module SmarterCSV class HeaderSizeMismatch < Exception; end class IncorrectOption < Exception; end class DuplicateHeaders < Exception; end class MissingHeaders < Exception; end def SmarterCSV.process(input, options={}, &block) # first parameter: filename or input object with readline method default_options = {:col_sep => ',' , :row_sep => $/ , :quote_char => '"', :force_simple_split => false , :verbose => false , :remove_empty_values => true, :remove_zero_values => false , :remove_values_matching => nil , :remove_empty_hashes => true , :strip_whitespace => true, :convert_values_to_numeric => true, :strip_chars_from_headers => nil , :user_provided_headers => nil , :headers_in_file => true, :comment_regexp => /^#/, :chunk_size => nil , :key_mapping_hash => nil , :downcase_header => true, :strings_as_keys => false, :file_encoding => 'utf-8', :remove_unmapped_keys => false, :keep_original_headers => false, :value_converters => nil, :skip_lines => nil, :force_utf8 => false, :invalid_byte_sequence => '', :auto_row_sep_chars => 500, :required_headers => nil } options = default_options.merge(options) options[:invalid_byte_sequence] = '' if options[:invalid_byte_sequence].nil? csv_options ={|k,v| [:col_sep, :row_sep, :quote_char].include?(k)} # options.slice(:col_sep, :row_sep, :quote_char) headerA = [] result = [] old_row_sep = $/ file_line_count = 0 csv_line_count = 0 has_rails = !! defined?(Rails) begin f = input.respond_to?(:readline) ? input :, "r:#{options[:file_encoding]}") if (options[:force_utf8] || options[:file_encoding] =~ /utf-8/i) && ( f.respond_to?(:external_encoding) && f.external_encoding != Encoding.find('UTF-8') || f.respond_to?(:encoding) && f.encoding != Encoding.find('UTF-8') ) puts 'WARNING: you are trying to process UTF-8 input, but did not open the input with "b:utf-8" option. See README file "NOTES about File Encodings".' end if options[:row_sep] == :auto options[:row_sep] = line_ending = SmarterCSV.guess_line_ending( f, options ) f.rewind end $/ = options[:row_sep] if options[:skip_lines].to_i > 0 options[:skip_lines].to_i.times{f.readline} end if options[:headers_in_file] # extract the header line # process the header line in the CSV file.. # the first line of a CSV file contains the header .. it might be commented out, so we need to read it anyhow header = f.readline header = header.force_encoding('utf-8').encode('utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: options[:invalid_byte_sequence]) if options[:force_utf8] || options[:file_encoding] !~ /utf-8/i header = header.sub(options[:comment_regexp],'').chomp(options[:row_sep]) file_line_count += 1 csv_line_count += 1 header = header.gsub(options[:strip_chars_from_headers], '') if options[:strip_chars_from_headers] if (header =~ %r{#{options[:quote_char]}}) and (! options[:force_simple_split]) file_headerA = begin CSV.parse( header, csv_options ).flatten.collect!{|x| x.nil? ? '' : x} # to deal with nil values from CSV.parse rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError => e raise $!, "#{$!} [SmarterCSV: csv line #{csv_line_count}]", $!.backtrace end else file_headerA = header.split(options[:col_sep]) end!{|x| x.gsub(%r/#{options[:quote_char]}/,'') }!{|x| x.strip} if options[:strip_whitespace] unless options[:keep_original_headers]!{|x| x.gsub(/\s+|-+/,'_')}!{|x| x.downcase } if options[:downcase_header] end file_header_size = file_headerA.size else raise SmarterCSV::IncorrectOption , "ERROR: If :headers_in_file is set to false, you have to provide :user_provided_headers" if options[:user_provided_headers].nil? end if options[:user_provided_headers] && options[:user_provided_headers].class == Array && ! options[:user_provided_headers].empty? # use user-provided headers headerA = options[:user_provided_headers] if defined?(file_header_size) && ! file_header_size.nil? if headerA.size != file_header_size raise SmarterCSV::HeaderSizeMismatch , "ERROR: :user_provided_headers defines #{headerA.size} headers != CSV-file #{input} has #{file_header_size} headers" else # we could print out the mapping of file_headerA to headerA here end end else headerA = file_headerA end!