require "spec_helper" module Jekyll::AssetsPlugin module Patches describe SitePatch do let(:site) do Jekyll.configuration({ "source" => RSpecHelpers.fixtures_path.to_s, "dirname" => "foobar", "assets" => { "sources" => %w{ foobar _assets } } }) end context "#assets" do subject { site.assets } it { should be_a_kind_of Sprockets::Environment } context "#cache_path" do let(:source_path) { site.source } subject { site.assets.cache_path } it { should eq source_path.join(".jekyll-assets-cache") } end context "calling #asset_path within assets" do context "when requested file not found" do it "raises a NotFound error" do expect { site.assets["should_fail.css"] } .to raise_error Environment::AssetNotFound end end context "when requested file found" do it "should have proper asset path" do expect(site.assets["app.css"].to_s) .to match(%r{url\(/assets/noise-[a-f0-9]{32}\.png\)}) end end context "when passed a blank path" do it "should be blank" do expect(site.assets["should_be_blank.css"].to_s) .to match(/url\(\)/) end end end end context "#asset_path" do subject { site.asset_path "app.css" } context "with none cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :none } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app\.css$}) } end context "with soft cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :soft } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app\.css\?cb=[a-f0-9]{32}$}) } end context "with hard cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :hard } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app-[a-f0-9]{32}\.css$}) } end context "with unknown cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :wtf } it "should raise error" do expect { site.asset_path "app.css" }.to raise_error end end context "with query part in requested filename" do subject { site.asset_path "app.css?foo=bar" } context "and none cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :none } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app\.css\?foo=bar$}) } end context "and soft cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :soft } it { should match %r{^/assets/app\.css\?cb=[a-f0-9]{32}&foo=bar$} } end context "and hard cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :hard } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app-[a-f0-9]{32}\.css\?foo=bar$}) } end end context "with anchor part in requested filename" do subject { site.asset_path "app.css#foobar" } context "and none cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :none } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app\.css#foobar$}) } end context "and soft cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :soft } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app\.css\?cb=[a-f0-9]{32}#foobar$}) } end context "and hard cachebust" do before { site.assets_config.cachebust = :hard } it { should match(%r{^/assets/app-[a-f0-9]{32}\.css#foobar$}) } end end end context "#assets_config" do subject { site.assets_config } it { should be_an_instance_of Configuration } it "should been populated with `assets` section of config" do site.assets_config.dirname.should_not eq "foobar" site.assets_config.sources.should include "foobar" end end it "should regenerate assets upon multiple #process" do @site.assets_config.cachebust = :none 2.times { @site.process } @dest.join("assets", "app.css").exist?.should be_true end context "with cache" do def site{ "source" => fixtures_path.to_s, "assets" => { "cache" => true, "cachebust" => :none }, "destination" => @dest.to_s })) end after do site.assets.cache_path.rmtree if site.assets.cache_path.exist? end it "should regenerate static assets upon multiple #process" do 2.times { site.process } @dest.join("assets", "noise.png").exist?.should be_true end end context "#gzip" do subject { site.assets_config } it "should generate a static assets if gzip is enabled" do @site.assets_config.gzip = true @site.process @dest.join("assets", "app.css.gz").exist?.should be_true end it "should not generate a static assets if gzip is enabled" do @site.assets_config.gzip = false @site.process @dest.join("assets", "app.css.gz").exist?.should be_false end end it "should be included into Jekyll::Site" do Jekyll::Site.included_modules.should include SitePatch end end end end