module IE6Fixer module Helpers # See the README.txt for an explanation for all helpers. FIXED = "ie6_fixer/fixed.js" FIXED_ACTIVE = "ie6_fixer/fixed_active.js" FIXED_BACKGROUND = "body {background:url(/javascripts/ie6_fixer/foo) fixed;}\n" WARNING = "ie6_fixer/warning/warning.js" def ie_fixer *args, &block # => A block that is only visible to IE6, IE7 and IE8. versions = "6-8" || { |arg| arg.to_s.gsub("ie", "") } if request.user_agent[/msie\s+[#{versions}]\.\d+/i].present? set_fixes(&block) end nil end # USE: # <% ie_fixer do %> # Only IE6, IE7 and IE8 see this! # <% end %> def ie6_fixer &block # => A block that is only visibly to IE6. if request.user_agent[/msie\s+6\.\d+/i].present? set_fixes(&block) end nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # Only IE6 sees this! # <% end %> def png_fix *args # => Fixes transparent PNG's with CSS3 PIE. args.each do |arg| @styles.push("#{arg} {-pie-png-fix: true; behavior: url(/javascripts/ie6_fixer/;}") end nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= png_fix "#id_name", ".class_name", "#content img" %> # <% end %> def css3_fix *args # => Fixes some of the CSS3 functions with args.each do |arg| @styles.push("#{arg} {behavior: url(/javascripts/ie6_fixer/;}\n") end nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= css3_fix "#content", ".footer" %> # <% end %> def fixed_fix *args # => Allows you to easily use 'position:fixed'. Won't work in combination with css3_fix! options = args.extract_options! @script_sources.push(FIXED) unless @script_sources.include?(FIXED) @styles.push(FIXED_BACKGROUND) unless @styles.include?(FIXED_BACKGROUND) options.each_key do |key| top = "" left = "" top = "top:expression(fixedIE('Top',#{options[key][:top]},this));" if options[key][:top].present? top = "top:expression(fixedIE('Bottom',#{options[key][:bottom]},this));" if options[key][:bottom].present? left = "left:expression(fixedIE('Left',#{options[key][:left]},this));" if options[key][:left].present? left = "left:expression(fixedIE('Right',#{options[key][:right]},this));" if options[key][:right].present? @styles.push("#{key} {position:absolute; #{top} #{left} }\n") end nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= fixed_fix "#header" => { :top => 10, :left => 20 }, ".footer" => { :bottom => 100, :right => 30 } %> # <% end %> def fixed_fix_active # => Another 'position:fixed' fix. Loads a Javascript file that runs the whole time. @script_sources.push(FIXED_ACTIVE) unless @script_sources.include?(FIXED_ACTIVE) nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= fixed_fix_active %> # <% end %> def max_fix *args # => Allows you to easily use max-width and max-height. options = args.extract_options! options.each_key do |key| width = "" height = "" width = "width: expression(document.body.clientWidth > #{options[key][:width].to_i} ? '#{options[key][:width]}px' : 'auto');" if options[key][:width].present? height = "height: expression(this.scrollHeight > #{options[key][:height].to_i} ? '#{options[key][:height]}px' : 'auto')" if options[key][:height].present? @styles.push("#{key} {#{width}#{height}}\n") end nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= max_fix "#container" => { :width => 500, :height => 300 }, "#content" => { :height => 500 } %> # <% end %> def min_fix *args # => Allows you to easily use min-width and min-height. options = args.extract_options! options.each_key do |key| width = "" height = "" width = "width: auto !important; width: #{options[key][:width]}px;" if options[key][:width].present? height = "height: auto !important; height: #{options[key][:height]}px;" if options[key][:height].present? @styles.push("#{key} {#{width}#{height}}\n") end nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= min_fix "#container" => { :width => 500, :height => 300 }, "#content" => { :height => 500 } %> # <% end %> def warn_ie6 *args # => A helper that shows the user a notification that he/she is using an outdated browser. options = args.extract_options! @script_sources.push(WARNING) unless @script_sources.include?(WARNING) options.each_key do |key| @scripts.push("\t#{key} = '#{options[key]}';\n") end @scripts.push("\twarn_ie6('/javascripts/ie6_fixer/warning/');\n") nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= warn_ie6, :msg1 => "You're using a shitty browser. Please upgrade." %> # <% end %> def kill_ie6 # => A helper that's just for fun: sets 'display: none' on the body tag. ;) @styles.push("body{display:none !important;}\n") nil end # USE: # <% ie6_fixer do %> # <%= kill_ie6 %> # <% end %> private def set_fixes &block @styles = [] @script_sources = [] @scripts = [] # Set the variables capture(&block) if @script_sources.present? concat javascript_include_tag(@script_sources, :cache => "ie6_fixer") concat "\n" end if @scripts.present? concat "\n".html_safe end if @styles.present? concat "\n".html_safe end yield end end end