module Wechat::Handler::Concerns::Dispatcher extend ActiveSupport::Concern self.included do |includer| skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token def create signature = params[:signature] timestamp = params[:timestamp] nonce = params[:nonce] encrypt_type = params[:encrypt_type] # aes message_signature = params[:msg_signature] xml_text = nil replying_encryption = 'raw' request_body = Rails.logger.warn ' >> The request.body is as the following:' Rails.logger.warn request_body if encrypt_type.blank? || 'raw'==encrypt_type xml_text = request_body elsif 'aes'==encrypt_type replying_encryption = 'aes' render text: 'sign_error' and return unless check_signature(signature, nonce, timestamp) encoded_message = ::Wechat::Callback::XmlDocument.load(request_body)['Encrypt'] "The encoded_message is #{encoded_message.inspect}." render text: 'msg_sign_error' and return unless check_message_signature(message_signature, encoded_message, nonce, timestamp) message = ::Wechat::Callback::MessageDecryption.create encoded_message, Rails.application.secrets.wechat_encoding_aes_keys random_bytes, xml_size, xml_text, app_id, padding_bytes = ::Wechat::Callback::SecureMessage.load message Rails.logger.warn " >> Wechat Callback >> Message Controller >> App ID of the Secure Message = #{app_id}." Rails.logger.warn ' >> Wechat Callback >> Message Controller >> XML Text of the Secure Message =' Rails.logger.warn xml_text render text: 'app_id_error' and return unless check_app_id(app_id) else render text: "Encrypt type #{encrypt_type} is not suppored" return end pairs = ::Wechat::Callback::XmlDocument.load xml_text replying_pairs = { 'ToUserName' => pairs['FromUserName'], 'FromUserName' => pairs['ToUserName'], 'CreateTime' => } if respond_to? :on_event replied_pairs = on_event pairs replying_pairs = replying_pairs.merge! replied_pairs else Rails.logger.warn "The #{includer} does not have the #on_event method." end #replying_pairs = { # 'ToUserName' => pairs['FromUserName'], # 'FromUserName' => pairs['ToUserName'], # 'CreateTime' =>, # 'MsgType' => 'text', # 'Content' => '是紫色的。' # } replying_xml_text = ::Wechat::Callback::XmlDocument.create replying_pairs if 'aes'==replying_encryption random_bytes = ::Wechat::Callback::RandomByteArray.create 16 plain_text = ::Wechat::Callback::SecureMessage.create random_bytes, replying_xml_text, wechat_app_id encrypted = ::Wechat::Callback::MessageEncryption.create plain_text, wechat_encoding_aes_keys replying_singature = ::Wechat::Callback::Signature.create wechat_token, timestamp, nonce, encrypted encrypted_replying_pairs = { 'Encrypt' => encrypted, 'MsgSignature' => replying_singature, 'TimeStamp' => timestamp, 'Nonce' => nonce } replying_xml_text = ::Wechat::Callback::XmlDocument.create encrypted_replying_pairs # debugging debugging_pairs = ::Wechat::Callback::XmlDocument.load replying_xml_text Rails.logger.warn ' >> Wechat Callback >> Message Controller >> Debugging Pairs =' Rails.logger.warn debugging_pairs.inspect debugging_encrypted_message = debugging_pairs['Encrypt'] debugging_decrypted_message = ::Wechat::Callback::MessageDecryption.create debugging_encrypted_message, wechat_encoding_aes_keys Rails.logger.warn ' >> Wechat Callback >> Message Controller >> Debugging Decrypted Message =' Rails.logger.warn debugging_decrypted_message debugging_random_bytes, debugging_xml_size, debugging_xml_text, debugging_app_id, debugging_padding_bytes = ::Wechat::Callback::SecureMessage.load debugging_decrypted_message Rails.logger.warn " >> Wechat Callback >> Message Controller >> Debugging App ID of the Secure Message = #{debugging_app_id}." Rails.logger.warn ' >> Wechat Callback >> Message Controller >> Debugging XML Text of the Secure Message =' Rails.logger.warn debugging_xml_text end Rails.logger.warn ' >> The Replying XML Text is as the following:' Rails.logger.warn replying_xml_text render status: 200, xml: replying_xml_text end def check_parameter(name, value) if value.blank? Rails.logger.warn "The #{name} parameter is blank. Failed to validate URL by Wechat." render text: '' end value.present? end def check_signature(signature, nonce, timestamp) actual = ::Wechat::Callback::Signature.create wechat_token, timestamp, nonce matched = signature==actual Rails.logger.warn "Actual signature is #{actual}, which does not equal to the given signature #{signature}." unless matched matched end def check_message_signature(message_signature, encoded_message, nonce, timestamp) actual = ::Wechat::Callback::MessageSignature.create encoded_message, wechat_token, timestamp, nonce matched = message_signature==actual Rails.logger.warn "Actual message signature is #{actual}, which does not equal to the given message signature #{message_signature}." unless matched matched end def check_app_id(app_id) matched = wechat_app_id==app_id Rails.logger.warn "Actual App ID is #{wechat_app_id}, which does not equal to the given App ID #{app_id}." unless matched matched end def wechat_token @token = @token||Rails.application.secrets.wechat_validation_token Rails.logger.warn 'Please configure "wechat_validation_token" in the /config/secrets.yml file. Failed to validate URL by Wechat.' if @token.blank? @token end def wechat_app_id @app_id = @app_id||Rails.application.secrets.wechat_app_id Rails.logger.warn 'Please configure "wechat_app_id" in the /config/secrets.yml file. Failed to validate URL by Wechat.' if @app_id.blank? @app_id end def wechat_encoding_aes_keys @encoding_aes_keys = @encoding_aes_keys||Rails.application.secrets.wechat_encoding_aes_keys Rails.logger.warn 'Please configure "encoding_aes_keys" in the /config/secrets.yml file. Failed to validate URL by Wechat.' if @encoding_aes_keys.blank? @encoding_aes_keys end private :check_parameter, :check_signature, :wechat_token end end