29-02-2016 - Version 2.0.0.beta.5 - Fix: JavaScript unsubscribe was not updating publicly visible MessageBus.callbacks @sam - Fix: When MessageBus is talking to a readonly redis buffering may cause a infinite loop @tgxworld - Version 2.0.0.beta.4 - Feature: allow verbose redis logging by specifying `enable_redis_logger` in config, default disabled - Version 2.0.0.beta.3 - Feature: Postgresql backend @jeremyevans - Breaking Change: Configuration API changed see Readme for details @jeremyevans - Breaking Change: Remove runtime dependency on Redis @jeremyevans - Dev: Convert all specs to minitest @jeremyevans - Feature: Support passing channels to Rack middleware via env['message_bus.channels'] via @jeremyevans 03-01-2016 - Version 2.0.0.beta.2 - Fix: Remove stray console.log - Version 2.0.0.beta.1 - Feature: add support for chunked encoding transport, this significnatlly improves long polling performance - Feature: strip around_filters and client filters, which were speculative - Fix: Message delivery race condition when a message was published just as long poll started. Ben Langfeld - Feature: strip support for message_handlers, speculative feature that was not used 09-12-2015 - Version 1.1.1 - Fix: In multisite config there was no way to specify site for last_id or backlog to resolve overrides were added to #last_id and #backlog, MessageBus::Client now uses the new overrides 07-12-2015 - Version 1.1.0 - Fix: keep track of client sequence on server, abandon old subscribes - Fix: rare concurrency issue when subscribing concurrently - Fature: remove most jQuery dependency from message-bus.js 09-07-2015 - Version 1.0.16 - Fix: correct edge cases around keepalive checks on bus 09-07-2015 - Version 1.0.15 - Feature: MessageBus.reliable_pub_sub.max_backlog_age (in secs) configurable (default to 7 days) - Fix: API for MessageBus.backlog("/bla") was returning global backlog by mistake - Change: Max global backlog size reduced to 2000 elements 08-06-2015 - Version 1.0.14 - Fix: we can not use Thread#kill best keepalive can do is terminate process cleanly - Feature: you can opt-out of keepalive with MessageBus.keepalive_timeout = 0 08-06-2015 - Version 1.0.13 - Fix: on global subscribe reconnect replay missed messages - Feature: keepalive tests for global subscribe, catches hung redis connections 28-05-2015 - Version 1.0.12 - Feature: Support client_id targetted message 06-05-2015 - Version 1.0.11 - Fix: race condition in TimerThread 01-05-2015 - Version: 1.0.10 - Feature: no longer depends on EventMachine (only used for Thin backend) - Feature: realiable pub sub will queue messages in memory if redis is readonly, configurable - Fix: if redis is flushed we will continue to deliver messages 23-03-2015 - Version 1.0.9 - Fix: inherit off StandardError not Exception for all exceptions raised 20-03-2015 - Version 1.0.8 - Fix: aggressive short polling in background 16-03-2015 - Version 1.0.7 - Feature: added pause and resume methods 03-02-2015 - Version 1.0.6 - Fix: global backlog not truncating correctly 23-09-2014 - Version 1.0.5 - Fix: missing custom headers from long polls 23-09-2014 - Version 1.0.4 - Change: MessageBus.access_control_allow_origin_lookup to extra_response_headers_lookup 23-09-2014 - Version 1.0.3 - Change: MessageBus.access_control_allow_origin to MessageBus.access_control_allow_origin_lookup 23-09-2014 - Version 1.0.2 - Feature: MessageBus.access_control_allow_origin to control origin header 23-09-2014 - Version 1.0.1 - Feature: $.ajax dependency can be passed in. - Feature: unsubscribe accepts a second param for the function to unsubscribe. 22-09-2014 - Version 1.0.0 - Feature: add backgroundCallbackInterval - interval to send polls when page is in the background - Feature: issue a long poll as soon as page moves into the foreground 11-08-2014 - Version 0.9.5 - Fix: release db connection a lot earlier for long polling (rails defer closes) 13-01-2014 - Version 0.9.4 - Added support for /global/ channel to publish messages across a multisite - Cleaned up test harness so it uses local bus as opposed to global - Fix bug where we could subscribe to a channel but miss starting messages - Added method for destroying a local MessageBus instance - ensure_reactor could say the reactor is running, but it was not, on first call 06-12-2013 - Version - Fix permissions in gem 05-12-2013 - Version - Add MessageBus.diagnostics() for diagnosing bus issues client side - Add more robustness to JavaScript, if callbacks used to fail they would halt the chain 03-12-2013 - Version 0.9.3 - Remove thin dependency - Improve robustness under failure conditions 30-09-2013 - Fix failures in Ruby 1.9 - Set up rack hijack by default in light of passengers new setting