{|x| x.to_sym } unless options[:strings_as_keys] || options[:keep_original_headers] unless options[:user_provided_headers] # wouldn't make sense to re-map user provided headers key_mappingH = options[:key_mapping] # do some key mapping on the keys in the file header # if you want to completely delete a key, then map it to nil or to '' if ! key_mappingH.nil? && key_mappingH.class == Hash && key_mappingH.keys.size > 0!{|x| key_mappingH.has_key?(x) ? (key_mappingH[x].nil? ? nil : key_mappingH[x].to_sym) : (options[:remove_unmapped_keys] ? nil : x)} end end # header_validations duplicate_headers = [] headerA.compact.each do |k| duplicate_headers << k if{|x| x == k}.size > 1 end raise SmarterCSV::DuplicateHeaders , "ERROR: duplicate headers: #{duplicate_headers.join(',')}" unless duplicate_headers.empty? if options[:required_headers] && options[:required_headers].is_a?(Array) missing_headers = [] options[:required_headers].each do |k| missing_headers << k unless headerA.include?(k) end raise SmarterCSV::MissingHeaders , "ERROR: missing headers: #{missing_headers.join(',')}" unless missing_headers.empty? end # in case we use chunking.. we'll need to set it up.. if ! options[:chunk_size].nil? && options[:chunk_size].to_i > 0 use_chunks = true chunk_size = options[:chunk_size].to_i chunk_count = 0 chunk = [] else use_chunks = false end # now on to processing all the rest of the lines in the CSV file: while ! f.eof? # we can't use f.readlines() here, because this would read the whole file into memory at once, and eof => true line = f.readline # read one line.. this uses the input_record_separator $/ which we set previously! # replace invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 with question mark to avoid errors line = line.force_encoding('utf-8').encode('utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: options[:invalid_byte_sequence]) if options[:force_utf8] || options[:file_encoding] !~ /utf-8/i file_line_count += 1 csv_line_count += 1 print "processing file line %10d, csv line %10d\r" % [file_line_count, csv_line_count] if options[:verbose] next if line =~ options[:comment_regexp] # ignore all comment lines if there are any # cater for the quoted csv data containing the row separator carriage return character # in which case the row data will be split across multiple lines (see the sample content in spec/fixtures/carriage_returns_rn.csv) # by detecting the existence of an uneven number of quote characters multiline = line.count(options[:quote_char])%2 == 1 while line.count(options[:quote_char])%2 == 1 next_line = f.readline next_line = next_line.force_encoding('utf-8').encode('utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: options[:invalid_byte_sequence]) if options[:force_utf8] || options[:file_encoding] !~ /utf-8/i line += next_line file_line_count += 1 end print "\nline contains uneven number of quote chars so including content through file line %d\n" % file_line_count if options[:verbose] && multiline line.chomp! # will use $/ which is set to options[:col_sep] if (line =~ %r{#{options[:quote_char]}}) and (! options[:force_simple_split]) dataA = begin CSV.parse( line, csv_options ).flatten.collect!{|x| x.nil? ? '' : x} # to deal with nil values from CSV.parse rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError => e raise $!, "#{$!} [SmarterCSV: csv line #{csv_line_count}]", $!.backtrace end else dataA = line.split(options[:col_sep]) end ####!{|x| x.gsub(%r/#{options[:quote_char]}/,'') } # this is actually not a good idea as a default!{|x| x.strip} if options[:strip_whitespace] hash =,dataA) # from Facets of Ruby library # make sure we delete any key/value pairs from the hash, which the user wanted to delete: # Note: Ruby < 1.9 doesn't allow empty symbol literals! hash.delete(nil); hash.delete(''); if RUBY_VERSION.to_f > 1.8 eval('hash.delete(:"")') end # remove empty values using the same regexp as used by the rails blank? method # which caters for double \n and \r\n characters such as "1\r\n\r\n2" whereas the original check (v =~ /^\s*$/) does not if options[:remove_empty_values] if has_rails hash.delete_if{|k,v| v.blank?