined #{json['room']}" end def join_notice(json) @connection.names << json['user'] "* User #{json['user']} joined #{json['room']}" end def part(json) "* You left #{json['room']}" end def part_notice(json) @connection.names.delete json['user'] "* #{json['user']} left #{json['room']}" end def quit(json) @connection.names.delete json['user'] "* User #{json['user']} left #{json['room']}" end def names(json) @connection.names = json.collect { |u| u['name'] } "* In this room: #{@connection.names.join(', ')}" end def identified(json) if ClientConfig[:auto_join] and !@auto_joined @connection.send_join ClientConfig[:auto_join] @auto_joined = true end @identified = true "* You are now known as #{json['name']}" end def error(json) "* [ERROR] #{json['message']}" end alias_method :quit_notice, :quit end end module JsClient class TabComplete attr_accessor :matched, :index def initialize end def run(names, field, form, cursor_x) form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_BEG_LINE text = field.field_buffer(0).dup.strip if text.size > 0 and cursor_x > 0 if @matched.nil? source = text.slice(0, cursor_x) source = text.split(' ').last if text.match(' ') @index = 0 else source = @matched @index += 1 end names = names.sort.find_all { |name| name.match /^#{source}/i } @index = 0 if @index >= names.size name = names[@index] if name and (@matched or source.size == text.size) @matched = source field.set_field_buffer(0, "#{name}: ") form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_END_LINE form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_NEXT_CHAR else @matched = nil @index = 0 (0..cursor_x - 1).each do form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_NEXT_CHAR end end end end def match(input) end def reset @matched = nil @index = 0 end end def keyboard=(keyboard) @keyboard = keyboard end # This should take room into account def names=(names) @names = names end def names @names end module KeyboardInput def setup_screen Ncurses.initscr @windows = {} Ncurses.raw Ncurses.start_color Ncurses.noecho Ncurses.use_default_colors Ncurses.init_pair 2, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE Ncurses.init_pair 3, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN, -1 Ncurses.init_pair 4, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, -1 Ncurses.init_pair 5, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, -1 Ncurses.init_pair 6, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, -1 @history_position = 0 @history = [] @lastlog = [] @room_name = '' setup_windows end def room_name=(room_name) @room_name = room_name end def setup_windows Ncurses.refresh display_windows do loop do display_time sleep 60 - end end Signal.trap('SIGWINCH') do resize end end def remove_windows_and_forms remove_windows remove_forms end def remove_windows @windows.each do |name, window| window.delete end end def remove_forms @input_field.free_field @input_form.free_form end def update_windows rows, cols = get_window_size remove_windows_and_forms display_windows display_room_name end def display_windows rows, cols = get_window_size @windows[:text] = Ncurses.newwin(rows - 1, cols, 0, 0) @windows[:info] = Ncurses.newwin(rows - 1, cols, rows - 2, 0) @windows[:input] = Ncurses.newwin(rows, cols, rows - 1, 0) @windows[:text].scrollok(true) @windows[:info].bkgd Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(2) @windows[:input].keypad(true) @windows[:input].nodelay(true) @windows[:text].refresh @windows[:info].refresh @windows[:input].refresh display_input end def display_input offset = @room_name.size > 0 ? @room_name.size + 3 : 0 @input_field =, Ncurses.COLS - offset, 0, offset, 0, 0) Ncurses::Form.field_opts_off(@input_field, Ncurses::Form::O_AUTOSKIP) Ncurses::Form.field_opts_off(@input_field, Ncurses::Form::O_STATIC) @input_form =[@input_field]) @input_form.set_form_win @windows[:input] @input_form.post_form @input_field.set_field_buffer 0, '' end def display_room_name if @room_name display_input @windows[:input].mvprintw(0, 0, "[#{@room_name}] ") @windows[:input].refresh end end def display_time @windows[:info].move 0, 0 @windows[:info].addstr "[#{'%H:%M')}]\n" @windows[:info].refresh @windows[:input].refresh end def resize # Save the user input @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_BEG_LINE input = @input_field.field_buffer(0) input.rstrip! Ncurses.def_prog_mode Ncurses.endwin Ncurses.reset_prog_mode update_windows cols = get_window_size[0] if @lastlog.size > 0 lastlog_start = cols > @lastlog.size ? @lastlog.size : cols @lastlog[-lastlog_start..