# frozen_string_literal: true require "connection_pool" require "redis" require "uri" module Sidekiq class RedisConnection class << self def create(options = {}) options.keys.each do |key| options[key.to_sym] = options.delete(key) end options[:id] = "Sidekiq-#{Sidekiq.server? ? "server" : "client"}-PID-#{::Process.pid}" unless options.key?(:id) options[:url] ||= determine_redis_provider size = if options[:size] options[:size] elsif Sidekiq.server? # Give ourselves plenty of connections. pool is lazy # so we won't create them until we need them. Sidekiq.options[:concurrency] + 5 elsif ENV["RAILS_MAX_THREADS"] Integer(ENV["RAILS_MAX_THREADS"]) else 5 end verify_sizing(size, Sidekiq.options[:concurrency]) if Sidekiq.server? pool_timeout = options[:pool_timeout] || 1 log_info(options) ConnectionPool.new(timeout: pool_timeout, size: size) do build_client(options) end end private # Sidekiq needs a lot of concurrent Redis connections. # # We need a connection for each Processor. # We need a connection for Pro's real-time change listener # We need a connection to various features to call Redis every few seconds: # - the process heartbeat. # - enterprise's leader election # - enterprise's cron support def verify_sizing(size, concurrency) raise ArgumentError, "Your Redis connection pool is too small for Sidekiq to work. Your pool has #{size} connections but must have at least #{concurrency + 2}" if size < (concurrency + 2) end def build_client(options) namespace = options[:namespace] client = Redis.new client_opts(options) if namespace begin require "redis/namespace" Redis::Namespace.new(namespace, redis: client) rescue LoadError Sidekiq.logger.error("Your Redis configuration uses the namespace '#{namespace}' but the redis-namespace gem is not included in the Gemfile." \ "Add the gem to your Gemfile to continue using a namespace. Otherwise, remove the namespace parameter.") exit(-127) end else client end end def client_opts(options) opts = options.dup if opts[:namespace] opts.delete(:namespace) end if opts[:network_timeout] opts[:timeout] = opts[:network_timeout] opts.delete(:network_timeout) end opts[:driver] ||= Redis::Connection.drivers.last || "ruby" # Issue #3303, redis-rb will silently retry an operation. # This can lead to duplicate jobs if Sidekiq::Client's LPUSH # is performed twice but I believe this is much, much rarer # than the reconnect silently fixing a problem; we keep it # on by default. opts[:reconnect_attempts] ||= 1 opts end def log_info(options) # Don't log Redis AUTH password redacted = "REDACTED" scrubbed_options = options.dup if scrubbed_options[:url] && (uri = URI.parse(scrubbed_options[:url])) && uri.password uri.password = redacted scrubbed_options[:url] = uri.to_s end if scrubbed_options[:password] scrubbed_options[:password] = redacted end scrubbed_options[:sentinels]&.each do |sentinel| sentinel[:password] = redacted if sentinel[:password] end if Sidekiq.server? Sidekiq.logger.info("Booting Sidekiq #{Sidekiq::VERSION} with redis options #{scrubbed_options}") else Sidekiq.logger.debug("#{Sidekiq::NAME} client with redis options #{scrubbed_options}") end end def determine_redis_provider # If you have this in your environment: # MY_REDIS_URL=redis://hostname.example.com:1238/4 # then set: # REDIS_PROVIDER=MY_REDIS_URL # and Sidekiq will find your custom URL variable with no custom # initialization code at all. # p = ENV["REDIS_PROVIDER"] if p && p =~ /\:/ raise <<~EOM REDIS_PROVIDER should be set to the name of the variable which contains the Redis URL, not a URL itself. Platforms like Heroku will sell addons that publish a *_URL variable. You need to tell Sidekiq with REDIS_PROVIDER, e.g.: REDISTOGO_URL=redis://somehost.example.com:6379/4 REDIS_PROVIDER=REDISTOGO_URL EOM end ENV[ p || "REDIS_URL" ] end end end end