module ForemanTasks # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength module ForemanTasksHelper def recurring_logic_state(recurring_logic) icon, status = case recurring_logic.state when 'active' 'glyphicon-info-sign' when 'disabled' 'glyphicon glyphicon-pause' when 'finished' ['glyphicon-ok-sign', 'status-ok'] when 'cancelled' ['glyphicon-warning-sign', 'status-error'] else 'glyphicon-question-sign' end content_tag(:i, ' '.html_safe, :class => "glyphicon #{icon}") + content_tag(:span, recurring_logic.humanized_state, :class => status) end def troubleshooting_info return if @task.state != 'paused' || @task.main_action.nil? helper = ret = '
' ret += '%{help}
' % { help: helper.generate_html } ret.html_safe end def task_result_icon_class(task) return 'task-status pficon-help' if task.state != 'stopped' icon_class = case task.result when 'success' 'pficon-ok' when 'error' 'pficon-error-circle-o' when 'warning' 'pficon-ok status-warn' else 'pficon-help' end "task-status #{icon_class}" end def time_in_words_span(time) if time.nil? _('N/A') else content_tag :span, (time > ? _('in %s') : _('%s ago')) % time_ago_in_words(time), :'data-original-title' => time.try(:in_time_zone), :rel => 'twipsy' end end def duration_in_words_span(start, finish) if start.nil? _('N/A') else content_tag :span, distance_of_time_in_words(start, finish), :'data-original-title' => number_with_delimiter((finish - start).to_i) + _(' seconds'), :rel => 'twipsy' end end def recurring_logic_action_buttons(recurring_logic) buttons = [] if authorized_for(:permission => :edit_recurring_logics, :auth_object => recurring_logic) buttons << link_to(N_('Enable'), enable_foreman_tasks_recurring_logic_path(recurring_logic), :method => :put, :class => '') if !recurring_logic.done? && recurring_logic.disabled? buttons << link_to(N_('Disable'), disable_foreman_tasks_recurring_logic_path(recurring_logic), :method => :put, :class => '') if !recurring_logic.done? && recurring_logic.enabled? buttons << link_to(N_('Cancel'), cancel_foreman_tasks_recurring_logic_path(recurring_logic), :method => :post, :class => '') unless recurring_logic.done? end action_buttons buttons end def recurring_logic_next_occurrence(recurring_logic) default = '-' return default if recurring_logic.done? || recurring_logic.disabled? last_task = recurring_logic.tasks.order(:start_at).last last_task ? last_task.start_at : default end def time_f(f, attr, field_options = {}, time_options = {}, html_options = {}) f.fields_for attr do |fields| field(fields, attr, field_options) do fields.time_select attr, time_options, html_options end end end def date_f(f, attr, field_options = {}, date_options = {}, html_options = {}) f.fields_for attr do |fields| field(fields, attr, field_options) do fields.date_select attr, date_options, html_options end end end def datetime_f(f, attr, field_options = {}, datetime_options = {}, html_options = {}) f.fields_for attr do |fields| field(fields, attr, field_options) do [ content_tag(:span, nil, :class => 'date', :style => 'white-space: nowrap;') do fields.date_select(attr, datetime_options, html_options) end, ' — ', content_tag(:span, nil, :class => 'time', :style => 'white-space: nowrap;') do fields.time_select(attr, datetime_options.merge(:ignore_date => true), html_options) end ].join end end end def inline_checkboxes_f(f, attr, field_options = {}, checkboxes = {}, options = {}) field(f, attr, field_options) do do |key, name| [f.check_box(key, options), " #{name} "] end.flatten.join('') end end def trigger_selector(f, triggering =, _options = {}) render :partial => 'common/trigger_form', :locals => { :f => f, :triggering => triggering } end def task_breadcrumb_item(task, active = false) item = { :caption => format_task_input(task) } item[:url] = url_for(foreman_tasks_task_path( unless active item end def index_breadcrumb_item item = { :caption => _('Tasks') } item[:url] = foreman_tasks_tasks_url if action_name != 'index' item end def breadcrumb_items items = [index_breadcrumb_item] return items if action_name == 'index' items << task_breadcrumb_item(@task, action_name == 'show') items << { :caption => _('Sub tasks') } if action_name == 'sub_tasks' items end private def future_mode_fieldset(f, triggering) tags = [] tags << text_f(f, :start_at_raw, :label => _('Start at'), :placeholder => 'YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM') tags << text_f(f, :start_before_raw, :label => _('Start before'), :placeholder => 'YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM', :label_help => _('Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.')) content_tag(:fieldset, nil, :id => 'trigger_mode_future', :class => "trigger_mode_form #{'hidden' unless triggering.future?}") do tags.join.html_safe end end def recurring_mode_fieldset(f, triggering) tags = [] tags << selectable_f(f, :input_type, %w[cronline monthly weekly daily hourly], {}, :label => _('Repeats'), :id => 'input_type_selector') tags += [ cronline_fieldset(f, triggering), monthly_fieldset(f, triggering), weekly_fieldset(f, triggering), time_picker_fieldset(f, triggering) ] content_tag(:fieldset, nil, :id => 'trigger_mode_recurring', :class => "trigger_mode_form #{'hidden' unless triggering.recurring?}") do tags.join.html_safe end end def cronline_fieldset(f, triggering) options = [ # TRANSLATORS: this translation is referring to an option which is a time interval _('is minute (range: 0-59)'), # TRANSLATORS: this translation is referring to an option which is a time interval _('is hour (range: 0-23)'), # TRANSLATORS: this translation is referring to an option which is a time interval _('is day of month (range: 1-31)'), # TRANSLATORS: this translation is referring to an option which is a time interval _('is month (range: 1-12)'), # TRANSLATORS: this translation is referring to an option which is a time interval _('is day of week (range: 0-6)') ].map { |opt| content_tag(:li, opt) }.join help = _("Cron line format 'a b c d e', where: %s") % "