-1].each do |message| display_text message[0], message[1] end end @input_field.set_field_buffer(0, input) @windows[:input].addstr input @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_END_LINE Ncurses.refresh rescue Exception => exception puts exception end # FIXME: This doesn't work after resize # I've tried other ruby ncurses programs and they don't either def get_window_size Ncurses.refresh cols, rows = [], [] Ncurses.stdscr.getmaxyx rows, cols [rows.first, cols.first] end def get_history_text(offset = 1) offset_position = @history_position + offset if offset_position >= 0 and offset_position < @history.size @history_position = offset_position @history[@history_position] else if @history_position > -1 and @history_position < @history.size @history_position = offset_position end '' end end def arrow_keys(data) c = data[0] if @sequence @sequence << c history_text = '' if data == 'A' @sequence = nil history_text = get_history_text(-1) elsif data == 'B' @sequence = nil history_text = get_history_text elsif data == 'O' return true elsif data == 'D' # left @sequence = nil @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_PREV_CHAR @windows[:input].refresh return true elsif data == 'C' # right @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_NEXT_CHAR @windows[:input].refresh @sequence = nil return true else @sequence = nil return true end begin @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_CLR_FIELD @input_field.set_field_buffer(0, history_text) @windows[:input].addstr history_text @windows[:input].refresh @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_END_LINE rescue Exception => exception end return true elsif c == 27 @sequence = c return true end end def cursor_position cursor_position = Ncurses.getcurx(@windows[:input]) - 10 end def receive_data(data) @clipboard ||= '' c = data[0] if arrow_keys data return end if c != Ncurses::KEY_TAB @tab_completion.reset end case c when -1 # Return when Ncurses::KEY_TAB @connection.names, @input_field, @input_form, cursor_position when Ncurses::KEY_ENTER, ?\n, ?\r @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_BEG_LINE line = @input_field.field_buffer(0) line.rstrip! if !line.empty? and line.length > 0 @history << line.dup @history_position = @history.size manage_commands line end @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_CLR_FIELD when ?\C-l # Refresh resize when Ncurses::KEY_BACKSPACE, ?\C-h, 127 # Backspace @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_DEL_PREV @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_CLR_EOL when ?\C-d @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_DEL_CHAR when Ncurses::KEY_LEFT, ?\C-b @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_PREV_CHAR when Ncurses::KEY_RIGHT, ?\C-f @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_NEXT_CHAR when ?\C-a @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_BEG_LINE when ?\C-e @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_END_LINE when ?\C-k @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_CLR_EOL when ?\C-u @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_BEG_LINE @clipboard = @input_field.field_buffer(0) @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_CLR_FIELD when ?\C-y unless @clipboard.empty? cursor_position = Ncurses.getcurx(@windows[:input]) text = @input_field.field_buffer(0).insert(cursor_position - 9, @clipboard) @input_field.set_field_buffer(0, text) @windows[:text].addstr "#{cursor_position}\n #{text}" @windows[:text].refresh end when ?\C-c quit when ?\C-w @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_PREV_CHAR @input_form.form_driver Ncurses::Form::REQ_DEL_WORD else @input_form.form_driver c end @windows[:input].refresh end def show_message(messages, time = messages.split("\n").each do |message| @lastlog << [message.dup, time] @lastlog.shift if @lastlog.size > 250 display_text message, time end end def display_text(message, time = message = message.dup @windows[:text].addstr "#{time.strftime('%H:%M')} " if message.match /^\*/ @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(3)) end if message.match /^\* \[ERROR\]/ @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(6)) elsif message.match /^\[/ channel_info = message.split(']').first.sub /\[/, '' message.sub! "[#{channel_info}]", '' @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(5)) @windows[:text].addstr "[" @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(4)) @windows[:text].addstr "#{channel_info}" @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(5)) @windows[:text].addstr "] " name = message.split('>').first.sub(/ ", '') @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(5)) @windows[:text].addstr '<' @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(0)) @windows[:text].addstr "#{name}" @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(5)) @windows[:text].addstr '>' @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(0)) end @windows[:text].addstr "#{message}\n" @windows[:text].refresh @windows[:input].refresh display_time if message.match /^\*/ @windows[:text].attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(0)) end end def quit Ncurses.endwin exit end def help_text <<-TEXT *** JsChat Help *** Commands start with a forward slash. Parameters in square brackets are optional. /name new_name - Change your name. Alias: /nick /names [room name] - List the people in a room. /join #room - Join a room. Alias: /j /switch #room - Speak in a different room. Alias: /s /part #room - Leave a room. Alias: /p /message person - Send a private message. Alias: /m /lastlog - Display the last 100 messages for a room. /quit - Quit JsChat *** End Help *** TEXT end def manage_commands(line) operand = strip_command line case line when %r{^/switch}, %r{^/s} @connection.switch_room operand when %r{^/names} @connection.send_names operand when %r{^/name}, %r{^/nick} @connection.send_change_name operand when %r{^/quit} quit when %r{^/join}, %r{^/j} @connection.send_join operand when %r{^/part}, %r{^/p} @connection.send_part operand when %r{^/lastlog} @connection.send_lastlog when %r{^/clear} @windows[:text].clear @windows[:text].refresh display_time when %r{^/message}, %r{^/m} if operand and operand.size > 0 message = operand.match(/([^ ]*)\s+(.*)/) if message @connection.send_private_message message[1], message[2] end end when %r{^/help} help_text.split("\n").each do |message| display_text message end when %r{^/} display_text '* Command not found. Try using /help' else @connection.send_message(line) end end def strip_command(line) matches = line.match(%r{/[a-zA-Z][^ ]*(.*)}) if matches matches[1].strip else line end end def connection=(connection) @connection = connection @tab_completion = end end include EM::Protocols::LineText2 def receive_line(data) data.split("\n").each do |line| json = JSON.parse(line.strip) # Execute the json protocol_response = @protocol.process_message json if protocol_response if protocol_response.kind_of? Array protocol_response.each do |response| @keyboard.show_message response.message, response.time end else @keyboard.show_message protocol_response.message, protocol_response.time end elsif json.has_key? 'notice' @keyboard.show_message "* #{json['notice']}" else @keyboard.show_message "* [SERVER] #{line}" end end rescue Exception => exception @keyboard.show_message "* [CLIENT ERROR] #{exception}" end def send_join(room) @current_room = room @keyboard.room_name = room @keyboard.display_room_name send_data({ 'join' => room }.to_json + "\n") end def switch_room(room) @current_room = room @keyboard.room_name = room @keyboard.display_room_name @keyboard.show_message "* Switched room to: #{room}" end def send_part(room = nil) room = @current_room if room.nil? send_data({ 'part' => room }.to_json + "\n") end def send_names(room = nil) room = @current_room if room.nil? or room.strip.empty? send_data({ 'names' => room }.to_json + "\n") end def send_lastlog(room = nil) room = @current_room if room.nil? or room.strip.empty? send_data({ 'lastlog' => room }.to_json + "\n") end def send_message(line) send_data({ 'to' => @current_room, 'send' => line }.to_json + "\n") end def send_private_message(user, message) send_data({ 'to' => user, 'send' => message }.to_json + "\n") end def send_identify(username) send_data({ 'identify' => username }.to_json + "\n") end def send_change_name(username) if @protocol.identified? send_data({ 'change' => 'user', 'user' => { 'name' => username } }.to_json + "\n") else send_identify username end end def unbind Ncurses.endwin Ncurses.clear puts "Disconnected from server" exit end def post_init # When connected @protocol = self send_identify ClientConfig[:name] end end do puts "Connecting to: #{ClientConfig[:ip]}" connection = EM.connect ClientConfig[:ip], ClientConfig[:port], JsClient EM.open_keyboard(JsClient::KeyboardInput) do |keyboard| keyboard.connection = connection keyboard.setup_screen connection.keyboard = keyboard end end