} else hash.delete_if{|k,v| v.nil? || v !~ /[^[:space:]]/} end end hash.delete_if{|k,v| ! v.nil? && v =~ /^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$/ && v.to_f == 0} if options[:remove_zero_values] # values are typically Strings! hash.delete_if{|k,v| v =~ options[:remove_values_matching]} if options[:remove_values_matching] if options[:convert_values_to_numeric] hash.each do |k,v| # deal with the :only / :except options to :convert_values_to_numeric next if SmarterCSV.only_or_except_limit_execution( options, :convert_values_to_numeric , k ) # convert if it's a numeric value: case v when /^[+-]?\d+\.\d+$/ hash[k] = v.to_f when /^[+-]?\d+$/ hash[k] = v.to_i end end end if options[:value_converters] hash.each do |k,v| converter = options[:value_converters][k] next unless converter hash[k] = converter.convert(v) end end next if hash.empty? if options[:remove_empty_hashes] if use_chunks chunk << hash # append temp result to chunk if chunk.size >= chunk_size || f.eof? # if chunk if full, or EOF reached # do something with the chunk if block_given? yield chunk # do something with the hashes in the chunk in the block else result << chunk # not sure yet, why anybody would want to do this without a block end chunk_count += 1 chunk = [] # initialize for next chunk of data else # the last chunk may contain partial data, which also needs to be returned (BUG / ISSUE-18) end # while a chunk is being filled up we don't need to do anything else here else # no chunk handling if block_given? yield [hash] # do something with the hash in the block (better to use chunking here) else result << hash end end end # print new line to retain last processing line message print "\n" if options[:verbose] # last chunk: if ! chunk.nil? && chunk.size > 0 # do something with the chunk if block_given? yield chunk # do something with the hashes in the chunk in the block else result << chunk # not sure yet, why anybody would want to do this without a block end chunk_count += 1 chunk = [] # initialize for next chunk of data end ensure $/ = old_row_sep # make sure this stupid global variable is always reset to it's previous value after we're done! f.close end if block_given? return chunk_count # when we do processing through a block we only care how many chunks we processed else return result # returns either an Array of Hashes, or an Array of Arrays of Hashes (if in chunked mode) end end private # acts as a road-block to limit processing when iterating over all k/v pairs of a CSV-hash: def self.only_or_except_limit_execution( options, option_name, key ) if options[option_name].is_a?(Hash) if options[option_name].has_key?( :except ) return true if Array( options[ option_name ][:except] ).include?(key) elsif options[ option_name ].has_key?(:only) return true unless Array( options[ option_name ][:only] ).include?(key) end end return false end # limitation: this currently reads the whole file in before making a decision def self.guess_line_ending( filehandle, options ) counts = {"\n" => 0 , "\r" => 0, "\r\n" => 0} quoted_char = false # count how many of the pre-defined line-endings we find # ignoring those contained within quote characters last_char = nil lines = 0 filehandle.each_char do |c| quoted_char = !quoted_char if c == options[:quote_char] next if quoted_char if last_char == "\r" if c == "\n" counts["\r\n"] += 1 else counts["\r"] += 1 # \r are counted after they appeared, we might end elsif c == "\n" counts["\n"] += 1 end last_char = c lines += 1 break if options[:auto_row_sep_chars] && options[:auto_row_sep_chars] > 0 && lines >= options[:auto_row_sep_chars] end counts["\r"] += 1 if last_char == "\r" # find the key/value pair with the largest counter: k,_ = counts.max_by{|_,v| v} return k # the most frequent one is it end end