require "spec_helper" module Redistat describe Synchronize do let(:klass) { Synchronize } describe '.included' do it 'includes InstanceMethods in passed object' do base = mock('Base') base.should_receive(:include).with(klass::InstanceMethods) klass.included(base) end end # included describe '.monitor' do it 'returns a Monitor instance' do klass.monitor.should be_a(Monitor) end it 'caches Monitor instance' do klass.monitor.object_id.should == klass.monitor.object_id end end # monitor describe '.thread_safe' do after { klass.instance_variable_set('@thread_safe', nil) } it 'returns value of @thread_safe' do klass.instance_variable_set('@thread_safe', true) klass.thread_safe.should be_true end it 'defaults to false' do klass.thread_safe.should be_false end it 'uses #synchronize' do klass.monitor.should_receive(:synchronize).once klass.thread_safe.should be_nil end end # thread_safe describe '.thread_safe=' do after { klass.instance_variable_set('@thread_safe', nil) } it 'sets @thread_safe' do klass.instance_variable_get('@thread_safe').should be_nil klass.thread_safe = true klass.instance_variable_get('@thread_safe').should be_true end it 'uses #synchronize' do klass.monitor.should_receive(:synchronize).once klass.thread_safe = true klass.instance_variable_get('@thread_safe').should be_nil end end # thread_safe= describe "InstanceMethods" do subject { } describe '.monitor' do it 'defers to Redistat::Synchronize' do klass.should_receive(:monitor).once subject.monitor end end # monitor describe '.thread_safe' do it ' defers to Redistat::Synchronize' do klass.should_receive(:thread_safe).once subject.thread_safe end end # thread_safe describe '.thread_safe=' do it 'defers to Redistat::Synchronize' do klass.should_receive(:thread_safe=).once.with(true) subject.thread_safe = true end end # thread_safe= describe 'when #thread_safe is true' do before { subject.stub(:thread_safe).and_return(true) } describe '.synchronize' do it 'defers to #monitor' do subject.monitor.should_receive(:synchronize).once subject.synchronize { 'foo' } end it 'passes block along to #monitor.synchronize' do yielded = false subject.synchronize { yielded = true } yielded.should be_true end end # synchronize end # when #thread_safe is true describe 'when #thread_safe is false' do before { subject.stub(:thread_safe).and_return(false) } describe '.synchronize' do it 'does not defer to #monitor' do subject.monitor.should_not_receive(:synchronize) subject.synchronize { 'foo' } end it 'yields block' do yielded = false subject.synchronize { yielded = true } yielded.should be_true end end # synchronize end # when #thread_safe is false end end # Synchronize end # Redistat class SynchronizeSpecHelper include Redistat::Synchronize end