module Yoti # Handles all the publicly accesible Yoti methods for # geting data using an encrypted connect token module Client # Performs all the steps required to get the decrypted profile from an API request # @param encrypted_connect_token [String] token provided as a base 64 string # @return [Object] an ActivityDetails instance encapsulating the user profile def self.get_activity_details(encrypted_connect_token) receipt = encrypted_data = Protobuf.current_user(receipt) return if encrypted_data.nil? unwrapped_key = Yoti::SSL.decrypt_token(receipt['wrapped_receipt_key']) decrypted_data = Yoti::SSL.decipher(unwrapped_key, encrypted_data.iv, encrypted_data.cipher_text) decrypted_profile = Protobuf.attribute_list(decrypted_data), decrypted_profile) end end end