Feature: example name option Use the --example (or -e) option to filter the examples to be run by name. The argument is compiled to a Ruby Regexp, and matched against the full description of the example, which is the concatenation of descriptions of the group (including any nested groups) and the example. This allows you to run a single uniquely named example, all examples with similar names, all the example in a uniquely named group, etc, etc. Background: Given a file named "first_spec.rb" with: """ describe "first group" do it "first example in first group" do; end it "second example in first group" do; end end """ And a file named "second_spec.rb" with: """ describe "second group" do it "first example in second group" do; end it "second example in second group" do; end end """ And a file named "third_spec.rb" with: """ describe "third group" do it "first example in third group" do; end context "nested group" do it "first example in nested group" do; end it "second example in nested group" do; end end end """ And a file named "fourth_spec.rb" with: """ describe Array do describe "#length" do it "is the number of items" do Array.new([1,2,3]).length.should eq 3 end end end """ Scenario: no matches When I run "rspec . --example nothing_like_this" Then the output should contain "0 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: match on one word When I run "rspec . --example example" Then the output should contain "7 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: one match in each context When I run "rspec . --example 'first example'" Then the output should contain "4 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: one match in one file using just the example name When I run "rspec . --example 'first example in first group'" Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: one match in one file using the example name and the group name When I run "rspec . --example 'first group first example in first group'" Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: one match in one file using regexp When I run "rspec . --example 'first .* first example'" Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: all examples in one group When I run "rspec . --example 'first group'" Then the output should contain "2 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: one match in one file with group name When I run "rspec . --example 'second group first example'" Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: all examples in one group including examples in nested groups When I run "rspec . --example 'third group'" Then the output should contain "3 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: Object#method When I run "rspec . --example 'Array#length'" Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures"