# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'spec_helper' describe City, type: :model do it 'should create a city' do expect { City.make! }.not_to raise_error end it 'should accept some params and utf8' do city = City.create(name: 'Patópolis', slug: 'patopolis', souls: 100_000) expect(city).to be_valid end it 'should create it\'s own slug' do city = City.create(name: 'Patópolis', souls: 100_000) expect(city.slug).to eq('patopolis') end it 'should avoid dots it\'s own slug' do expect(City.create(name: 'Mte. Sto. de MG').slug).to eq('mte-sto-de-mg') end it 'should append region abbr if it\'s a dup' do sp = Region.make(abbr: 'SP') mg = Region.make(abbr: 'MG') city1 = City.create(name: 'Patópolis', souls: 100_000, region: sp) expect(city1.slug).to eq('patopolis') city2 = City.create(name: 'Patópolis', souls: 100_000, region: mg) expect(city2.slug).to eq('patopolis-mg') end it 'should accept area phone code modified regex' do expect(City.make(phone: '3555XXXX')).to be_valid end it 'should accept area postal code modified regex' do expect(City.make(postal: '15123XXX')).to be_valid end it 'should be searchable' do city = City.make!(name: 'São Paulo') expect(City.search('sao paulo').first).to eq(city) end it 'should print nicely in #to_s' do city = City.make(name: 'Ibitim', region: Region.make(abbr: 'MG')) expect(city.to_s).to eq('Ibitim/MG') end it 'should print nicely in #to_s' do region = Region.make(name: 'Acre', abbr: nil) city = City.make(name: 'Ibitim', region: region) expect(city.to_s).to eq('Ibitim/Acre') end it 'should print nicely in #with_region' do region = Region.make(name: 'Acre', abbr: 'AC') city = City.make(name: 'Ibitim', region: region) expect(city.to_s).to eq('Ibitim/AC') end it 'should print nicely #with_nation' do nation = Nation.make(abbr: 'BR') region = Region.make(abbr: 'MG', nation: nation) city = City.make(name: 'Ibitim', region: region, nation: nation) expect(city.with_nation).to eq('Ibitim/MG/BR') end describe 'instance' do let(:nation) { Nation.make! } let(:city) { City.make! } it 'should belongs to nation' do city.nation = nation expect(city.save).to be_truthy end it 'should belongs to region' do city.nation = nation expect(city.save).to be_truthy end end describe 'geoenabled' do before do City.create_indexes end it 'should find closest one' do city = City.make! expect(City.nearby(city.geom).first).to eql(city) end end describe 'validations' do it 'should have a name' do expect(City.new(name: '')).not_to be_valid end end describe 'sorting' do let(:cities) do [City.make!(name: 'Abadia', souls: 500), City.make!(name: 'Xangrilá', souls: 5000)] end it 'should sort by name' do expect(City.ordered).to eq cities end it 'should sort by pop' do expect(City.population).to eq cities.reverse end end end # it { should have_indices :name, :geom, :area, [:region_id, :nation_id] } # it 'should accept an area' do # @city = City.make(:area => Polygon.from_coordinates([ # [[0,0],[4,0],[4,4],[0,4],[0,0]],[[1,1],[3,1],[3,3],[1,3],[1,1]]])) # @city.area.should be_instance_of(Polygon) # end # describe 'some helpers' do # it 'should have some nice x y z' do # @city = City.make # @city.should respond_to(:x,:y,:z) # end # end # describe 'Find by proximity' do # def pt(x,y); Point.from_x_y(x,y); end # before(:each) do # @perto = City.make!(:geom => pt(10,10)) # @medio = City.make!(:geom => pt(20,20)) # @longe = City.make!(:geom => pt(30,30)) # @ponto = pt(12,12) # end # it 'should find the closest city' do # @city = City.close_to(@ponto).first # @city.should eql(@perto) # end # it 'should find the closest city to make sure' do # ponto = pt(22,22) # @city = City.close_to(ponto).first # @city.should eql(@medio) # end # it 'should find the closest' do # @poi = City.close_to(@ponto).first(2) # @poi.should eql([@perto,@medio]) # end # end